贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the psychology of revolution >


the psychology of revolution-第19章

小说: the psychology of revolution 字数: 每页4000字

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pretended delegations of the sovereign people; we shall find

that; apart from a small number of simple souls who submitted to

the impulses of the leaders; the mass was almost entirely formed

of the bandits of whom I have been speaking。  To them were due

the innumerable murders of which the massacres of September and

the killing of the Princesse de Lamballe were merely typical。

They terrorised all the great Assemblies; from the Constituent

Assembly to the Convention; and for ten years they helped to

ravage France。  If by some miracle this army of criminals could

have been eliminated; the progress of the Revolution would have

been very different。  They stained it with blood from its dawn to

its decline。  Reason could do nothing with them but they could do

much against reason。



1。  General Characteristics of the Crowd。

Whatever their origin; revolutions do not produce their full

effects until they have penetrated the soul of the multitude。 

They therefore represent a consequence of the psychology of


Although I have studied collective psychology at length in

another volume; I must here recall its principal laws。

Man; as part of a multitude; is a very different being from the

same man as an isolated individual。  His conscious individuality

vanishes in the unconscious personality of the crowd。

Material contact is not absolutely necessary to produce in the

individual the mentality of the crowd。  Common passions and

sentiments; provoked by certain events; are often sufficient to

create it。

The collective mind; momentarily formed; represents a very

special kind of aggregate。  Its chief peculiarity is that it is

entirely dominated by unconscious elements; and is subject to a

peculiar collective logic。

Among the other characteristics of crowds; we must note their

infinite credulity and exaggerated sensibility; their short…

sightedness; and their incapacity to respond to the influences of

reason。  Affirmation; contagion; repetition; and prestige

constitute almost the only means of persuading them。  Reality and

experience have no effect upon them。  The multitude will admit

anything; nothing is impossible in the eyes of the crowd。

By reason of the extreme sensibility of crowds; their sentiments;

good or bad; are always exaggerated。  This exaggeration increases

still further in times of revolution。  The least excitement will

then lead the multitude to act with the utmost fury。  Their

credulity; so great even in the normal state; is still further

increased; the most improbable statements are accepted。  Arthur

Young relates that when he visited the springs near Clermont; at

the time of the French Revolution; his guide was stopped by the

people; who were persuaded that he had come by order of the Queen

to mine and blow up the town。  The most horrible tales concerning

the Royal Family were circulated; depicting it as a nest of

ghouls and vampires。

These various characteristics show that man in the crowd descends

to a very low degree in the scale of civilisation。  He becomes a

savage; with all a savage's faults and qualities; with all his

momentary violence; enthusiasm; and heroism。  In the intellectual

domain a crowd is always inferior to the isolated unit。  In the

moral and sentimental domain it may be his superior。  A crowd

will commit a crime as readily as an act of abnegation。

Personal characteristics vanish in the crowd; which exerts an

extraordinary influence upon the individuals which form it。  The

miser becomes generous; the sceptic a believer; the honest

man a criminal; the coward a hero。  Examples of such

transformations abounded during the great Revolution。

As part of a jury or a parliament; the collective man renders

verdicts or passes laws of which he would never have dreamed in

his isolated condition。

One of the most notable consequences of the influence of a

collectivity upon the individuals who compose it is the

unification of their sentiments and wills。  This psychological

unity confers a remarkable force upon crowds。

The formation of such a mental unity results chiefly from the

fact that in a crowd gestures and actions are extremely

contagious。  Acclamations of hatred; fury; or love are

immediately approved and repeated。

What is the origin of these common sentiments; this common will? 

They are propagated by contagion; but a point of departure is

necessary before this contagion can take effect。  Without a

leader the crowd is an amorphous entity incapable of action。

A knowledge of the laws relating to the psychology of crowds is

indispensable to the interpretation of the elements of our

Revolution; and to a comprehension of the conduct of

revolutionary assemblies; and the singular transformations of the

individuals who form part of them。  Pushed by the unconscious

forces of the collective soul; they more often than not say what

they did not intend; and vote what they would not have wished to


Although the laws of collective psychology have sometimes been

divined instinctively by superior statesmen; the majority of

Governments have not understood and do not understand

them。  It is because they do not understand them that so many of

them have fallen so easily。  When we see the facility with which

certain Governments were overthrown by an insignificant riotas

happened in the case of the monarchy of Louis…Philippethe

dangers of an ignorance of collective psychology are evident。 

The marshal in command of the troops in 1848; which were more

than sufficient to defend the king; certainly did not understand

that the moment he allowed the crowd to mingle with the troops

the latter; paralysed by suggestion and contagion; would cease to

do their duty。  Neither did he know that as the multitude is

extremely sensible to prestige it needs a great display of force

to impress it; and that such a display will at once suppress

hostile demonstrations。  He was equally ignorant of the fact that

all gatherings should be dispersed immediately。  All these things

have been taught by experience; but in 1848 these lessons had not

been grasped。  At the time of the great Revolution the psychology

of crowds was even less understood。

2。  How the Stability of the Racial Mind limits the Oscillations

of the Mind of the Crowd。

A people can in a sense be likened to a crowd。  It possesses

certain characteristics; but the oscillations of these

characteristics are limited by the soul or mind of the race。  The

mind of the race has a fixity unknown to the transitory mind of

the crowd。

When a people possesses an ancestral soul established by a long

past the soul of the crowd is always dominated thereby。

A people differs from a crowd also in that it is composed of a

collection of groups; each having different interests and

passions。  In a crowd properly so…calleda popular assembly; for

examplethere are unities which may belong to very different

social categories。

A people sometimes seems as mobile as a crowd; but we must not

forget that behind its mobility; its enthusiasms; its violence

and destructiveness; the extremely tenacious and conservative

instincts of the racial mind persist。  The history of the

Revolution and the century which has followed shows how the

conservative spirit finally overcomes the spirit of destruction。 

More than one system of government which the people has shattered

has been restored by the people。

It is not as easy to work upon the mind of the peoplethat is;

the mind of the raceas on the mind of a crowd。  The means of

action are indirect and slower (journals; conferences; speeches;

books; &c。)。  The elements of persuasion always come under the

headings already given: affirmation; repetition; prestige; and


Mental contagion may affect a whole people instantaneously

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