wessex tales-第49章
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precarious existence in that exposed spot; and her form was absorbed
in its dark and stunted outline as if she had become part of it。
She had evidently heard the men as well as he。 They passed near
him; talking in loud and careless tones; which could be heard above
the uninterrupted washings of the sea; and which suggested that they
were not engaged in any business at their own risk。 This proved to
be the fact: some of their words floated across to him; and caused
him to forget at once the coldness of his situation。
'What's the vessel?'
'A lugger; about fifty tons。'
'From Cherbourg; I suppose?'
'Yes; 'a b'lieve。'
'But it don't all belong to Owlett?'
'O no。 He's only got a share。 There's another or two in ita
farmer and such like; but the names I don't know。'
The voices died away; and the heads and shoulders of the men
diminished towards the cliff; and dropped out of sight。
'My darling has been tempted to buy a share by that unbeliever
Owlett;' groaned the minister; his honest affection for Lizzy having
quickened to its intensest point during these moments of risk to her
person and name。 'That's why she's here;' he said to himself。 'O;
it will be the ruin of her!'
His perturbation was interrupted by the sudden bursting out of a
bright and increasing light from the spot where Lizzy was in hiding。
A few seconds later; and before it had reached the height of a
blaze; he heard her rush past him down the hollow like a stone from
a sling; in the direction of home。 The light now flared high and
wide; and showed its position clearly。 She had kindled a bough of
furze and stuck it into the bush under which she had been crouching;
the wind fanned the flame; which crackled fiercely; and threatened
to consume the bush as well as the bough。 Stockdale paused just
long enough to notice thus much; and then followed rapidly the route
taken by the young woman。 His intention was to overtake her; and
reveal himself as a friend; but run as he would he could see nothing
of her。 Thus he flew across the open country about Holworth;
twisting his legs and ankles in unexpected fissures and descents;
till; on coming to the gate between the downs and the road; he was
forced to pause to get breath。 There was no audible movement either
in front or behind him; and he now concluded that she had not outrun
him; but that; hearing him at her heels; and believing him one of
the excise party; she had hidden herself somewhere on the way; and
let him pass by。
He went on at a more leisurely pace towards the village。 On
reaching the house he found his surmise to be correct; for the gate
was on the latch; and the door unfastened; just as he had left them。
Stockdale closed the door behind him; and waited silently in the
passage。 In about ten minutes he heard the same light footstep that
he had heard in going out; it paused at the gate; which opened and
shut softly; and then the door…latch was lifted; and Lizzy came in。
Stockdale went forward and said at once; 'Lizzy; don't be
frightened。 I have been waiting up for you。'
She started; though she had recognized the voice。 'It is Mr。
Stockdale; isn't it?' she said。
'Yes;' he answered; becoming angry now that she was safe indoors;
and not alarmed。 'And a nice game I've found you out in to…night。
You are in man's clothes; and I am ashamed of you!'
Lizzy could hardly find a voice to answer this unexpected reproach。
'I am only partly in man's clothes;' she faltered; shrinking back to
the wall。 'It is only his greatcoat and hat and breeches that I've
got on; which is no harm; as he was my own husband; and I do it only
because a cloak blows about so; and you can't use your arms。 I have
got my own dress under just the sameit is only tucked in! Will
you go away upstairs and let me pass? I didn't want you to see me
at such a time as this!'
'But I have a right to see you! How do you think there can be
anything between us now?' Lizzy was silent。 'You are a smuggler;'
he continued sadly。
'I have only a share in the run;' she said。
'That makes no difference。 Whatever did you engage in such a trade
as that for; and keep it such a secret from me all this time?'
'I don't do it always。 I only do it in winter…time when 'tis new
'Well; I suppose that's because it can't be done anywhen else 。 。 。
You have regularly upset me; Lizzy。'
'I am sorry for that;' Lizzy meekly replied。
'Well now;' said he more tenderly; 'no harm is done as yet。 Won't
you for the sake of me give up this blamable and dangerous practice
'I must do my best to save this run;' said she; getting rather husky
in the throat。 'I don't want to give you upyou know that; but I
don't want to lose my venture。 I don't know what to do now! Why I
have kept it so secret from you is that I was afraid you would be
angry if you knew。'
'I should think so! I suppose if I had married you without finding
this out you'd have gone on with it just the same?'
'I don't know。 I did not think so far ahead。 I only went to…night
to burn the folks off; because we found that the excisemen knew
where the tubs were to be landed。'
'It is a pretty mess to be in altogether; is this;' said the
distracted young minister。 'Well; what will you do now?'
Lizzy slowly murmured the particulars of their plan; the chief of
which were that they meant to try their luck at some other point of
the shore the next night; that three landing…places were always
agreed upon before the run was attempted; with the understanding
that; if the vessel was 'burnt off' from the first point; which was
Ringsworth; as it had been by her to…night; the crew should attempt
to make the second; which was Lulstead Cove; on the second night;
and if there; too; danger threatened; they should on the third night
try the third place; which was behind a headland further west。
'Suppose the officers hinder them landing there too?' he said; his
attention to this interesting programme displacing for a moment his
concern at her share in it。
'Then we shan't try anywhere else all this darkthat's what we call
the time between moon and moonand perhaps they'll string the tubs
to a stray…line; and sink 'em a little…ways from shore; and take the
bearings; and then when they have a chance they'll go to creep for
'What's that?'
'O; they'll go out in a boat and drag a creeperthat's a grapnel
along the bottom till it catch hold of the stray…line。'
The minister stood thinking; and there was no sound within doors but
the tick of the clock on the stairs; and the quick breathing of
Lizzy; partly from her walk and partly from agitation; as she stood
close to the wall; not in such complete darkness but that he could
discern against its whitewashed surface the greatcoat and broad hat
which covered her。
'Lizzy; all this is very wrong;' he said。 'Don't you remember the
lesson of the tribute…money? 〃Render unto Caesar the things that
are Caesar's。〃 Surely you have heard that read times enough in your
growing up?'
'He's dead;' she pouted。
'But the spirit of the text is in force just the same。'
'My father did it; and so did my grandfather; and almost everybody
in Nether…Moynton lives by it; and life would be so dull if it
wasn't for that; that I should not care to live at all。'
'I am nothing to live for; of course;' he replied bitterly。 'You
would not think it worth while to give up this wild business and
live for me alone?'
'I have never looked at it like that。'
'And you won't promise and wait till I am ready?'
'I cannot give you my word to…night。' And; looking thoughtfully
down; she gradually moved and moved away; going into the adjoining
room; and closing the door between them。 She remained there in the
dark till he was tired of waiting; and had gone up to his own
Poor Stockdale was dreadfully depressed all the next day by the
discoveries of the night before。 Lizzy was unmistakably a
fascinating young woman; but as a minister's wife she was hardly to
be contemplated。 'If I had only stuck to father's little grocery
business; instead of going in for the ministry; she would have
suited me beauti