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desperate remedies-第4章

小说: desperate remedies 字数: 每页4000字

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late with him。  He said; 〃Owen; don't love too blindly:  blindly you
will love if you love at all; but a little care is still possible to
a well…disciplined heart。  May that heart be yours as it was not
mine;〃 father said。  〃Cultivate the art of renunciation。〃  And I am
going to; Cytherea。'

'And once mamma said that an excellent woman was papa's ruin;
because he did not know the way to give her up when he had lost her。
I wonder where she is now; Owen?  We were told not to try to find
out anything about her。  Papa never told us her name; did he?'

'That was by her own request; I believe。  But never mind her; she
was not our mother。'

The love affair which had been Ambrose Graye's disheartening blow
was precisely of that nature which lads take little account of; but
girls ponder in their hearts。


Thus Ambrose Graye's good intentions with regard to the
reintegration of his property had scarcely taken tangible form when
his sudden death put them for ever out of his power。

Heavy bills; showing the extent of his obligations; tumbled in
immediately upon the heels of the funeral from quarters previously
unheard and unthought of。  Thus pressed; a bill was filed in
Chancery to have the assets; such as they were; administered by the

'What will become of us now?' thought Owen continually。

There is in us an unquenchable expectation; which at the gloomiest
time persists in inferring that because we are OURSELVES; there must
be a special future in store for us; though our nature and
antecedents to the remotest particular have been common to
thousands。  Thus to Cytherea and Owen Graye the question how their
lives would end seemed the deepest of possible enigmas。  To others
who knew their position equally well with themselves the question
was the easiest that could be asked'Like those of other people
similarly circumstanced。'

Then Owen held a consultation with his sister to come to some
decision on their future course; and a month was passed in waiting
for answers to letters; and in the examination of schemes more or
less futile。  Sudden hopes that were rainbows to the sight proved
but mists to the touch。  In the meantime; unpleasant remarks;
disguise them as some well…meaning people might; were floating
around them every day。  The undoubted truth; that they were the
children of a dreamer who let slip away every farthing of his money
and ran into debt with his neighboursthat the daughter had been
brought up to no professionthat the son who had; had made no
progress in it; and might come to the dogscould not from the
nature of things be wrapped up in silence in order that it might not
hurt their feelings; and as a matter of fact; it greeted their ears
in some form or other wherever they went。  Their few acquaintances
passed them hurriedly。  Ancient pot…wallopers; and thriving
shopkeepers; in their intervals of leisure; stood at their shop…
doorstheir toes hanging over the edge of the step; and their obese
waists hanging over their toesand in discourses with friends on
the pavement; formulated the course of the improvident; and reduced
the children's prospects to a shadow…like attenuation。  The sons of
these men (who wore breastpins of a sarcastic kind; and smoked
humorous pipes) stared at Cytherea with a stare unmitigated by any
of the respect that had formerly softened it。

Now it is a noticeable fact that we do not much mind what men think
of us; or what humiliating secret they discover of our means;
parentage; or object; provided that each thinks and acts thereupon
in isolation。  It is the exchange of ideas about us that we dread
most; and the possession by a hundred acquaintances; severally
insulated; of the knowledge of our skeleton…closet's whereabouts; is
not so distressing to the nerves as a chat over it by a party of
half…a…dozenexclusive depositaries though these may be。

Perhaps; though Hocbridge watched and whispered; its animus would
have been little more than a trifle to persons in thriving
circumstances。  But unfortunately; poverty; whilst it is new; and
before the skin has had time to thicken; makes people susceptible
inversely to their opportunities for shielding themselves。  In Owen
was found; in place of his father's impressibility; a larger share
of his father's pride; and a squareness of idea which; if coupled
with a little more blindness; would have amounted to positive
prejudice。  To him humanity; so far as he had thought of it at all;
was rather divided into distinct classes than blended from extreme
to extreme。  Hence by a sequence of ideas which might be traced if
it were worth while; he either detested or respected opinion; and
instinctively sought to escape a cold shade that mere sensitiveness
would have endured。  He could have submitted to separation;
sickness; exile; drudgery; hunger and thirst; with stoical
indifference; but superciliousness was too incisive。

After living on for nine months in attempts to make an income as his
father's successor in the professionattempts which were utterly
fruitless by reason of his inexperienceGraye came to a simple and
sweeping resolution。  They would privately leave that part of
England; drop from the sight of acquaintances; gossips; harsh
critics; and bitter creditors of whose misfortune he was not the
cause; and escape the position which galled him by the only road
their great poverty left open to themthat of his obtaining some
employment in a distant place by following his profession as a
humble under…draughtsman。

He thought over his capabilities with the sensations of a soldier
grinding his sword at the opening of a campaign。  What with lack of
employment; owing to the decrease of his late father's practice; and
the absence of direct and uncompromising pressure towards monetary
results from a pupil's labour (which seems to be always the case
when a professional man's pupil is also his son); Owen's progress in
the art and science of architecture had been very insignificant
indeed。  Though anything but an idle young man; he had hardly
reached the age at which industrious men who lack an external whip
to send them on in the world; are induced by their own common sense
to whip on themselves。  Hence his knowledge of plans; elevations;
sections; and specifications; was not greater at the end of two
years of probation than might easily have been acquired in six
months by a youth of average abilityhimself; for instanceamid a
bustling London practice。

But at any rate he could make himself handy to one of the
professionsome man in a remote townand there fulfil his
indentures。  A tangible inducement lay in this direction of survey。
He had a slight conception of such a mana Mr。 Gradfieldwho was
in practice in Budmouth Regis; a seaport town and watering…place in
the south of England。

After some doubts; Graye ventured to write to this gentleman; asking
the necessary question; shortly alluding to his father's death; and
stating that his term of apprenticeship had only half expired。  He
would be glad to complete his articles at a very low salary for the
whole remaining two years; provided payment could begin at once。

The answer from Mr。 Gradfield stated that he was not in want of a
pupil who would serve the remainder of his time on the terms Mr。
Graye mentioned。  But he would just add one remark。  He chanced to
be in want of some young man in his officefor a short time only;
probably about two monthsto trace drawings; and attend to other
subsidiary work of the kind。  If Mr。 Graye did not object to occupy
such an inferior position as these duties would entail; and to
accept weekly wages which to one with his expectations would be
considered merely nominal; the post would give him an opportunity
for learning a few more details of the profession。

'It is a beginning; and; above all; an abiding…place; away from the
shadow of the cloud which hangs over us hereI will go;' said Owen。

Cytherea's plan for her future; an intensely simple one; owing to
the even greater narrowness of her resources; was already marked
out。  One advantage had accrued to her through her mother's
possession of a fai

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