贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > desperate remedies >


desperate remedies-第30章

小说: desperate remedies 字数: 每页4000字

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her; 'a good sensible wife for any man; if she cares to marry;' the
caring to marry being thrown in as the vaguest hypothesis; because
she was so practical。  Yet it would be singular if; in such cases;
the important subject of marriage should be excluded from
manipulation by hands that are ready for practical performance in
every domestic concern besides。

Cytherea was an acquisition; and the greeting was hearty。

'Good afternoon!  O yesMiss Graye; from Miss Aldclyffe's。  I have
seen you at church; and I am so glad you have called!  Come in。  I
wonder if I have change enough to pay my subscription。'  She spoke

Adelaide; when in the company of a younger woman; always levelled
herself down to that younger woman's age from a sense of justice to
herselfas if; though not her own age at common law; it was in

'It doesn't matter。  I'll come again。'

'Yes; do at any time; not only on this errand。  But you must step in
for a minute。  Do。'

'I have been wanting to come for several weeks。'

'That's right。  Now you must see my houselonely; isn't it; for a
single person?  People said it was odd for a young woman like me to
keep on a house; but what did I care?  If you knew the pleasure of
locking up your own door; with the sensation that you reigned
supreme inside it; you would say it was worth the risk of being
called odd。  Mr。 Springrove attends to my gardening; the dog attends
to robbers; and whenever there is a snake or toad to kill; Jane does

'How nice!  It is better than living in a town。'

'Far better。  A town makes a cynic of me。'

The remark recalled; somewhat startlingly; to Cytherea's mind; that
Edward had used those very words to herself one evening at Budmouth。

Miss Hinton opened an interior door and led her visitor into a small
drawing…room commanding a view of the country for miles。

The missionary business was soon settled; but the chat continued。

'How lonely it must be here at night!' said Cytherea。  'Aren't you

'At first I was; slightly。  But I got used to the solitude。  And you
know a sort of commonsense will creep even into timidity。  I say to
myself sometimes at night; 〃If I were anybody but a harmless woman;
not worth the trouble of a worm's ghost to appear to me; I should
think that every sound I hear was a spirit。〃  But you must see all
over my house。'

Cytherea was highly interested in seeing。

'I say you MUST do this; and you MUST do that; as if you were a
child;' remarked Adelaide。  'A privileged friend of mine tells me
this use of the imperative comes of being so constantly in nobody's
society but my own。'

'Ah; yes。  I suppose she is right。'

Cytherea called the friend 'she' by a rule of ladylike practice; for
a woman's 'friend' is delicately assumed by another friend to be of
their own sex in the absence of knowledge to the contrary; just as
cats are called she's until they prove themselves he's。

Miss Hinton laughed mysteriously。

'I get a humorous reproof for it now and then; I assure you;' she

'〃Humorous reproof:〃 that's not from a woman:  who can reprove
humorously but a man?' was the groove of Cytherea's thought at the
remark。  'Your brother reproves you; I expect;' said that innocent
young lady。

'No;' said Miss Hinton; with a candid air。  ''Tis only a
professional man I am acquainted with。'  She looked out of the

Women are persistently imitative。  No sooner did a thought flash
through Cytherea's mind that the man was a lover than she became a
Miss Aldclyffe in a mild form。

'I imagine he's a lover;' she said。

Miss Hinton smiled a smile of experience in that line。

Few women; if taxed with having an admirer; are so free from vanity
as to deny the impeachment; even if it is utterly untrue。  When it
does happen to be true; they look pityingly away from the person who
is so benighted as to have got no further than suspecting it。

'There nowMiss Hinton; you are engaged to be married!' said
Cytherea accusingly。

Adelaide nodded her head practically。  'Well; yes; I am;' she said。

The word 'engaged' had no sooner passed Cytherea's lips than the
sound of itthe mere sound of her own lipscarried her mind to the
time and circumstances under which Miss Aldclyffe had used it
towards herself。  A sickening thought followedbased but on a mere
surmise; yet its presence took every other idea away from Cytherea's
mind。  Miss Hinton had used Edward's words about towns; she
mentioned Mr。 Springrove as attending to her garden。  It could not
be that Edward was the man! that Miss Aldclyffe had planned to
reveal her rival thus!

'Are you going to be married soon?' she inquired; with a steadiness
the result of a sort of fascination; but apparently of indifference。

'Not very soonstill; soon。'

'Ah…ha!  In less than three months?' said Cytherea。


Now that the subject was well in hand; Adelaide wanted no more
prompting。  'You won't tell anybody if I show you something?' she
said; with eager mystery。

'O no; nobody。  But does he live in this parish?'


Nothing proved yet。

'What's his name?' said Cytherea flatly。  Her breath and heart had
begun their old tricks; and came and went hotly。  Miss Hinton could
not see her face。

'What do you think?' said Miss Hinton。

'George?' said Cytherea; with deceitful agony。

'No;' said Adelaide。  'But now; you shall see him first; come here;'
and she led the way upstairs into her bedroom。  There; standing on
the dressing table in a little frame; was the unconscious portrait
of Edward Springrove。

'There he is;' Miss Hinton said; and a silence ensued。

'Are you very fond of him?' continued the miserable Cytherea at

'Yes; of course I am;' her companion replied; but in the tone of one
who 'lived in Abraham's bosom all the year;' and was therefore
untouched by solemn thought at the fact。  'He's my cousina native
of this village。  We were engaged before my father's death left me
so lonely。  I was only twenty; and a much greater belle than I am
now。  We know each other thoroughly; as you may imagine。  I give him
a little sermonizing now and then。'


'O; it's only in fun。 He's very naughty sometimesnot really; you
knowbut he will look at any pretty face when he sees it。'

Storing up this statement of his susceptibility as another item to
be miserable upon when she had time; 'How do you know that?'
Cytherea asked; with a swelling heart。

'Well; you know how things do come to women's ears。  He used to live
at Budmouth as an assistant…architect; and I found out that a young
giddy thing of a girl who lives there somewhere took his fancy for a
day or two。  But I don't feel jealous at allour engagement is so
matter…of…fact that neither of us can be jealous。  And it was a mere
flirtationshe was too silly for him。  He's fond of rowing; and
kindly gave her an airing for an evening or two。 I'll warrant they
talked the most unmitigated rubbish under the sunall shallowness
and pastime; just as everything is at watering placesneither of
them caring a bit for the othershe giggling like a goose all the

Concentrated essence of woman pervaded the room rather than air。
'She DIDN'T! and it WASN'T shallowness!' Cytherea burst out; with
brimming eyes。  ''Twas deep deceit on one side; and entire
confidence on the otheryes; it was!'  The pent…up emotion had
swollen and swollen inside the young thing till the dam could no
longer embay it。  The instant the words were out she would have
given worlds to have been able to recall them。

'Do you know heror him?' said Miss Hinton; starting with suspicion
at the warmth shown。

The two rivals had now lost their personality quite。  There was the
same keen brightness of eye; the same movement of the mouth; the
same mind in both; as they looked doubtingly and excitedly at each
other。  As is invariably the case with women when a man they care
for is the subject of an excitement among them; the situation
abstracted the differences which distinguished them as individuals;
and left only the properties common to them as atoms of a sex。

Cytherea caught at the chance afforded her of not betraying herself。

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