贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > 16-the pond in winter >


16-the pond in winter-第3章

小说: 16-the pond in winter 字数: 每页4000字

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not whimsical usually; but their form; size; and direction are

determined by the promontories of the shore; the ancient axes of

elevation。  When this bar is gradually increased by storms; tides;

or currents; or there is a subsidence of the waters; so that it

reaches to the surface; that which was at first but an inclination

in the shore in which a thought was harbored becomes an individual

lake; cut off from the ocean; wherein the thought secures its own

conditions  changes; perhaps; from salt to fresh; becomes a sweet

sea; dead sea; or a marsh。  At the advent of each individual into

this life; may we not suppose that such a bar has risen to the

surface somewhere?  It is true; we are such poor navigators that our

thoughts; for the most part; stand off and on upon a harborless

coast; are conversant only with the bights of the bays of poesy; or

steer for the public ports of entry; and go into the dry docks of

science; where they merely refit for this world; and no natural

currents concur to individualize them。

    As for the inlet or outlet of Walden; I have not discovered any

but rain and snow and evaporation; though perhaps; with a

thermometer and a line; such places may be found; for where the

water flows into the pond it will probably be coldest in summer and

warmest in winter。  When the ice…men were at work here in '46…7; the

cakes sent to the shore were one day rejected by those who were

stacking them up there; not being thick enough to lie side by side

with the rest; and the cutters thus discovered that the ice over a

small space was two or three inches thinner than elsewhere; which

made them think that there was an inlet there。  They also showed me

in another place what they thought was a 〃leach…hole;〃 through which

the pond leaked out under a hill into a neighboring meadow; pushing

me out on a cake of ice to see it。  It was a small cavity under ten

feet of water; but I think that I can warrant the pond not to need

soldering till they find a worse leak than that。  One has suggested;

that if such a 〃leach…hole〃 should be found; its connection with the

meadow; if any existed; might be proved by conveying some; colored

powder or sawdust to the mouth of the hole; and then putting a

strainer over the spring in the meadow; which would catch some of

the particles carried through by the current。

    While I was surveying; the ice; which was sixteen inches thick;

undulated under a slight wind like water。  It is well known that a

level cannot be used on ice。  At one rod from the shore its greatest

fluctuation; when observed by means of a level on land directed

toward a graduated staff on the ice; was three quarters of an inch;

though the ice appeared firmly attached to the shore。  It was

probably greater in the middle。  Who knows but if our instruments

were delicate enough we might detect an undulation in the crust of

the earth?  When two legs of my level were on the shore and the

third on the ice; and the sights were directed over the latter; a

rise or fall of the ice of an almost infinitesimal amount made a

difference of several feet on a tree across the pond。  When I began

to cut holes for sounding there were three or four inches of water

on the ice under a deep snow which had sunk it thus far; but the

water began immediately to run into these holes; and continued to

run for two days in deep streams; which wore away the ice on every

side; and contributed essentially; if not mainly; to dry the surface

of the pond; for; as the water ran in; it raised and floated the

ice。  This was somewhat like cutting a hole in the bottom of a ship

to let the water out。  When such holes freeze; and a rain succeeds;

and finally a new freezing forms a fresh smooth ice over all; it is

beautifully mottled internally by dark figures; shaped somewhat like

a spider's web; what you may call ice rosettes; produced by the

channels worn by the water flowing from all sides to a centre。

Sometimes; also; when the ice was covered with shallow puddles; I

saw a double shadow of myself; one standing on the head of the

other; one on the ice; the other on the trees or hillside。

    While yet it is cold January; and snow and ice are thick and

solid; the prudent landlord comes from the village to get ice to

cool his summer drink; impressively; even pathetically; wise; to

foresee the heat and thirst of July now in January  wearing a

thick coat and mittens! when so many things are not provided for。

It may be that he lays up no treasures in this world which will cool

his summer drink in the next。  He cuts and saws the solid pond;

unroofs the house of fishes; and carts off their very element and

air; held fast by chains and stakes like corded wood; through the

favoring winter air; to wintry cellars; to underlie the summer

there。  It looks like solidified azure; as; far off; it is drawn

through the streets。  These ice…cutters are a merry race; full of

jest and sport; and when I went among them they were wont to invite

me to saw pit…fashion with them; I standing underneath。

    In the winter of '46…7 there came a hundred men of Hyperborean

extraction swoop down on to our pond one morning; with many carloads

of ungainly…looking farming tools  sleds; plows; drill…barrows;

turf…knives; spades; saws; rakes; and each man was armed with a

double…pointed pike…staff; such as is not described in the

New…England Farmer or the Cultivator。  I did not know whether they

had come to sow a crop of winter rye; or some other kind of grain

recently introduced from Iceland。  As I saw no manure; I judged that

they meant to skim the land; as I had done; thinking the soil was

deep and had lain fallow long enough。  They said that a gentleman

farmer; who was behind the scenes; wanted to double his money;

which; as I understood; amounted to half a million already; but in

order to cover each one of his dollars with another; he took off the

only coat; ay; the skin itself; of Walden Pond in the midst of a

hard winter。  They went to work at once; plowing; barrowing;

rolling; furrowing; in admirable order; as if they were bent on

making this a model farm; but when I was looking sharp to see what

kind of seed they dropped into the furrow; a gang of fellows by my

side suddenly began to hook up the virgin mould itself; with a

peculiar jerk; clean down to the sand; or rather the water  for it

was a very springy soil  indeed all the terra firma there was 

and haul it away on sleds; and then I guessed that they must be

cutting peat in a bog。  So they came and went every day; with a

peculiar shriek from the locomotive; from and to some point of the

polar regions; as it seemed to me; like a flock of arctic

snow…birds。  But sometimes Squaw Walden had her revenge; and a hired

man; walking behind his team; slipped through a crack in the ground

down toward Tartarus; and he who was so brave before suddenly became

but the ninth part of a man; almost gave up his animal heat; and was

glad to take refuge in my house; and acknowledged that there was

some virtue in a stove; or sometimes the frozen soil took a piece of

steel out of a plowshare; or a plow got set in the furrow and had to

be cut out。

    To speak literally; a hundred Irishmen; with Yankee overseers;

came from Cambridge every day to get out the ice。  They divided it

into cakes by methods too well known to require description; and

these; being sledded to the shore; were rapidly hauled off on to an

ice platform; and raised by grappling irons and block and tackle;

worked by horses; on to a stack; as surely as so many barrels of

flour; and there placed evenly side by side; and row upon row; as if

they formed the solid base of an obelisk designed to pierce the

clouds。  They told me that in a good day they could get out a

thousand tons; which was the yield of about one acre。  Deep ruts and

〃cradle…holes〃 were worn in the ice; as on terra firma; by the

passage of the sleds over the same track; and the horses invaria

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