贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > desperate remedies >


desperate remedies-第25章

小说: desperate remedies 字数: 每页4000字

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which Miss Aldclyffe's bereavement bore to her own; it had the
appearance of being still another call to her not to forsake this
woman so linked to her life; for the sake of any trivial vexation。

Miss Aldclyffe held her almost as a lover would have held her; and
said musingly

'We get more and more into one groove。  I now am left fatherless and
motherless as you were。'  Other ties lay behind in her thoughts; but
she did not mention them。

'You loved your father; Cytherea; and wept for him?'

'Yes; I did。  Poor papa!'

'I was always at variance with mine; and can't weep for him now!
But you must stay here always; and make a better woman of me。'

The compact was thus sealed; and Cytherea; in spite of the failure
of her advertisements; was installed as a veritable Companion。  And;
once more in the history of human endeavour; a position which it was
impossible to reach by any direct attempt; was come to by the
seeker's swerving from the path; and regarding the original object
as one of secondary importance。



The time of day was four o'clock in the afternoon。  The place was
the lady's study or boudoir; Knapwater House。  The person was Miss
Aldclyffe sitting there alone; clothed in deep mourning。

The funeral of the old Captain had taken place; and his will had
been read。  It was very concise; and had been executed about five
years previous to his death。  It was attested by his solicitors;
Messrs。 Nyttleton and Tayling; of Lincoln's Inn Fields。  The whole
of his estate; real and personal; was bequeathed to his daughter
Cytherea; for her sole and absolute use; subject only to the payment
of a legacy to the rector; their relative; and a few small amounts
to the servants。

Miss Aldclyffe had not chosen the easiest chair of her boudoir to
sit in; or even a chair of ordinary comfort; but an uncomfortable;
high; narrow…backed; oak framed and seated chair; which was allowed
to remain in the room only on the ground of being a companion in
artistic quaintness to an old coffer beside it; and was never used
except to stand in to reach for a book from the highest row of
shelves。  But she had sat erect in this chair for more than an hour;
for the reason that she was utterly unconscious of what her actions
and bodily feelings were。  The chair had stood nearest her path on
entering the room; and she had gone to it in a dream。

She sat in the attitude which denotes unflagging; intense;
concentrated thoughtas if she were cast in bronze。  Her feet were
together; her body bent a little forward; and quite unsupported by
the back of the chair; her hands on her knees; her eyes fixed
intently on the corner of a footstool。

At last she moved and tapped her fingers upon the table at her side。
Her pent…up ideas had finally found some channel to advance in。
Motions became more and more frequent as she laboured to carry
further and further the problem which occupied her brain。  She sat
back and drew a long breath:  she sat sideways and leant her
forehead upon her hand。  Later still she arose; walked up and down
the roomat first abstractedly; with her features as firmly set as
ever; but by degrees her brow relaxed; her footsteps became lighter
and more leisurely; her head rode gracefully and was no longer
bowed。  She plumed herself like a swan after exertion。

'Yes;' she said aloud。  'To get HIM here without letting him know
that I have any other object than that of getting a useful man
that's the difficultyand that I think I can master。'

She rang for the new maid; a placid woman of forty with a few grey

'Ask Miss Graye if she can come to me。'

Cytherea was not far off; and came in。

'Do you know anything about architects and surveyors?' said Miss
Aldclyffe abruptly。

'Know anything?' replied Cytherea; poising herself on her toe to
consider the compass of the question。

'Yesknow anything;' said Miss Aldclyffe。

'Owen is an architect and surveyor's draughtsman;' the maiden said;
and thought of somebody else who was likewise。

'Yes! that's why I asked you。  What are the different kinds of work
comprised in an architect's practice?  They lay out estates; and
superintend the various works done upon them; I should think; among
other things?'

'Those are; more properly; a land or building steward's dutiesat
least I have always imagined so。  Country architects include those
things in their practice; city architects don't。'

'I know that; child。  But a steward's is an indefinite fast and
loose profession; it seems to me。  Shouldn't you think that a man
who had been brought up as an architect would do for a steward?'

Cytherea had doubts whether an architect pure would do。

The chief pleasure connected with asking an opinion lies in not
adopting it。  Miss Aldclyffe replied decisively

'Nonsense; of course he would。  Your brother Owen makes plans for
country buildingssuch as cottages; stables; homesteads; and so

'Yes; he does。'

'And superintends the building of them?'

'Yes; he will soon。'

'And he surveys land?'

'O yes。'

'And he knows about hedges and ditcheshow wide they ought to be;
boundaries; levelling; planting trees to keep away the winds;
measuring timber; houses for ninety…nine years; and such things?'

'I have never heard him say that; but I think Mr。 Gradfield does
those things。  Owen; I am afraid; is inexperienced as yet。'

'Yes; your brother is not old enough for such a post yet; of course。
And then there are rent…days; the audit and winding up of
tradesmen's accounts。  I am afraid; Cytherea; you don't know much
more about the matter than I do myself。 。 。 。  I am going out just
now;' she continued。  'I shall not want you to walk with me to…day。
Run away till dinner…time。'

Miss Aldclyffe went out of doors; and down the steps to the lawn:
then turning to the left; through a shrubbery; she opened a wicket
and passed into a neglected and leafy carriage…drive; leading down
the hill。  This she followed till she reached the point of its
greatest depression; which was also the lowest ground in the whole

The trees here were so interlaced; and hung their branches so near
the ground; that a whole summer's day was scarcely long enough to
change the air pervading the spot from its normal state of coolness
to even a temporary warmth。  The unvarying freshness was helped by
the nearness of the ground to the level of the springs; and by the
presence of a deep; sluggish stream close by; equally well shaded by
bushes and a high wall。  Following the road; which now ran along at
the margin of the stream; she came to an opening in the wall; on the
other side of the water; revealing a large rectangular nook from
which the stream proceeded; covered with froth; and accompanied by a
dull roar。  Two more steps; and she was opposite the nook; in full
view of the cascade forming its further boundary。  Over the top
could be seen the bright outer sky in the form of a crescent; caused
by the curve of a bridge across the rapids; and the trees above。

Beautiful as was the scene she did not look in that direction。  The
same standing…ground afforded another prospect; straight in the
front; less sombre than the water on the right or the trees all
around。  The avenue and grove which flanked it abruptly terminated a
few yards ahead; where the ground began to rise; and on the remote
edge of the greensward thus laid open; stood all that remained of
the original manor…house; to which the dark margin…line of the trees
in the avenue formed an adequate and well…fitting frame。  It was the
picture thus presented that was now interesting Miss Aldclyffenot
artistically or historically; but practicallyas regarded its
fitness for adaptation to modern requirements。

In front; detached from everything else; rose the most ancient
portion of the structurean old arched gateway; flanked by the
bases of two small towers; and nearly covered with creepers; which
had clambered over the eaves of the sinking roof; and up the gable
to the crest of the Aldclyffe family perched on the apex。  Behind
this; at a distance of ten or twenty yards; came the only portion 

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