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himself!  When no longer; like Caesar's notes and memorandums in the

hands of Anthony; it shall be open to the high priests of federalism

only; and garbled to say so much; and no more; as suits their views!

        With respect to his farewell address; to the authorship of

which; it seems; there are conflicting claims; I can state to you

some facts。  He had determined to decline re…election at the end of

his first term; and so far determined; that he had requested Mr。

Madison to prepare for him something valedictory; to be addressed to

his constituents on his retirement。  This was done; but he was

finally persuaded to acquiesce in a second election; to which no one

more strenuously pressed him than myself; from a conviction of the

importance of strengthening; by longer habit; the respect necessary

for that office; which the weight of his character only could effect。

When; at the end of his second term; his Valedictory came out; Mr。

Madison recognized in it several passages of his draught; several

others; we were both satisfied; were from the pen of Hamilton; and

others from that of the President himself。  These he probably put

into the hands of Hamilton to form into a whole; and hence it may all

appear in Hamilton's hand…writing; as if it were all of his


        I have stated above; that the original objects of the

federalists were; 1st; to warp our government more to the form and

principles of monarchy; and; 2d; to weaken the barriers of the State

governments as coordinate powers。  In the first they have been so

completely foiled by the universal spirit of the nation; that they

have abandoned the enterprise; shrunk from the odium of their old

appellation; taken to themselves a participation of ours; and under

the pseudo…republican mask; are now aiming at their second object;

and strengthened by unsuspecting or apostate recruits from our ranks;

are advancing fast towards an ascendancy。  I have been blamed for

saying; that a prevalence of the doctrines of consolidation would one

day call for reformation or _revolution_。  I answer by asking if a

single State of the Union would have agreed to the constitution; had

it given all powers to the General Government?  If the whole

opposition to it did not proceed from the jealousy and fear of every

State; of being subjected to the other States in matters merely its

own?  And if there is any reason to believe the States more disposed

now than then; to acquiesce in this general surrender of all their

rights and powers to a consolidated government; one and undivided?

        You request me confidentially; to examine the question; whether

the Supreme Court has advanced beyond its constitutional limits; and

trespassed on those of the State authorities?  I do not undertake it;

my dear Sir; because I am unable。  Age and the wane of mind

consequent on it; have disqualified me from investigations so severe;

and researches so laborious。  And it is the less necessary in this

case; as having been already done by others with a logic and learning

to which I could add nothing。  On the decision of the case of Cohens

_vs_。 The State of Virginia; in the Supreme Court of the United

States; in March; 1821; Judge Roane; under the signature of Algernon

Sidney; wrote for the Enquirer a series of papers on the law of that

case。  I considered these papers maturely as they came out; and

confess that they appeared to me to pulverize every word which had

been delivered by Judge Marshall; of the extra…judicial part of his

opinion; and all was extra…judicial; except the decision that the act

of Congress had not purported to give to the corporation of

Washington the authority claimed by their lottery law; of controlling

the laws of the States within the States themselves。  But unable to

claim that case; he could not let it go entirely; but went on

gratuitously to prove; that notwithstanding the eleventh amendment of

the constitution; a State _could_ be brought as a defendant; to the

bar of his court; and again; that Congress might authorize a

corporation of its territory to exercise legislation within a State;

and paramount to the laws of that State。  I cite the sum and result

only of his doctrines; according to the impression made on my mind at

the time; and still remaining。  If not strictly accurate in

circumstance; it is so in substance。  This doctrine was so completely

refuted by Roane; that if he can be answered; I surrender human

reason as a vain and useless faculty; given to bewilder; and not to

guide us。  And I mention this particular case as one only of several;

because it gave occasion to that thorough examination of the

constitutional limits between the General and State jurisdictions;

which you have asked for。  There were two other writers in the same

paper; under the signatures of Fletcher of Saltoun; and Somers; who;

in a few essays; presented some very luminous and striking views of

the question。  And there was a particular paper which recapitulated

all the cases in which it was thought the federal court had usurped

on the State jurisdictions。  These essays will be found in the

Enquirers of 1821; from May the 10th to July the 13th。  It is not in

my present power to send them to you; but if Ritchie can furnish

them; I will procure and forward them。  If they had been read in the

other States; as they were here; I think they would have left; there

as here; no dissentients from their doctrine。  The subject was taken

up by our legislature of 1821 … '22; and two draughts of

remonstrances were prepared and discussed。  As well as I remember;

there was no difference of opinion as to the matter of right; but

there was as to the expediency of a remonstrance at that time; the

general mind of the States being then under extraordinary excitement

by the Missouri question; and it was dropped on that consideration。

But this case is not dead; it only sleepeth。  The Indian Chief said

he did not go to war for every petty injury by itself; but put it

into his pouch; and when that was full; he then made war。  Thank

Heaven; we have provided a more peaceable and rational mode of


        This practice of Judge Marshall; of travelling out of his case

to prescribe what the law would be in a moot case not before the

court; is very irregular and very censurable。  I recollect another

instance; and the more particularly; perhaps; because it in some

measure bore on myself。  Among the midnight appointments of Mr。

Adams; were commissions to some federal justices of the peace for

Alexandria。  These were signed and sealed by him; but not delivered。

I found them on the table of the department of State; on my entrance

into office; and I forbade their delivery。  Marbury; named in one of

them; applied to the Supreme Court for a mandamus to the Secretary of

State; (Mr。 Madison) to deliver the commission intended for him。  The

court determined at once; that being an original process; they had no

cognizance of it; and therefore the question before them was ended。

But the Chief Justice went on to lay down what the law would be; had

they jurisdiction of the case; to wit: that they should command the

delivery。  The object was clearly to instruct any other court having

the jurisdiction; what they should do if Marbury should apply to

them。  Besides the impropriety of this gratuitous interference; could

anything exceed the perversion of law?  For if there is any principle

of law never yet contradicted; it is that delivery is one of the

essentials to the validity of the deed。  Although signed and sealed;

yet as long as it remains in the hands of the party himself; it is in

_fieri_ only; it is not a deed; and can be made so only by its

delivery。  In the hands of a third person it may be made an escrow。

But whatever is in the executive offices is certainly deemed to be in

the hands of the President; and in this case; was actually in my

hands; because; when I count

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