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the hands of the President; and in this case; was actually in my

hands; because; when I countermanded them; there was as yet no

Secretary of State。  Yet this case of Marbury and Madison is

continually cited by bench and bar; as if it were settled law;

without any animadversion on its being merely an _obiter_

dissertation of the Chief Justice。

        It may be impracticable to lay down any general formula of

words which shall decide at once; and with precision; in every case;

this limit of jurisdiction。  But there are two canons which will

guide us safely in most of the cases。  1st。 The capital and leading

object of the constitution was to leave with the States all

authorities which respected their own citizens only; and to transfer

to the United States those which respected citizens of foreign or

other States: to make us several as to ourselves; but one as to all

others。  In the latter case; then; constructions should lean to the

general jurisdiction; if the words will bear it; and in favor of the

States in the former; if possible to be so construed。  And indeed;

between citizens and citizens of the same State; and under their own

laws; I know but a single case in which a jurisdiction is given to

the General Government。  That is; where anything but gold or silver

is made a lawful tender; or the obligation of contracts is any

otherwise impaired。  The separate legislatures had so often abused

that power; that the citizens themselves chose to trust it to the

general; rather than to their own special authorities。  2d。 On every

question of construction; carry ourselves back to the time when the

constitution was adopted; recollect the spirit manifested in the

debates; and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of

the text; or invented against it; conform to the probable one in

which it was passed。  Let us try Cohen's case by these canons only;

referring always; however; for full argument; to the essays before


        1。 It was between a citizen and his own State; and under a law

of his State。  It was a domestic case; therefore; and not a foreign


        2。 Can it be believed; that under the jealousies prevailing

against the General Government; at the adoption of the constitution;

the States meant to surrender the authority of preserving order; of

enforcing moral duties and restraining vice; within their own

territory?  And this is the present case; that of Cohen being under

the ancient and general law of gaming。  Can any good be effected by

taking from the States the moral rule of their citizens; and

subordinating it to the general authority; or to one of their

corporations; which may justify forcing the meaning of words; hunting

after possible constructions; and hanging inference on inference;

from heaven to earth; like Jacob's ladder?  Such an intention was

impossible; and such a licentiousness of construction and inference;

if exercised by both governments; as may be done with equal right;

would equally authorize both to claim all power; general and

particular; and break up the foundations of the Union。  Laws are made

for men of ordinary understanding; and should; therefore; be

construed by the ordinary rules of common sense。  Their meaning is

not to be sought for in metaphysical subtleties; which may make

anything mean everything or nothing; at pleasure。  It should be left

to the sophisms of advocates; whose trade it is; to prove that a

defendant is a plaintiff; though dragged into court; _torto collo_;

like Bonaparte's volunteers; into the field in chains; or that a

power has been given; because it ought to have been given; _et alia

talia_。  The States supposed that by their tenth amendment; they had

secured themselves against constructive powers。  They were not

lessoned yet by Cohen's case; nor aware of the slipperiness of the

eels of the law。  I ask for no straining of words against the General

Government; nor yet against the States。  I believe the States can

best govern our home concerns; and the General Government our foreign

ones。  I wish; therefore; to see maintained that wholesome

distribution of powers established by the constitution for the

limitation of both; and never to see all offices transferred to

Washington; where; further withdrawn from the eyes of the people;

they may more secretly be bought and sold as at market。

        But the Chief Justice says; 〃there must be an ultimate arbiter

somewhere。〃 True; there must; but does that prove it is either party?

The ultimate arbiter is the people of the Union; assembled by their

deputies in convention; at the call of Congress; or of two…thirds of

the States。  Let them decide to which they mean to give an authority

claimed by two of their organs。  And it has been the peculiar wisdom

and felicity of our constitution; to have provided this peaceable

appeal; where that of other nations is at once to force。

        I rejoice in the example you set of _seriatim_ opinions。  I

have heard it often noticed; and always with high approbation。  Some

of your brethren will be encouraged to follow it occasionally; and in

time; it may be felt by all as a duty; and the sound practice of the

primitive court be again restored。  Why should not every judge be

asked his opinion; and give it from the bench; if only by yea or nay?

Besides ascertaining the fact of his opinion; which the public have a

right to know; in order to judge whether it is impeachable or not; it

would show whether the opinions were unanimous or not; and thus

settle more exactly the weight of their authority。

        The close of my second sheet warns me that it is time now to

relieve you from this letter of unmerciful length。  Indeed; I wonder

how I have accomplished it; with two crippled wrists; the one

scarcely able to move my pen; the other to hold my paper。  But I am

hurried sometimes beyond the sense of pain; when unbosoming myself to

friends who harmonize with me in principle。  You and I may differ

occasionally in details of minor consequence; as no two minds; more

than two faces; are the same in every feature。  But our general

objects are the same; to preserve the republican form and principles

of our constitution and cleave to the salutary distribution of powers

which that has established。  These are the two sheet anchors of our

Union。  If driven from either; we shall be in danger of foundering。

To my prayers for its safety and perpetuity; I add those for the

continuation of your health; happiness; and usefulness to your



        _To John Adams_

        _Monticello; Sep。 4; 1823_

        DEAR SIR;  Your letter of Aug。 15。 was recieved in due time;

and with the welcome of every thing which comes from you。  With it's

opinions on the difficulties of revolutions; from despotism to

freedom; I very much concur。  The generation which commences a

revolution can rarely compleat it。  Habituated from their infancy to

passive submission of body and mind to their kings and priests; they

are not qualified; when called on; to think and provide for

themselves and their inexperience; their ignorance and bigotry make

them instruments often; in the hands of the Bonapartes and Iturbides

to defeat their own rights and purposes。  This is the present

situation of Europe and Spanish America。  But it is not desperate。

The light which has been shed on mankind by the art of printing has

eminently changed the condition of the world。  As yet that light has

dawned on the midling classes only of the men of Europe。  The kings

and the rabble of equal ignorance; have not yet recieved it's rays;

but it continues to spread。  And; while printing is preserved; it can

no more recede than the sun return on his course。  A first attempt to

recover the right of self…government may fail; so may a 2d。 a 3d。

etc。; but as a younger; and more instructed race comes on; the


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