贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > desperate remedies >


desperate remedies-第64章

小说: desperate remedies 字数: 每页4000字

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that heart affair; he might have donebut the less said about him
the better。  I don't know what we should have done if Miss Aldclyffe
had insisted upon the conditions of the leases。  Your brother…in…
law; the steward; had a hand in making it light for us; I know; and
I heartily thank him for it。'  He ceased speaking; and looked round
at the sky。

'Have you heard o' what's happened?' he said suddenly; 'I was just
coming out to learn about it。'

'I haven't heard of anything。'

'It is something very serious; though I don't know what。  All I know
is what I heard a man call out bynowthat it very much concerns
somebody who lives in the parish。'

It seems singular enough; even to minds who have no dim beliefs in
adumbration and presentiment; that at that moment not the shadow of
a thought crossed Owen's mind that the somebody whom the matter
concerned might be himself; or any belonging to him。  The event
about to transpire was as portentous to the woman whose welfare was
more dear to him than his own; as any; short of death itself; could
possibly be; and ever afterwards; when he considered the effect of
the knowledge the next half…hour conveyed to his brain; even his
practical good sense could not refrain from wonder that he should
have walked toward the village after hearing those words of the
farmer; in so leisurely and unconcerned a way。  'How unutterably
mean must my intelligence have appeared to the eye of a foreseeing
God;' he frequently said in after…time。  'Columbus on the eve of his
discovery of a world was not so contemptibly unaware。'

After a few additional words of common…place the farmer left him;
and; as has been said; Owen proceeded slowly and indifferently
towards the village。

The labouring men had just left work; and passed the park gate;
which opened into the street as Owen came down towards it。  They
went along in a drift; earnestly talking; and were finally about to
turn in at their respective doorways。  But upon seeing him they
looked significantly at one another; and paused。  He came into the
road; on that side of the village…green which was opposite the row
of cottages; and turned round to the right。  When Owen turned; all
eyes turned; one or two men went hurriedly indoors; and afterwards
appeared at the doorstep with their wives; who also contemplated
him; talking as they looked。  They seemed uncertain how to act in
some matter。

'If they want me; surely they will call me;' he thought; wondering
more and more。  He could no longer doubt that he was connected with
the subject of their discourse。

The first who approached him was a boy。

'What has occurred?' said Owen。

'O; a man ha' got crazy…religious; and sent for the pa'son。'

'Is that all?'

'Yes; sir。  He wished he was dead; he said; and he's almost out of
his mind wi' wishen it so much。  That was before Mr。 Raunham came。'

'Who is he?' said Owen。

'Joseph Chinney; one of the railway…porters; he used to be night…

'Ahthe man who was ill this afternoon; by the way; he was told to
come to the Old House for something; but he hasn't been。  But has
anything else happenedanything that concerns the wedding to…day?'

'No; sir。'

Concluding that the connection which had seemed to be traced between
himself and the event must in some way have arisen from Cytherea's
friendliness towards the man; Owen turned about and went homewards
in a much quieter frame of mindyet scarcely satisfied with the
solution。  The route he had chosen led through the dairy…yard; and
he opened the gate。

Five minutes before this point of time; Edward Springrove was
looking over one of his father's fields at an outlying hamlet of
three or four cottages some mile and a half distant。  A turnpike…
gate was close by the gate of the field。

The carrier to Casterbridge came up as Edward stepped into the road;
and jumped down from the van to pay toll。  He recognized Springrove。
'This is a pretty set…to in your place; sir;' he said。  'You don't
know about it; I suppose?'

'What?' said Springrove。

The carrier paid his dues; came up to Edward; and spoke ten words in
a confidential whisper:  then sprang upon the shafts of his vehicle;
gave a clinching nod of significance to Springrove; and rattled

Edward turned pale with the intelligence。  His first thought was;
'Bring her home!'

The nextdid Owen Graye know what had been discovered?  He probably
did by that time; but no risks of probability must be run by a woman
he loved dearer than all the world besides。  He would at any rate
make perfectly sure that her brother was in possession of the
knowledge; by telling it him with his own lips。

Off he ran in the direction of the old manor…house。

The path was across arable land; and was ploughed up with the rest
of the field every autumn; after which it was trodden out afresh。
The thaw had so loosened the soft earth; that lumps of stiff mud
were lifted by his feet at every leap he took; and flung against him
by his rapid motion; as it were doggedly impeding him; and
increasing tenfold the customary effort of running;

But he ran onuphill; and downhill; the same pace alikelike the
shadow of a cloud。  His nearest direction; too; like Owen's; was
through the dairy…barton; and as Owen entered it he saw the figure
of Edward rapidly descending the opposite hill; at a distance of two
or three hundred yards。  Owen advanced amid the cows。

The dairyman; who had hitherto been talking loudly on some absorbing
subject to the maids and men milking around him; turned his face
towards the head of the cow when Owen passed; and ceased speaking。

Owen approached him and said

'A singular thing has happened; I hear。  The man is not insane; I

'Not hehe's sensible enough;' said the dairyman; and paused。  He
was a man noisy with his associatesstolid and taciturn with

'Is it true that he is Chinney; the railway…porter?'

'That's the man; sir。'  The maids and men sitting under the cows
were all attentively listening to this discourse; milking
irregularly; and softly directing the jets against the sides of the

Owen could contain himself no longer; much as his mind dreaded
anything of the nature of ridicule。  'The people all seem to look at
me; as if something seriously concerned me; is it this stupid
matter; or what is it?'

'Surely; sir; you know better than anybody else if such a strange
thing concerns you。'

'What strange thing?'

'Don't you know!  His confessing to Parson Raunham。'

'What did he confess?  Tell me。'

'If you really ha'n't heard; 'tis this。  He was as usual on duty at
the station on the night of the fire last year; otherwise he
wouldn't ha' known it。'

'Known what?  For God's sake tell; man!'

But at this instant the two opposite gates of the dairy…yard; one on
the east; the other on the west side; slammed almost simultaneously。

The rector from one; Springrove from the other; came striding across
the barton。

Edward was nearest; and spoke first。  He said in a low voice:  'Your
sister is not legally married!  His first wife is still living!  How
it comes out I don't know!'

'O; here you are at last; Mr。 Graye; thank Heaven!' said the rector
breathlessly。  'I have been to the Old House; and then to Miss
Aldclyffe's looking for yousomething very extraordinary。'  He
beckoned to Owen; afterwards included Springrove in his glance; and
the three stepped aside together。

'A porter at the station。  He was a curious nervous man。  He had
been in a strange state all day; but he wouldn't go home。  Your
sister was kind to him; it seems; this afternoon。  When she and her
husband had gone; he went on with his work; shifting luggage…vans。
Well; he got in the way; as if he were quite lost to what was going
on; and they sent him home at last。  Then he wished to see me。  I
went directly。  There was something on his mind; he said; and told
it。  About the time when the fire of last November twelvemonth was
got under; whilst he was by himself in the porter's room; almost
asleep; somebody came to the station and tried to open the door。  He
went out and found the person to be the lady he had accompanied to

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