贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > desperate remedies >


desperate remedies-第77章

小说: desperate remedies 字数: 每页4000字

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'I have always said 〃No〃 hitherto;' replied the woman; 'considering
I could say no more if put upon my oath; as I expected to be。  But
speaking in a common everyday way now the occurrence is past; I
believe a few things of some kind (though I doubt if they were
papers) were left in a workbox she had; because she talked about it
to Mr。 Brown; and was rather angry at what occurredyou see; she
had a temper by all account; and so I didn't like to remind the lady
of this workbox when she came the other day with her husband。'

'And about the workbox?'

'Well; from what was casually dropped; I think Mrs。 Manston had a
few articles of furniture she didn't want; and when she was leaving
they were put in a sale just by。  Amongst her things were two
workboxes very much alike。  One of these she intended to sell; the
other she didn't; and Mr。 Brown; who collected the things together;
took the wrong one to the sale。'

'What was in it?'

'O; nothing in particular; or of any valuesome accounts; and her
usual sewing materials I thinknothing more。  She didn't take much
trouble to get it backshe said the bills were worth nothing to her
or anybody else; but that she should have liked to keep the box
because her husband gave it her when they were first married; and if
he found she had parted with it; he would be vexed。'

'Did Mrs。 Manston; when she called recently with her husband; allude
to this; or inquire for it; or did Mr。 Manston?'

'Noand I rather wondered at it。  But she seemed to have forgotten
itindeed; she didn't make any inquiry at all; only standing behind
him; listening to his; and he probably had never been told anything
about it。'

'Whose sale were these articles of hers taken to?'

'Who was the auctioneer?  Mr。 Halway。  His place is the third
turning from the end of that street you see there。  Anybody will
tell you the shophis name is written up。'

Edward went off to follow up his clue with a promptness which was
dictated more by a dogged will to do his utmost than by a hope of
doing much。  When he was out of sight; the tall and cloaked man; who
had watched him; came up to the woman's door; with an appearance of
being in breathless haste。

'Has a gentleman been here inquiring about Mrs。 Manston?'

'Yes; he's just gone。'

'Dear me!  I want him。'

'He's gone to Mr。 Halway's。'

'I think I can give him some information upon the subject。  Does he
pay pretty liberally?'

'He gave me half…a…crown。'

'That scale will do。  I'm a poor man; and will see what my little
contribution to his knowledge will fetch。  But; by the way; perhaps
you told him all I knowwhere she lived before coming to live

'I didn't know where she lived before coming here。  O noI only
said what Mr。 Brown had told me。  He seemed a nice; gentle young
man; or I shouldn't have been so open as I was。'

'I shall now about catch him at Mr。 Halway's;' said the man; and
went away as hastily as he had come。

Edward in the meantime had reached the auction…room。  He found some
difficulty; on account of the inertness of those whose only
inducement to an action is a mere wish from another; in getting the
information he stood in need of; but it was at last accorded him。
The auctioneer's book gave the name of Mrs。 Higgins; 3 Canley
Passage; as the purchaser of the lot which had included Mrs。
Manston's workbox。

Thither Edward went; followed by the man。  Four bell pulls; one
above the other like waistcoat…buttons; appeared on the door…post。
Edward seized the first he came to。

'Who did you woant?' said a thin voice from somewhere。

Edward looked above and around him; nobody was visible。

'Who did you woant?' said the thin voice again。

He found now that the sound proceeded from below the grating
covering the basement window。  He dropped his glance through the
bars; and saw a child's white face。

'Who did you woant?' said the voice the third time; with precisely
the same languid inflection。

'Mrs。 Higgins;' said Edward。

'Third bell up;' said the face; and disappeared。

He pulled the third bell from the bottom; and was admitted by
another child; the daughter of the woman he was in search of。  He
gave the little thing sixpence; and asked for her mamma。  The child
led him upstairs。

Mrs。 Higgins was the wife of a carpenter who from want of employment
one winter had decided to marry。  Afterwards they both took to
drink; and sank into desperate circumstances。  A few chairs and a
table were the chief articles of furniture in the third…floor back
room which they occupied。  A roll of baby…linen lay on the floor;
beside it a pap…clogged spoon and an overturned tin pap…cup。
Against the wall a Dutch clock was fixed out of level; and ticked
wildly in longs and shorts; its entrails hanging down beneath its
white face and wiry hands; like the faeces of a Harpy ('foedissima
ventris proluvies; uncaeque manus; et pallida semper ora')。  A baby
was crying against every chair…leg; the whole family of six or seven
being small enough to be covered by a washing…tub。  Mrs。 Higgins sat
helpless; clothed in a dress which had hooks and eyes in plenty; but
never one opposite the other; thereby rendering the dress almost
useless as a screen to the bosom。  No workbox was visible anywhere。

It was a depressing picture of married life among the very poor of a
city。  Only for one short hour in the whole twenty…four did husband
and wife taste genuine happiness。  It was in the evening; when;
after the sale of some necessary article of furniture; they were
under the influence of a quartern of gin。

Of all the ingenious and cruel satires that from the beginning till
now have been stuck like knives into womankind; surely there is not
one so lacerating to them; and to us who love them; as the trite old
fact; that the most wretched of men can; in the twinkling of an eye;
find a wife ready to be more wretched still for the sake of his

Edward hastened to despatch his errand。

Mrs。 Higgins had lately pawned the workbox with other useless
articles of lumber; she said。  Edward bought the duplicate of her;
and went downstairs to the pawnbroker's。

In the back division of a musty shop; amid the heterogeneous
collection of articles and odours invariably crowding such places;
he produced his ticket; and with a sense of satisfaction out of all
proportion to the probable worth of his acquisition; took the box
and carried it off under his arm。  He attempted to lift the cover as
he walked; but found it locked。

It was dusk when Springrove reached his lodging。  Entering his small
sitting…room; the front apartment on the ground floor; he struck a
light; and proceeded to learn if any scrap or mark within or upon
his purchase rendered it of moment to the business in hand。
Breaking open the cover with a small chisel; and lifting the tray;
he glanced eagerly beneath; and foundnothing。

He next discovered that a pocket or portfolio was formed on the
underside of the cover。  This he unfastened; and slipping his hand
within; found that it really contained some substance。  First he
pulled out about a dozen tangled silk and cotton threads。  Under
them were a short household account; a dry moss…rosebud; and an old
pair of carte…de…visite photographs。  One of these was a likeness of
Mrs。 Manston'Eunice' being written under it in inkthe other of
Manston himself。

He sat down dispirited。  This was all the fruit of his tasknot a
single letter; date; or address of any kind to help himand was it
likely there would be?

However; thinking he would send the fragments; such as they were; to
Graye; in order to satisfy him that he had done his best so far; he
scribbled a line; and put all except the silk and cotton into an
envelope。  Looking at his watch; he found it was then twenty minutes
to seven; by affixing an extra stamp he would be enabled to despatch
them by that evening's post。  He hastily directed the packet; and
ran with it at once to the post…office at Charing Cross。

On his return he took up the workbox again to examine it more
leisurely。  He then found there was also a small cavity in the tray
under the pincushion; which was movable by a bit of ribbon。  Lifting

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