the complete plays-第33章
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You will } learn the truth with sorrow;
I shall
Here to…day and gone to…morrow;
Yes; I know
That is so!
'At the end exit LITTLE BUTTERCUP
CAPT。 Incomprehensible as her utterances are; I nevertheless
feel that
they are dictated by a sincere regard for me。 But to what new
misery is
she referring? Time alone can tell!
SIR JOSEPH。 Captain Corcoran; I am much disappointed with your
daughter。 In fact; I don't think she will do。
CAPT。 She won't do; Sir Joseph!
SIR JOSEPH。 I'm afraid not。 The fact is; that although I have
urged my
suit with as much eloquence as is consistent with an official
I have done so hitherto without success。 How do you account for
CAPT。 Really; Sir Joseph; I hardly know。 Josephine is of course
sensible of your condescension。
SIR JOSEPH。 She naturally would be。
CAPT。 But perhaps your exalted rank dazzles her。
SIR JOSEPH。 You think it does?
CAPT。 I can hardly say; but she is a modest girl; and her
position is far below your own。 It may be that she feels she is
worthy of you。
SIR JOSEPH。 That is really a very sensible suggestion; and
more knowledge of human nature than I had given you credit for。
CAPT。 See; she comes。 If your lordship would kindly reason with
her and
assure her officially that it is a standing rule at the Admiralty
love levels all ranks; her respect for an official utterance
might induce
her to look upon your offer in its proper light。
SIR JOSEPH。 It is not unlikely。 I will adopt your suggestion。
But soft;
she is here。 Let us withdraw; and watch our opportunity。
Enter JOSEPHINE from cabin。 FIRST LORD and CAPTAIN retire
The hours creep on apace;
My guilty heart is quaking!
Oh; that I might retrace
The step that I am taking!
Its folly it were easy to be showing;
What I am giving up and whither going。
On the one hand; papa's luxurious home;
Hung with ancestral armour and old brasses;
Carved oak and tapestry from distant Rome;
Rare 〃blue and white〃 Venetian finger…glasses;
Rich oriental rugs; luxurious sofa pillows;
And everything that isn't old; from Gillow's。
And on the other; a dark and dingy room;
In some back street with stuffy children crying;
Where organs yell; and clacking housewives fume;
And clothes are hanging out all day a…drying。
With one cracked looking…glass to see your face
And dinner served up in a pudding basin!
A simple sailor; lowly born;
Unlettered and unknown;
Who toils for bread from early mom
Till half the night has flown!
No golden rank can he impart
No wealth of house or land
No fortune save his trusty heart
And honest brown right hand!
And yet he is so wondrous fair
That love for one so passing rare;
So peerless in his manly beauty;
Were little else than solemn duty!
Oh; god of love; and god of reason; say;
Which of you twain shall my poor heart obey!
SIR JOSEPH。 Madam; it has been represented to me that you are
by my exalted rank。 I desire to convey to you officially my
that if your hesitation is attributable to that circumstance; it
uncalled for。
JOS。 Oh! then your lordship is of opinion that married
happiness is not
inconsistent with discrepancy in rank?
SIR JOSEPH。 I am officially of that opinion。
JOS。 That the high and the lowly may be truly happy together;
that they truly love one another?
SIR JOSEPH。 Madam; I desire to convey to you officially my
opinion that
love is a platform upon which all ranks meet。
JOS。 I thank you; Sir Joseph。 I did hesitate; but I will
hesitate no
longer。 (Aside。) He little thinks how eloquently he has pleaded
rival's cause!
CAPT。 Never mind the why and wherefore;
Love can level ranks; and therefore;
Though his lordship's station's mighty;
Though stupendous be his brain;
Though your tastes are mean and flighty
And your fortune poor and plain;
CAPT。 and Ring the merry bells on board…ship;
SIR JOSEPH。 Rend the air with warbling wild;
For the union of { his } lordship
With a humble captain's child!
CAPT。 For a humble captain's daughter
JOS。 For a gallant captain's daughter
SIR JOSEPH。 And a lord who rules the water
JOS。 (aside)。 And a tar who ploughs the water!
ALL。 Let the air with joy be laden;
Rend with songs the air above;
For the union of a maiden
With the man who owns her love!
SIR JOSEPH。 Never mind the why and wherefore;
Love can level ranks; and therefore;
Though your nautical relation (alluding to CAPT。)
In my set could scarcely pass
Though you occupy a station
In the lower middle class
CAPT。 and Ring the merry bells on board…ship;
SIR JOSEPH Rend the air with warbling wild;
For the union of { my } lordship
With a humble captain's child!
CAPT。 For a humble captain's daughter
JOS。 For a gallant captain's daughter
SIR JOSEPH。 And a lord who rules the water
JOS。 (aside)。 And a tar who ploughs the water!
ALL。 Let the air with joy be laden;
Rend with songs the air above;
For the union of a maiden
With the man who owns her love!
JOS。 Never mind the why and wherefore;
Love can level ranks; and therefore
I admit the jurisdiction;
Ably have you played your part;
You have carried firm conviction
To my hesitating heart。
CAPT。 and Ring the merry bells on board…ship;
SIR JOSEPH。 Rend the air with warbling wild;
For the union of { my } lordship
With a humble captain's child!
CAPT。 For a humble captain's daughter
JOS。 For a gallant captain's daughter
SIR JOSEPH。 And a lord who rules the water
JOS。 (aside)。 And a tar who ploughs the water!
(Aloud。) Let the air with joy be laden。
CAPT。 and SIR JOSEPH。 Ring the merry bells on board…ship
JOS。 For the union of a maiden
CAPT。 and SIR JOSEPH。 For her union with his lordship。
ALL。 Rend with songs the air above
For the man who owns her love!
'Exit JOS。
CAPT。 Sir Joseph; I cannot express to you my delight at the
result of your eloquence。 Your argument was unanswerable。
SIR JOSEPH。 Captain Corcoran; it is one of the happiest
of this glorious country that official utterances are invariably
as unan