贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > desperate remedies >


desperate remedies-第89章

小说: desperate remedies 字数: 每页4000字

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into the middle of the room。  She applied her eye to the orifice。

Miss Aldclyffe and Manston were both standing; Manston with his back
to the window; his companion facing it。  The lady's demeanour was
severe; condemnatory; and haughty。  No more was to be seen; Anne
then turned sideways; leant with her shoulder against the shutters
and placed her ear upon the hole。

'You know where;' said Miss Aldclyffe。  'And how could you; a man;
act a double deceit like this?'

'Men do strange things sometimes。'

'What was your reasoncome?'

'A mere whim。'

'I might even believe that; if the woman were handsomer than
Cytherea; or if you had been married some time to Cytherea and had
grown tired of her。'

'And can't you believe it; too; under these conditions; that I
married Cytherea; gave her up because I heard that my wife was
alive; found that my wife would not come to live with me; and then;
not to let any woman I love so well as Cytherea run any risk of
being displaced and ruined in reputation; should my wife ever think
fit to return; induced this woman to come to me; as being better
than no companion at all?'

'I cannot believe it。  Your love for Cytherea was not of such a kind
as that excuse would imply。  It was Cytherea or nobody with you。  As
an object of passion; you did not desire the company of this Anne
Seaway at all; and certainly not so much as to madly risk your
reputation by bringing her here in the way you have done。  I am sure
you didn't; AEneas。'

'So am I;' he said bluntly。

Miss Aldclyffe uttered an exclamation of astonishment; the
confession was like a blow in its suddenness。  She began to reproach
him bitterly; and with tears。

'How could you overthrow my plans; disgrace the only girl I ever had
any respect for; by such inexplicable doings!。 。 。  That woman must
leave this placethe country perhaps。  Heavens! the truth will leak
out in a day or two!'

'She must do no such thing; and the truth must be stifled somehow
nobody knows how。  If I stay here; or on any spot of the civilized
globe; as AEneas Manston; this woman must live with me as my wife;
or I am damned past redemption!'

'I will not countenance your keeping her; whatever your motive may

'You must do something;' he murmured。  'You must。  Yes; you must。'

'I never will;' she said。  'It is a criminal act。'

He looked at her earnestly。  'Will you not support me through this
deception if my very life depends upon it?  Will you not?'

'Nonsense!  Life!  It will be a scandal to you; but she must leave
this place。  It will out sooner or later; and the exposure had
better come now。'

Manston repeated gloomily the same words。  'My life depends upon
your supporting memy very life。'

He then came close to her; and spoke into her ear。  Whilst he spoke
he held her head to his mouth with both his hands。  Strange
expressions came over her face; the workings of her mouth were
painful to observe。  Still he held her and whispered on。

The only words that could be caught by Anne Seaway; confused as her
hearing frequently was by the moan of the wind and the waterfall in
her outer ear; were these of Miss Aldclyffe; in tones which
absolutely quivered:  'They have no money。  What can they prove?'

The listener tasked herself to the utmost to catch his answer; but
it was in vain。  Of the remainder of the colloquy one fact alone was
plain to Anne; and that only inductivelythat Miss Aldclyffe; from
what he had revealed to her; was going to scheme body and soul on
Manston's behalf。

Miss Aldclyffe seemed now to have no further reason for remaining;
yet she lingered awhile as if loth to leave him。  When; finally; the
crestfallen and agitated lady made preparations for departure; Anne
quickly inserted the bolt; ran round to the entrance archway; and
down the steps into the park。  Here she stood close to the trunk of
a huge lime…tree; which absorbed her dark outline into its own。

In a few minutes she saw Manston; with Miss Aldclyffe leaning on his
arm; cross the glade before her and proceed in the direction of the
house。  She watched them ascend the rise and advance; as two black
spots; towards the mansion。  The appearance of an oblong space of
light in the dark mass of walls denoted that the door was opened。
Miss Aldclyffe's outline became visible upon it; the door shut her
in; and all was darkness again。  The form of Manston returning alone
arose from the gloom; and passed by Anne in her hiding…place。

Waiting outside a quarter of an hour longer; that no suspicion of
any kind might be excited; Anne returned to the old manor…house。


Manston was very friendly that evening。  It was evident to her; now
that she was behind the scenes; that he was making desperate efforts
to disguise the real state of his mind。

Her terror of him did not decrease。  They sat down to supper;
Manston still talking cheerfully。  But what is keener than the eye
of a mistrustful woman?  A man's cunning is to it as was the armour
of Sisera to the thin tent…nail。  She found; in spite of his
adroitness; that he was attempting something more than a disguise of
his feeling。  He was trying to distract her attention; that he might
be unobserved in some special movement of his hands。

What a moment it was for her then!  The whole surface of her body
became attentive。  She allowed him no chance whatever。  We know the
duplicated condition at such timeswhen the existence divides
itself into two; and the ostensibly innocent chatterer stands in
front; like another person; to hide the timorous spy。

Manston played the same game; but more palpably。  The meal was
nearly over when he seemed possessed of a new idea of how his object
might be accomplished。  He tilted back his chair with a reflective
air; and looked steadily at the clock standing against the wall
opposite to him。  He said sententiously; 'Few faces are capable of
expressing more by dumb show than the face of a clock。  You may see
in it every variety of incentivefrom the softest seductions to
negligence to the strongest hints for action。'

'Well; in what way?' she inquired。  His drift was; as yet; quite
unintelligible to her。

'Why; for instance:  look at the cold; methodical; unromantic;
business…like air of all the right…angled positions of the hands。
They make a man set about work in spite of himself。  Then look at
the piquant shyness of its face when the two hands are over each
other。  Several attitudes imply 〃Make ready。〃  The 〃make ready〃 of
ten minutes to one differs from the 〃make ready〃 of ten minutes to
twelve; as youth differs from age。  〃Upward and onward〃 says twenty…
five minutes to eleven。  Mid…day or midnight expresses distinctly
〃It is done。〃  You surely have noticed that?'

'Yes; I have。'

He continued with affected quaintness:

'The easy dash of ten minutes past seven; the rakish recklessness of
a quarter past; the drooping weariness of twenty…five minutes past;
must have been observed by everybody。'

'Whatever amount of truth there may be; there is a good deal of
imagination in your fancy;' she said。

He still contemplated the clock。

'Then; again; the general finish of the face has a great effect upon
the eye。  This old…fashioned brass…faced one we have here; with its
arched top; half…moon slit for the day of the month; and ship
rocking at the upper part; impresses me with the notion of its being
an old cynic; elevating his brows; whose thoughts can be seen
wavering between good and evil。'

A thought now enlightened her:  the clock was behind her; and he
wanted to get her back turned。  She dreaded turning; yet; not to
excite his suspicion; she was on her guard; she quickly looked
behind her at the clock as he spoke; recovering her old position
again instantly。  The time had not been long enough for any action
whatever on his part。

'Ah;' he casually remarked; and at the same minute began to pour her
out a glass of wine。  'Speaking of the clock has reminded me that it
must nearly want winding up。  Remember that it is wound to…night。
Suppose you do it at once; my dear。'

There was no possible way of evading the act。  She resolutely turned

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