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desperate remedies-第49章

小说: desperate remedies 字数: 每页4000字

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own doing。

Abraham Brown; of Hoxton; Londonan old white…headed man; without
the ruddiness which makes white hairs so pleasingwas sworn; and
deposed that he kept a lodging…house at an address he named。  On a
Saturday evening less than a month before the fire; a lady came to
him; with very little luggage; and took the front room on the second
floor。  He did not inquire where she came from; as she paid a week
in advance; but she gave her name as Mrs。 Manston; referring him; if
he wished for any guarantee of her respectability; to Mr。 Manston;
Knapwater Park。  Here she lived for three weeks; rarely going out。
She slept away from her lodgings one night during the time。  At the
end of that time; on the twenty…eighth of November; she left his
house in a four…wheeled cab; about twelve o'clock in the day;
telling the driver to take her to the Waterloo Station。  She paid
all her lodging expenses; and not having given notice the full week
previous to her going away; offered to pay for the next; but he only
took half。  She wore a thick black veil; and grey waterproof cloak;
when she left him; and her luggage was two boxes; one of plain deal;
with black japanned clamps; the other sewn up in canvas。

Joseph Chinney; porter at the Carriford Road Station; deposed that
he saw Mrs。 Manston; dressed as the last witness had described; get
out of a second…class carriage on the night of the twenty…eighth。
She stood beside him whilst her luggage was taken from the van。  The
luggage; consisting of the clamped deal box and another covered with
canvas; was placed in the cloak…room。  She seemed at a loss at
finding nobody there to meet her。  She asked him for some person to
accompany her; and carry her bag to Mr。 Manston's house; Knapwater
Park。  He was just off duty at that time; and offered to go himself。
The witness here repeated the conversation he had had with Mrs。
Manston during their walk; and testified to having left her at the
door of the Three Tranters Inn; Mr。 Manston's house being closed。

Next; Farmer Springrove was called。  A murmur of surprise and
commiseration passed round the crowded room when he stepped forward。

The events of the few preceding days had so worked upon his
nervously thoughtful nature that the blue orbits of his eyes; and
the mere spot of scarlet to which the ruddiness of his cheeks had
contracted; seemed the result of a heavy sickness。  A perfect
silence pervaded the assembly when he spoke。

His statement was that he received Mrs。 Manston at the threshold;
and asked her to enter the parlour。  She would not do so; and stood
in the passage whilst the maid went upstairs to see that the room
was in order。  The maid came down to the middle landing of the
staircase; when Mrs。 Manston followed her up to the room。  He did
not speak ten words with her altogether。

Afterwards; whilst he was standing at the door listening for his son
Edward's return; he saw her light extinguished; having first caught
sight of her shadow moving about the room。

THE CORONER:  'Did her shadow appear to be that of a woman

SPRINGROVE:  'I cannot say; as I didn't take particular notice。  It
moved backwards and forwards; she might have been undressing or
merely pacing up and down the room。'

Mrs。 Fitler; the ostler's wife and chambermaid; said that she
preceded Mrs。 Manston into the room; put down the candle; and went
out。  Mrs。 Manston scarcely spoke to her; except to ask her to bring
a little brandy。  Witness went and fetched it from the bar; brought
it up; and put it on the dressing…table。

THE CORONER:  'Had Mrs。 Manston begun to undress; when you came

'No; sir; she was sitting on the bed; with everything on; as when
she came in。'

'Did she begin to undress before you left?'

'Not exactly before I had left; but when I had closed the door; and
was on the landing I heard her boot drop on the floor; as it does
sometimes when pulled off?'

'Had her face appeared worn and sleepy?'

'I cannot say as her bonnet and veil were still on when I left; for
she seemed rather shy and ashamed to be seen at the Three Tranters
at all。'

'And did you hear or see any more of her?'

'No more; sir。'

Mrs。 Crickett; temporary servant to Mr。 Manston; said that in
accordance with Mr。 Manston's orders; everything had been made
comfortable in the house for Mrs。 Manston's expected return on
Monday night。  Mr。 Manston told her that himself and Mrs。 Manston
would be home late; not till between eleven and twelve o'clock; and
that supper was to be ready。  Not expecting Mrs。 Manston so early;
she had gone out on a very important errand to Mrs。 Leat the

Mr。 Manston deposed that in looking down the columns of Bradshaw he
had mistaken the time of the train's arrival; and hence was not at
the station when she came。  The broken watch produced was his
wife'she knew it by a scratch on the inner plate; and by other
signs。  The bunch of keys belonged to her:  two of them fitted the
locks of her two boxes。

Mr。 Flooks; agent to Lord Claydonfield at Chettlewood; said that Mr。
Manston had pleaded as his excuse for leaving him rather early in
the evening after their day's business had been settled; that he was
going to meet his wife at Carriford Road Station; where she was
coming by the last train that night。

The surgeon said that the remains were those of a human being。  The
small fragment seemed a portion of one of the lumbar vertebraethe
other the head of the os femorisbut they were both so far gone
that it was impossible to say definitely whether they belonged to
the body of a male or female。  There was no moral doubt that they
were a woman's。  He did not believe that death resulted from burning
by fire。  He thought she was crushed by the fall of the west gable;
which being of wood; as well as the floor; burnt after it had
fallen; and consumed the body with it。

Two or three additional witnesses gave unimportant testimony。

The coroner summed up; and the jury without hesitation found that
the deceased Mrs。 Manston came by her death accidentally through the
burning of the Three Tranters Inn。


When Mr。 Springrove came from the door of the Rising Sun at the end
of the inquiry; Manston walked by his side as far as the stile to
the park; a distance of about a stone's…throw。

'Ah; Mr。 Springrove; this is a sad affair for everybody concerned。'

'Everybody;' said the old farmer; with deep sadness; ''tis quite a
misery to me。  I hardly know how I shall live through each day as it
breaks。  I think of the words; 〃In the morning thou shalt say; Would
God it were even! and at even thou shalt say; Would God it were
morning! for the fear of thine heart wherewith thou shalt fear; and
for the sight of thine eyes which thou shalt see。〃'  His voice
became broken。

'Ahtrue。  I read Deuteronomy myself;' said Manston。

'But my loss is as nothing to yours;' the farmer continued。

'Nothing; but I can commiserate you。  I should be worse than
unfeeling if I didn't; although my own affliction is of so sad and
solemn a kind。  Indeed my own loss makes me more keenly alive to
yours; different in nature as it is。'

'What sum do you think would be required of me to put the houses in
place again?'

'I have roughly thought six or seven hundred pounds。'

'If the letter of the law is to be acted up to;' said the old man;
with more agitation in his voice。

'Yes; exactly。'

'Do you know enough of Miss Aldclyffe's mind to give me an idea of
how she means to treat me?'

'Well; I am afraid I must tell you that though I know very little of
her mind as a rule; in this matter I believe she will be rather
peremptory; she might share to the extent of a sixth or an eighth
perhaps; in consideration of her getting new lamps for old; but I
should hardly think more。'

The steward stepped upon the stile; and Mr。 Springrove went along
the road with a bowed head and heavy footsteps towards his niece's
cottage; in which; rather against the wish of Edward; they had
temporarily taken refuge。

The additional weight of this knowledge soon made itself
perceptible。  Though indoors with Edward or Adelaide nearly

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