贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > desperate remedies >


desperate remedies-第33章

小说: desperate remedies 字数: 每页4000字

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She began to warm towards the old man; there was in him a gentleness
of disposition which reminded her of her own father。

'Recommending?  Not at all; miss。  Tedthat's my sonTed said a
fellow…draughtsman of his had a sister who wanted to be doing
something in the world; and I mentioned it to the housekeeper;
that's all。  Ay; I miss my son very much。'

She kept her back to the window that he might not see her rising

'Yes;' he continued; 'sometimes I can't help feeling uneasy about
him。  You know; he seems not made for a town life exactly:  he gets
very queer over it sometimes; I think。  Perhaps he'll be better when
he's married to Adelaide。'

A half…impatient feeling arose in her; like that which possesses a
sick person when he hears a recently…struck hour struck again by a
slow clock。  She had lived further on。

'Everything depends upon whether he loves her;' she said

'He used tohe doesn't show it so much now; but that's because he's
older。  You see; it was several years ago they first walked together
as young man and young woman。  She's altered too from what she was
when he first courted her。'

'How; sir?'

'O; she's more sensible by half。  When he used to write to her she'd
creep up the lane and look back over her shoulder; and slide out the
letter; and read a word and stand in thought looking at the hills
and seeing none。  Then the cuckoo would cryaway the letter would
slip; and she'd start wi' fright at the mere bird; and have a red
skin before the quickest man among ye could say; 〃Blood rush up。〃'

He came forward with the money and dropped it into her hand。  His
thoughts were still with Edward; and he absently took her little
fingers in his as he said; earnestly and ingenuously

''Tis so seldom I get a gentlewoman to speak to that I can't help
speaking to you; Miss Graye; on my fears for Edward; I sometimes am
afraid that he'll never get onthat he'll die poor and despised
under the worst mental conditions; a keen sense of having been
passed in the race by men whose brains are nothing to his own; all
through his seeing too far into thingsbeing discontented with
make…shiftsthinking o' perfection in things; and then sickened
that there's no such thing as perfection。  I shan't be sorry to see
him marry; since it may settle him down and do him good。 。 。 。  Ay;
we'll hope for the best。'

He let go her hand and accompanied her to the door saying; 'If you
should care to walk this way and talk to an old man once now and
then; it will be a great delight to him; Miss Graye。  Good…evening
to ye。 。 。 。  Ah look! a thunderstorm is brewingbe quick home。  Or
shall I step up with you?'

'No; thank you; Mr。 Springrove。  Good evening;' she said in a low
voice; and hurried away。  One thought still possessed her; Edward
had trifled with her love。


She followed the road into a bower of trees; overhanging it so
densely that the pass appeared like a rabbit's burrow; and presently
reached a side entrance to the park。  The clouds rose more rapidly
than the farmer had anticipated:  the sheep moved in a trail; and
complained incoherently。  Livid grey shades; like those of the
modern French painters; made a mystery of the remote and dark parts
of the vista; and seemed to insist upon a suspension of breath。
Before she was half…way across the park the thunder rumbled

The direction in which she had to go would take her close by the old
manor…house。  The air was perfectly still; and between each low
rumble of the thunder behind she could hear the roar of the
waterfall before her; and the creak of the engine among the bushes
hard by it。  Hurrying on; with a growing dread of the gloom and of
the approaching storm; she drew near the Old House; now rising
before her against the dark foliage and sky in tones of strange

On the flight of steps; which descended from a terrace in front to
the level of the park; stood a man。  He appeared; partly from the
relief the position gave to his figure; and partly from fact; to be
of towering height。  He was dark in outline; and was looking at the
sky; with his hands behind him。

It was necessary for Cytherea to pass directly across the line of
his front。  She felt so reluctant to do this; that she was about to
turn under the trees out of the path and enter it again at a point
beyond the Old House; but he had seen her; and she came on
mechanically; unconsciously averting her face a little; and dropping
her glance to the ground。

Her eyes unswervingly lingered along the path until they fell upon
another path branching in a right line from the path she was
pursuing。  It came from the steps of the Old House。  'I am exactly
opposite him now;' she thought; 'and his eyes are going through me。'

A clear masculine voice said; at the same instant

'Are you afraid?'

She; interpreting his question by her feelings at the moment;
assumed himself to be the object of fear; if any。  'I don't think I
am;' she stammered。

He seemed to know that she thought in that sense。

'Of the thunder; I mean;' he said; 'not of myself。'

She must turn to him now。  'I think it is going to rain;' she
remarked for the sake of saying something。

He could not conceal his surprise and admiration of her face and
bearing。  He said courteously; 'It may possibly not rain before you
reach the House; if you are going there?'

'Yes; I am;'

'May I walk up with you?  It is lonely under the trees。'

'No。'  Fearing his courtesy arose from a belief that he was
addressing a woman of higher station than was hers; she added; 'I am
Miss Aldclyffe's companion。  I don't mind the loneliness。'

'O; Miss Aldclyffe's companion。  Then will you be kind enough to
take a subscription to her?  She sent to me this afternoon to ask me
to become a subscriber to her Society; and I was out。  Of course
I'll subscribe if she wishes it。  I take a great interest in the

'Miss Aldclyffe will be glad to hear that; I know。'

'Yes; let me seewhat Society did she say it was?  I am afraid I
haven't enough money in my pocket; and yet it would be a
satisfaction to her to have practical proof of my willingness。  I'll
get it; and be out in one minute。'

He entered the house and was at her side again within the time he
had named。  'This is it;' he said pleasantly。

She held up her hand。  The soft tips of his fingers brushed the palm
of her glove as he placed the money within it。  She wondered why his
fingers should have touched her。

'I think after all;' he continued; 'that the rain is upon us; and
will drench you before you reach the House。  Yes:  see there。'

He pointed to a round wet spot as large as a nasturtium leaf; which
had suddenly appeared upon the white surface of the step。

'You had better come into the porch。  It is not nearly night yet。
The clouds make it seem later than it really is。'

Heavy drops of rain; followed immediately by a forked flash of
lightning and sharp rattling thunder compelled her; willingly or no;
to accept his invitation。  She ascended the steps; stood beside him
just within the porch; and for the first time obtained a series of
short views of his person; as they waited there in silence。

He was an extremely handsome man; well…formed; and well…dressed; of
an age which seemed to be two or three years less than thirty。  The
most striking point in his appearance was the wonderful; almost
preternatural; clearness of his complexion。  There was not a blemish
or speck of any kind to mar the smoothness of its surface or the
beauty of its hue。  Next; his forehead was square and broad; his
brows straight and firm; his eyes penetrating and clear。  By
collecting the round of expressions they gave forth; a person who
theorized on such matters would have imbibed the notion that their
owner was of a nature to kick against the pricks; the last man in
the world to put up with a position because it seemed to be his
destiny to do so; one who took upon himself to resist fate with the
vindictive determination of a Theomachist。  Eyes and forehead both
would have expressed keenness of intellect too severely to be
pleasing; had their force not been c

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