贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > desperate remedies >


desperate remedies-第93章

小说: desperate remedies 字数: 每页4000字

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in an undertone to this man。  The concluding words were; 'Go in to
the rectorhe's up。  Detain Miss Aldclyffe。  I; in the meantime; am
driving to Casterbridge with this one; and for help。  We shall be
sure to have him when it gets light。'

He assisted Anne into the vehicle; and drove off with her。  As they
went; the clear; dry road showed before them; between the grassy
quarters at each side; like a white riband; and made their progress
easy。  They came to a spot where the highway was overhung by dense
firs for some distance on both sides。  It was totally dark here。

There was a smash; and a rude shock。  In the very midst of its
length; at the point where the road began to drop down a hill; the
detective drove against something with a jerk which nearly flung
them both to the ground。

The man recovered himself; placed Anne on the seat; and reached out
his hand。  He found that the off…wheel of his gig was locked in that
of another conveyance of some kind。

'Hoy!' said the officer。

Nobody answered。

'Hoy; you man asleep there!' he said again。

No reply。

'Well; that's oddthis comes of the folly of travelling without
gig…lamps because you expect the dawn。'  He jumped to the ground and
turned on his lantern。

There was the gig which had obstructed him; standing in the middle
of the road; a jaded horse harnessed to it; but no human being in or
near the vehicle。

'Do you know whose gig this is?' he said to the woman。

'No;' she said sullenly。  But she did recognize it as the steward's。

'I'll swear it's Manston's!  Come; I can hear it by your tone。
However; you needn't say anything which may criminate you。  What
forethought the man must have hadhow carefully he must have
considered possible contingencies!  Why; he must have got the horse
and gig ready before he began shifting the body。'

He listened for a sound among the trees。  None was to be heard but
the occasional scamper of a rabbit over the withered leaves。  He
threw the light of his lantern through a gap in the hedge; but could
see nothing beyond an impenetrable thicket。  It was clear that
Manston was not many yards off; but the question was how to find
him。  Nothing could be done by the detective just then; encumbered
as he was by the horse and Anne。  If he had entered the thicket on a
search unaided; Manston might have stepped unobserved from behind a
bush and murdered him with the greatest ease。  Indeed; there were
such strong reasons for the exploit in Manston's circumstances at
that moment that without showing cowardice; his pursuer felt it
hazardous to remain any longer where he stood。

He hastily tied the head of Manston's horse to the back of his own
vehicle; that the steward might be deprived of the use of any means
of escape other than his own legs; and drove on thus with his
prisoner to the county…town。  Arrived there; he lodged her in the
police…station; and then took immediate steps for the capture of



Thirty…six hours had elapsed since Manston's escape。

It was market…day at the county…town。  The farmers outside and
inside the corn…exchange looked at their samples of wheat; and
poured them critically as usual from one palm to another; but they
thought and spoke of Manston。  Grocers serving behind their
counters; instead of using their constant phrase; 'The next article;
please?' substituted; 'Have you heard if he's caught?'  Dairymen and
drovers standing beside the sheep and cattle pens; spread their legs
firmly; readjusted their hats; thrust their hands into the lowest
depths of their pockets; regarded the animals with the utmost
keenness of which the eye was capable; and said; 'Ay; ay; so's:
they'll have him avore night。'

Later in the day Edward Springrove passed along the street hurriedly
and anxiously。  'Well; have you heard any more?' he said to an
acquaintance who accosted him。

'They tracked him in this way;' said the other young man。  'A
vagrant first told them that Manston had passed a rick at daybreak;
under which this man was lying。  They followed the track he pointed
out and ultimately came to a stile。  On the other side was a heap of
half…hardened mud; scraped from the road。  On the surface of the
heap; where it had been smoothed by the shovel; was distinctly
imprinted the form of a man's hand; the buttons of his waistcoat;
and his watch…chain; showing that he had stumbled in hurrying over
the stile; and fallen there。  The pattern of the chain proved the
man to have been Manston。  They followed on till they reached a ford
crossed by stepping…stoneson the further bank were the same
footmarks that had shown themselves beside the stile。  The whole of
this course had been in the direction of Budmouth。  On they went;
and the next clue was furnished them by a shepherd。  He said that
wherever a clear space three or four yards wide ran in a line
through a flock of sheep lying about a ewe…lease; it was a proof
that somebody had passed there not more than half…an…hour earlier。
At twelve o'clock that day he had noticed such a feature in his
flock。  Nothing more could be heard of him; and they got into
Budmouth。  The steam…packet to the Channel Islands was to start at
eleven last night; and they at once concluded that his hope was to
get to France by way of Jersey and St。 Malohis only chance; all
the railway…stations being watched。

'Well; they went to the boat:  he was not on board then。  They went
again at half…past ten:  he had not come。  Two men now placed
themselves under the lamp immediately beside the gangway。  Another
stayed by the office door; and one or two more up Mary Streetthe
straight cut to the quay。  At a quarter to eleven the mail…bags were
put on board。  Whilst the attention of the idlers was directed to
the mails; down Mary Street came a man as boldly as possible。  The
gait was Manston's; but not the clothes。  He passed over to the
shaded part of the street:  heads were turned。  I suppose this
warned him; for he never emerged from the shadow。  They watched and
waited; but the steward did not reappear。  The alarm was raised
they searched the town high and lowno Manston。  All this morning
they have been searching; but there's not a sign of him anywhere。
However; he has lost his last chance of getting across the Channel。
It is reported that he has since changed clothes with a labourer。'

During this narration; Edward; lost in thought; had let his eyes
follow a shabby man in a smock…frock; but wearing light bootswho
was stalking down the street under a bundle of straw which overhung
and concealed his head。  It was a very ordinary circumstance for a
man with a bundle of straw on his shoulders and overhanging his
head; to go down the High Street。  Edward saw him cross the bridge
which divided the town from the country; place his shaggy
encumbrance by the side of the road; and leave it there。

Springrove now parted from his acquaintance; and went also in the
direction of the bridge; and some way beyond it。  As far as he could
see stretched the turnpike road; and; while he was looking; he
noticed a man to leap from the hedge at a point two hundred; or two
hundred and fifty yards ahead; cross the road; and go through a
wicket on the other side。  This figure seemed like that of the man
who had been carrying the bundle of straw。  He looked at the straw:
it still stood alone。

The subjoined facts sprang; as it were; into juxtaposition in his

Manston had been seen wearing the clothes of a labouring mana
brown smock…frock。  So had this man; who seemed other than a
labourer; on second thoughts:  and he had concealed his face by his
bundle of straw with the greatest ease and naturalness。

The path the man had taken led; among other places; to Tolchurch;
where Cytherea was living。

If Mrs。 Manston was murdered; as some said; on the night of the
fire; Cytherea was the steward's lawful wife。  Manston at bay; and
reckless of results; might rush to his wife and harm her。

It was a horrible supposition for a man who loved Cytherea to
entertain; but Springrove could not resist its influence。  He
started off for Tolchurch。

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