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desperate remedies-第60章

小说: desperate remedies 字数: 每页4000字

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But the weather seemed in flat contradiction of the whole
proceeding。  At eight o'clock the coachman crept up to the House
almost upon his hands and knees; entered the kitchen; and stood with
his back to the fire; panting from his exertions in pedestrianism。

The kitchen was by far the pleasantest apartment in Knapwater House
on such a morning as this。  The vast fire was the centre of the
whole system; like a sun; and threw its warm rays upon the figures
of the domestics; wheeling about it in true planetary style。  A
nervously…feeble imitation of its flicker was continually attempted
by a family of polished metallic utensils standing in rows and
groups against the walls opposite; the whole collection of shines
nearly annihilating the weak daylight from outside。  A step further
in; and the nostrils were greeted by the scent of green herbs just
gathered; and the eye by the plump form of the cook; wholesome;
white…aproned; and flourylooking as edible as the food she
manipulatedher movements being supported and assisted by her
satellites; the kitchen and scullery maids。  Minute recurrent sounds
prevailedthe click of the smoke…jack; the flap of the flames; and
the light touches of the women's slippers upon the stone floor。

The coachman hemmed; spread his feet more firmly upon the
hearthstone; and looked hard at a small plate in the extreme corner
of the dresser。

'No wedden this mornenthat's my opinion。  In fact; there can't
be;' he said abruptly; as if the words were the mere torso of a
many…membered thought that had existed complete in his head。

The kitchen…maid was toasting a slice of bread at the end of a very
long toasting…fork; which she held at arm's length towards the
unapproachable fire; travestying the Flanconnade in fencing。

'Bad out of doors; isn't it?' she said; with a look of commiseration
for things in general。

'Bad?  Not even a liven soul; gentle or simple; can stand on level
ground。  As to getten up hill to the church; 'tis perfect lunacy。
And I speak of foot…passengers。  As to horses and carriage; 'tis
murder to think of 'em。  I am going to send straight as a line into
the breakfast…room; and say 'tis a closer。 。 。 。  Hullohere's
Clerk Crickett and John Day a…comen!  Now just look at 'em and
picture a wedden if you can。'

All eyes were turned to the window; from which the clerk and
gardener were seen crossing the court; bowed and stooping like Bel
and Nebo。

'You'll have to go if it breaks all the horses' legs in the county;'
said the cook; turning from the spectacle; knocking open the oven…
door with the tongs; glancing critically in; and slamming it
together with a clang。

'O; O; why shall I?' asked the coachman; including in his auditory
by a glance the clerk and gardener who had just entered。

'Because Mr。 Manston is in the business。  Did you ever know him to
give up for weather of any kind; or for any other mortal thing in
heaven or earth?'

' Mornen so'ssuch as it is!' interrupted Mr。 Crickett
cheerily; coming forward to the blaze and warming one hand without
looking at the fire。  'Mr。 Manston gie up for anything in heaven or
earth; did you say?  You might ha' cut it short by sayen 〃to Miss
Aldclyffe;〃 and leaven out heaven and earth as trifles。  But it
might be put off; putten off a thing isn't getten rid of a thing; if
that thing is a woman。  O no; no!'

The coachman and gardener now naturally subsided into secondaries。
The cook went on rather sharply; as she dribbled milk into the exact
centre of a little crater of flour in a platter

'It might be in this case; she's so indifferent。'

'Dang my old sides! and so it might be。  I have a bit of newsI
thought there was something upon my tongue; but 'tis a secret; not a
word; mind; not a word。  Why; Miss Hinton took a holiday yesterday。'

'Yes?' inquired the cook; looking up with perplexed curiosity。

'D'ye think that's all?'

'Don't be so three…cunningif it is all; deliver you from the evil
of raising a woman's expectations wrongfully; I'll skimmer your pate
as sure as you cry Amen!'

