贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > desperate remedies >


desperate remedies-第72章

小说: desperate remedies 字数: 每页4000字

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The first undertaking entrusted to him in the new year began about a
month after his return from Southampton。  Mr。 Gradfield had come
back to him in the wake of his restored health; and offered him the
superintendence; as clerk of works; of a church which was to be
nearly rebuilt at the village of Tolchurch; fifteen or sixteen miles
from Budmouth; and about half that distance from Carriford。

'I am now being paid at the rate of a hundred and fifty pounds a
year;' he said to his sister in a burst of thankfulness; 'and you
shall never; Cytherea; be at any tyrannous lady's beck and call
again as long as I live。  Never pine or think about what has
happened; dear; it's no disgrace to you。  Cheer up; you'll be
somebody's happy wife yet。'

He did not say Edward Springrove's; for; greatly to his
disappointment; a report had reached his ears that the friend to
whom Cytherea owed so much had been about to pack up his things and
sail for Australia。  However; this was before the uncertainty
concerning Mrs。 Manston's existence had been dispersed by her
return; a phenomenon that altered the cloudy relationship in which
Cytherea had lately been standing towards her old lover; to one of
distinctness; which result would have been delightful but for
circumstances about to be mentioned。

Cytherea was still pale from her recent illness; and still greatly
dejected。  Until the news of Mrs。 Manston's return had reached them;
she had kept herself closely shut up during the day…time; never
venturing forth except at night。  Sleeping and waking she had been
in perpetual dread lest she should still be claimed by a man whom;
only a few weeks earlier; she had regarded in the light of a future
husband with quiet assent; not unmixed with cheerfulness。

But the removal of the uneasiness in this directionby Mrs。
Manston's arrival; and her own consequent freedomhad been the
imposition of pain in another。  Utterly fictitious details of the
finding of Cytherea and Manston had been invented and circulated;
unavoidably reaching her ears in the course of time。  Thus the
freedom brought no happiness; and it seemed well…nigh impossible
that she could ever again show herself the sparkling creature she
once had been

     'Apt to entice a deity。'

On this account; and for the first time in his life; Owen made a
point of concealing from her the real state of his feelings with
regard to the unhappy transaction。  He writhed in secret under the
humiliation to which they had been subjected; till the resentment it
gave rise to; and for which there was no vent; was sometimes beyond
endurance; it induced a mood that did serious damage to the material
and plodding perseverance necessary if he would secure permanently
the comforts of a home for them。

They gave up their lodgings at Budmouth; and went to Tolchurch as
soon as the work commenced。

Here they were domiciled in one half of an old farmhouse; standing
not far from the ivy…covered church tower (which was all that was to
remain of the original structure)。  The long steep roof of this
picturesque dwelling sloped nearly down to the ground; the old tiles
that covered it being overgrown with rich olive…hued moss。  New red
tiles in twos and threes had been used for patching the holes
wrought by decay; lighting up the whole harmonious surface with dots
of brilliant scarlet。

The chief internal features of this snug abode were a wide
fireplace; enormous cupboards; a brown settle; and several sketches
on the wood mantel; done in outline with the point of a hot poker
the subjects mainly consisting of old men walking painfully erect;
with a curly…tailed dog behind。

After a week or two of residence in Tolchurch; and rambles amid the
quaint scenery circumscribing it; a tranquillity began to spread
itself through the mind of the maiden; which Graye hoped would be a
preface to her complete restoration。  She felt ready and willing to
live the whole remainder of her days in the retirement of their
present quarters:  she began to sing about the house in low
tremulous snatches

     '〃I said; if there's peace to be found in the world;
       A heart that is humble may hope for it here。〃'


Her convalescence had arrived at this point on a certain evening
towards the end of the winter; when Owen had come in from the
building hard by; and was changing his muddy boots for slippers;
previously to sitting down to toast and tea。

A prolonged though quiet knocking came to the door。

The only person who ever knocked at their door in that way was the
new vicar; the prime mover in the church…building。  But he was that
evening dining with the Squire。

Cytherea was uneasy at the soundshe did not know why; unless it
was because her nerves were weakened by the sickness she had
undergone。  Instead of opening the door she ran out of the room; and

'What nonsense; Cytherea!' said her brother; going to the door。

Edward Springrove stood in the grey light outside。

'Capitalnot gone to Australia; and not going; of course!' cried
Owen。  'What's the use of going to such a place as that?I never
believed that you would。'

'I am going back to London again to…morrow;' said Springrove; 'and I
called to say a word before going。  Where is 。 。 。?'

'She has just run upstairs。  Come innever mind scraping your
shoeswe are regular cottagers now; stone floor; yawning chimney…
corner; and all; you see。'

'Mrs。 Manston came;' said Edward awkwardly; when he had sat down in
the chimney…corner by preference。

'Yes。'  At mention of one of his skeletons Owen lost his blitheness
at once; and fell into a reverie。

'The history of her escape is very simple。'


'You know I always had wondered; when my father was telling any of
the circumstances of the fire to me; how it could be that a woman
could sleep so soundly as to be unaware of her horrid position till
it was too late even to give shout or sound of any kind。'

'Well; I think that would have been possible; considering her long
wearisome journey。  People have often been suffocated in their beds
before they awoke。  But it was hardly likely a body would be
completely burnt to ashes as this was assumed to be; though nobody
seemed to see it at the time。  And how positive the surgeon was too;
about those bits of bone!  Why he should have been so; nobody can
tell。  I cannot help saying that if it has ever been possible to
find pure stupidity incarnate; it was in that jury of Carriford。
There existed in the mass the stupidity of twelve and not the
penetration of one。'

'Is she quite well?' said Springrove。

'Who?O; my sister; Cytherea。  Thank you; nearly well; now。  I'll
call her。'

'Wait one minute。  I have a word to say to you。'

Owen sat down again。

'You know; without my saying it; that I love Cytherea as dearly as
ever。 。 。 。  I think she loves me too;does she really?'

There was in Owen enough of that worldly policy on the subject of
matchmaking which naturally resides in the breasts of parents and
guardians; to give him a certain caution in replying; and; younger
as he was by five years than Edward; it had an odd effect。

'Well; she may possibly love you still;' he said; as if rather in
doubt as to the truth of his words。

Springrove's countenance instantly saddened; he had expected a
simple 'Yes;' at the very least。  He continued in a tone of greater

'Supposing she does love me; would it be fair to you and to her if I
made her an offer of marriage; with these dreary conditions
attachedthat we lived for a few years on the narrowest system;
till a great debt; which all honour and duty require me to pay off;
shall be paid?  My father; by reason of the misfortune that befell
him; is under a great obligation to Miss Aldclyffe。  He is getting
old; and losing his energies。  I am attempting to work free of the
burden。  This makes my prospects gloomy enough at present。

'But consider again;' he went on。  'Cytherea has been left in a
nameless and unsatisfactory; though innocent state; by this
unfortunate; and now void; marriage with Manston。  A marriage with
me; though under themateriallyuntoward conditions I have

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