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I am not acquainted with the late reporters; do not possess them; and

state the fact from the information of others。  To come now to

ourselves I know nothing of what is done in other states; but in this

our great and good Mr。 Pendleton was; after the revolution; placed at

the head of the court of Appeals。  He adored Ld。 Mansfield; &

considered him as the greatest luminary of law that any age had ever

produced; and he introduced into the court over which he presided;

Mansfield's practice of making up opinions in secret & delivering

them as the Oracles of the court; in mass。  Judge Roane; when he came

to that bench; broke up the practice; refused to hatch judgments; in

Conclave; or to let others deliver opinions for him。  At what time

the seriatim opinions ceased in the supreme Court of the US。; I am

not informed。  They continued I know to the end of the 3d Dallas in

1800。  Later than which I have no Reporter of that court。  About that

time the present C。 J。 came to the bench。  Whether he carried the

practice of Mr。 Pendleton to it; or who; or when I do not know; but I

understand from others it is now the habit of the court; & I suppose

it true from the cases sometimes reported in the newspapers; and

others which I casually see; wherein I observe that the opinions were

uniformly prepared in private。  Some of these cases too have been of

such importance; of such difficulty; and the decisions so grating to

a portion of the public as to have merited the fullest explanation

from every judge seriatim; of the reasons which had produced such

convictions on his mind。  It was interesting to the public to know

whether these decisions were really unanimous; or might not perhaps

be of 4。 against 3。 and consequently prevailing by the preponderance

of one voice only。  The Judges holding their offices for life are

under two responsibilities only。  1。  Impeachment。  2。 Individual

reputation。  But this practice compleatly withdraws them from both。

For nobody knows what opinion any individual member gave in any case;

nor even that he who delivers the opinion; concurred in it himself。

Be the opinion therefore ever so impeachable; having been done in the

dark it can be proved on no one。  As to the 2d guarantee; personal

reputation; it is shielded compleatly。  The practice is certainly

convenient for the lazy; the modest & the incompetent。  It saves them

the trouble of developing their opinion methodically and even of

making up an opinion at all。  That of seriatim argument shews whether

every judge has taken the trouble of understanding the case; of

investigating it minutely; and of forming an opinion for himself;

instead of pinning it on another's sleeve。  It would certainly be

right to abandon this practice in order to give to our citizens one

and all; that confidence in their judges which must be so desirable

to the judges themselves; and so important to the cement of the

union。  During the administration of Genl。 Washington; and while E。

Randolph was Attorney General; he was required by Congress to digest

the judiciary laws into a single one; with such amendments as might

be thought proper。  He prepared a section requiring the Judges to

give their opinions seriatim; in writing; to be recorded in a

distinct volume。  Other business prevented this bill from being taken

up; and it passed off; but such a volume would have been the best

possible book of reports; and the better; as unincumbered with the

hired sophisms and perversions of Counsel。

        What do you think of the state of parties at this time?  An

opinion prevails that there is no longer any distinction; that the

republicans & Federalists are compleatly amalgamated but it is not

so。  The amalgamation is of name only; not of principle。  All indeed

call themselves by the name of Republicans; because that of

Federalists was extinguished in the battle of New Orleans。  But the

truth is that finding that monarchy is a desperate wish in this

country; they rally to the point which they think next best; a

consolidated government。  Their aim is now therefore to break down

the rights reserved by the constitution to the states as a bulwark

against that consolidation; the fear of which produced the whole of

the opposition to the constitution at it's birth。  Hence new

Republicans in Congress; preaching the doctrines of the old

Federalists; and the new nick…names of Ultras and Radicals。  But I

trust they will fail under the new; as the old name; and that the

friends of the real constitution and union will prevail against

consolidation; as they have done against monarchism。  I scarcely know

myself which is most to be deprecated; a consolidation; or

dissolution of the states。  The horrors of both are beyond the reach

of human foresight。

        I have written you a long letter; and committed to you thoughts

which I would do to few others。  If I am right; you will approve

them; if wrong; commiserate them as the dreams of a Superannuate

about things from which he is to derive neither good nor harm。  But

you will still receive them as a proof of my confidence in the

rectitude of your mind and principles; of which I pray you to receive

entire assurance with that of my continued and great friendship and



        _To Dr。 Thomas Cooper_

        _Monticello; November 2; 1822_

        DEAR SIR;  Your favor of October the 18th came to hand

yesterday。  The atmosphere of our country is unquestionably charged

with a threatening cloud of fanaticism; lighter in some parts; denser

in others; but too heavy in all。  I had no idea; however; that in

Pennsylvania; the cradle of toleration and freedom of religion; it

could have arisen to the height you describe。  This must be owing to

the growth of Presbyterianism。  The blasphemy and absurdity of the

five points of Calvin; and the impossibility of defending them;

render their advocates impatient of reasoning; irritable; and prone

to denunciation。  In Boston; however; and its neighborhood;

Unitarianism has advanced to so great strength; as now to humble this

haughtiest of all religious sects; insomuch that they condescend to

interchange with them and the other sects; the civilities of

preaching freely and frequently in each others' meeting…houses。  In

Rhode Island; on the other hand; no sectarian preacher will permit an

Unitarian to pollute his desk。  In our Richmond there is much

fanaticism; but chiefly among the women。  They have their night

meetings and praying parties; where; attended by their priests; and

sometimes by a hen…pecked husband; they pour forth the effusions of

their love to Jesus; in terms as amatory and carnal; as their modesty

would permit them to use to a mere earthly lover。  In our village of

Charlottesville; there is a good degree of religion; with a small

spice only of fanaticism。  We have four sects; but without either

church or meeting…house。  The court…house is the common temple; one

Sunday in the month to each。  Here; Episcopalian and Presbyterian;

Methodist and Baptist; meet together; join in hymning their Maker;

listen with attention and devotion to each others' preachers; and all

mix in society with perfect harmony。  It is not so in the districts

where Presbyterianism prevails undividedly。  Their ambition and

tyranny would tolerate no rival if they had power。  Systematical in

grasping at an ascendency over all other sects; they aim; like the

Jesuits; at engrossing the education of the country; are hostile to

every institution which they do not direct; and jealous at seeing

others begin to attend at all to that object。  The diffusion of

instruction; to which there is now so growing an attention; will be

the remote remedy to this fever of fanaticism; while the more

proximate one will be the progress of Unitarianism。  That this will;

ere long; be the religion of the majority from north to south; I have

no doubt。

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