'Well; it isn't all。  When I got home last night my wife said; 〃Miss
Adelaide took a holiday this mornen;〃 says she (my wife; that is);
〃walked over to Nether Mynton; met the comen man; and got married!〃
says she。'

'Got married! what; Lord…a…mercy; did Springrove come?'

'Springrove; nonoSpringrove's nothen to do wi' it'twas Farmer
Bollens。  They've been playing bo…peep for these two or three months
seemingly。  Whilst Master Teddy Springrove has been daddlen; and
hawken; and spetten about having her; she's quietly left him all
forsook。  Serve him right。  I don't blame the little woman a bit。'

'Farmer Bollens is old enough to be her father!'

'Ay; quite; and rich enough to be ten fathers。  They say he's so
rich that he has business in every bank; and measures his money in
half…pint cups。'

'Lord; I wish it was me; don't I wish 'twas me!' said the scullery…

'Yes; 'twas as neat a bit of stitching as ever I heard of;'
continued the clerk; with a fixed eye; as if he were watching the
process from a distance。  'Not a soul knew anything about it; and my
wife is the only one in our parish who knows it yet。  Miss Hinton
came back from the wedden; went to Mr。 Manston; puffed herself out
large; and said she was Mrs。 Bollens; but that if he wished; she had
no objection to keep on the house till the regular time of giving
notice had expired; or till he could get another tenant。'

'Just like her independence;' said the cook。

'Well; independent or no; she's Mrs。 Bollens now。  Ah; I shall never
forget once when I went by Farmer Bollens's gardenyears ago now
years; when he was taking up ashleaf taties。  A merry feller I was
at that time; a very merry fellerfor 'twas before I took holy
orders; and it didn't prick my conscience as 'twould now。  〃Farmer;〃
says I; 〃little taties seem to turn out small this year; don't em?〃
〃O no; Crickett;〃 says he; 〃some be fair…sized。〃  He's a dull man
Farmer Bollens ishe always was。  However; that's neither here nor
there; he's a…married to a sharp woman; and if I don't make a
mistake she'll bring him a pretty good family; gie her time。'

'Well; it don't matter; there's a Providence in it;' said the
scullery…maid。  'God A'mighty always sends bread as well as

'But 'tis the bread to one house and the children to another very
often。  However; I think I can see my lady Hinton's reason for
chosen yesterday to sickness…or…health…it。  Your young miss; and
that one; had crossed one another's path in regard to young Master
Springrove; and I expect that when Addy Hinton found Miss Graye
wasn't caren to have en; she thought she'd be beforehand with her
old enemy in marrying somebody else too。  That's maids' logic all
over; and maids' malice likewise。'

Women who are bad enough to divide against themselves under a man's
partiality are good enough to instantly unite in a common cause
against his attack。  'I'll just tell you one thing then;' said the
cook; shaking out her words to the time of a whisk she was beating
eggs with。  'Whatever maids' logic is and maids' malice too; if
Cytherea Graye even now knows that young Springrove is free again;
she'll fling over the steward as soon as look at him。'

'No; no:  not now;' the coachman broke in like a moderator。
'There's honour in that maid; if ever there was in one。  No Miss
Hinton's tricks in her。  She'll stick to Manston。'


'Don't let a word be said till the wedden is over; for Heaven's
sake;' the clerk continued。  'Miss Aldclyffe would fairly hang and
quarter me; if my news broke off that there wedden at a last minute
like this。'

'Then you had better get your wife to bolt you in the closet for an
hour or two; for you'll chatter it yourself to the whole boiling
parish if she don't!  'Tis a poor womanly feller!'

'You shouldn't ha' begun it; clerk。  I knew how 'twould be;' said
the gardener soothingly; in a whisper to the clerk's mangled

The clerk turned and smiled at the fire; and warmed his other hand。

3。  NOON

The weather gave way。  In half…an…hour there began a rapid thaw。  By
ten o'clock the roads; though still 

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