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desperate remedies-第74章

小说: desperate remedies 字数: 每页4000字

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accounting for her seclusion had been circulated。  Was it not true;
as Edward had hinted; that he; her brother; was neglecting his duty
towards her in allowing Manston to thrive unquestioned; whilst she
was hiding her head for no fault at all?

Was it possible that Manston was sensuous villain enough to have
contemplated; at any moment before the marriage with Cytherea; the
return of his first wife; when he should have grown weary of his new
toy?  Had he believed that; by a skilful manipulation of such
circumstances as chance would throw in his way; he could escape all
suspicion of having known that she lived?  Only one fact within his
own direct knowledge afforded the least ground for such a
supposition。  It was that; possessed by a woman only in the humble
and unprotected station of a lady's hired companion; his sister's
beauty might scarcely have been sufficient to induce a selfish man
like Manston to make her his wife; unless he had foreseen the
possibility of getting rid of her again。

'But for that stratagem of Manston's in relation to the
Springroves;' Owen thought; 'Cythie might now have been the happy
wife of Edward。  True; that he influenced Miss Aldclyffe only rests
on Edward's suspicions; but the grounds are goodthe probability is

He went indoors and questioned Cytherea。

'On the night of the fire; who first said that Mrs。 Manston was
burnt?' he asked。

'I don't know who started the report。'

'Was it Manston?'

'It was certainly not he。  All doubt on the subject was removed
before he came to the spotthat I am certain of。  Everybody knew
that she did not escape AFTER the house was on fire; and thus all
overlooked the fact that she might have left beforeof course that
would have seemed such an improbable thing for anybody to do。'

'Yes; until the porter's story of her irritation and doubt as to her
course made it natural。'

'What settled the matter at the inquest;' said Cytherea; 'was Mr。
Manston's evidence that the watch was his wife's。'

'He was sure of that; wasn't he?'

'I believe he said he was certain of it。'

'It might have been hersleft behind in her perturbation; as they
say it wasimpossible as that seems at first sight。  Yeson the
whole; he might have believed in her death。'

'I know by several proofs that then; and at least for some time
after; he had no other thought than that she was dead。  I now think
that before the porter's confession he knew something about her
though not that she lived。'

'Why do you?'

'From what he said to me on the evening of the wedding…day; when I
had fastened myself in the room at the hotel; after Edward's visit。
He must have suspected that I knew something; for he was irritated;
and in a passion of uneasy doubt。  He said; 〃You don't suppose my
first wife is come to light again; madam; surely?〃  Directly he had
let the remark slip out; he seemed anxious to withdraw it。'

'That's odd;' said Owen。

'I thought it very odd。'

'Still we must remember he might only have hit upon the thought by
accident; in doubt as to your motive。  Yes; the great point to
discover remains the same as everdid he doubt his first impression
of her death BEFORE he married you。  I can't help thinking he did;
although he was so astounded at our news that night。  Edward swears
he did。'

'It was perhaps only a short time before;' said Cytherea; 'when he
could hardly recede from having me。

'Seasoning justice with mercy as usual; Cytherea。  'Tis unfair to
yourself to talk like that。  If I could only bring him to ruin as a
bigamistsupposing him to be oneI should die happy。  That's what
we must find out by fair means or foulwas he a wilful bigamist?'

'It is no use trying; Owen。  You would have to employ a solicitor;
and how can you do that?'

'I can't at allI know that very well。  But neither do I altogether
wish to at presenta lawyer must have a casefacts to go upon;
that means。  Now they are scarce at presentas scarce as money is
with us; and till we have found more money there is no hurry for a
lawyer。  Perhaps by the time we have the facts we shall have the
money。  The only thing we lose in working alone in this way; is
timenot the issue:  for the fruit that one mind matures in a
twelvemonth forms a more perfectly organized whole than that of
twelve minds in one month; especially if the interests of the single
one are vitally concerned; and those of the twelve are only hired。
But there is not only my mind availableyou are a shrewd woman;
Cythie; and Edward is an earnest ally。  Then; if we really get a
sure footing for a criminal prosecution; the Crown will take up the

'I don't much care to press on in the matter;' she murmured。  'What
good can it do us; Owen; after all?'

'Selfishly speaking; it will do this goodthat all the facts of
your journey to Southampton will become known; and the scandal will
die。  Besides; Manston will have to sufferit's an act of justice
to you and to other women; and to Edward Springrove。'

He now thought it necessary to tell her of the real nature of the
Springroves' obligation to Miss Aldclyffeand their nearly certain
knowledge that Manston was the prime mover in effecting their
embarrassment。  Her face flushed as she listened。

'And now;' he said; 'our first undertaking is to find out where Mrs。
Manston lived during the separation; next; when the first
communications passed between them after the fire。'

'If we only had Miss Aldclyffe's countenance and assistance as I
used to have them;' Cytherea returned; 'how strong we should be!  O;
what power is it that he exercises over her; swaying her just as he
wishes!  She loves me now。  Mrs。 Morris in her letter said that Miss
Aldclyffe prayed for meyes; she heard her praying for me; and
crying。  Miss Aldclyffe did not mind an old friend like Mrs。 Morris
knowing it; either。  Yet in opposition to this; notice her dead
silence and inaction throughout this proceeding。'

'It is a mystery; but never mind that now;' said Owen impressively。
'About where Mrs。 Manston has been living。  We must get this part of
it firstlearn the place of her stay in the early stage of their
separation; during the period of Manston's arrival here; and so on;
for that was where she was first communicated with on the subject of
coming to Knapwater; before the fire; and that address; too; was her
point of departure when she came to her husband by stealth in the
nightyou knowthe time I visited you in the evening and went home
early in the morning; and it was found that he had been visited too。
Ah! couldn't we inquire of Mrs。 Leat; who keeps the post…office at
Carriford; if she remembers where the letters to Mrs。 Manston were

'He never posted his letters to her in the parishit was remarked
at the time。  I was thinking if something relating to her address
might not be found in the report of the inquest in the Casterbridge
Chronicle of the date。  Some facts about the inquest were given in
the papers to a certainty。'

Her brother caught eagerly at the suggestion。  'Who has a file of
the Chronicles?' he said。

'Mr。 Raunham used to file them;' said Cytherea。  'He was rather
friendly…disposed towards me; too。'

Owen could not; on any consideration; escape from his attendance at
the church…building till Saturday evening; and thus it became
necessary; unless they actually wasted time; that Cytherea herself
should assist。  'I act under your orders; Owen;' she said。



The next morning the opening move of the game was made。  Cytherea;
under cover of a thick veil; hired a conveyance and drove to within
a mile or so of Carriford。  It was with a renewed sense of
depression that she saw again the objects which had become familiar
to her eye during her sojourn under Miss Aldclyffe's roofthe
outline of the hills; the meadow streams; the old park trees。  She
hastened by a lonely path to the rectory…house; and asked if Mr。
Raunham was at home。

Now the rector; though a solitary bachelor; was as gallant and
courteous to womankind as an ancient Iberian; and; moreover; he was
Cytherea's friend in particular; to an extent far greater than s

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