贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > desperate remedies >


desperate remedies-第23章

小说: desperate remedies 字数: 每页4000字

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'and your touch was the end of it。  It was dreadful。  Time; with his
wings; hour…glass; and scythe; coming nearer and nearer to me
grinning and mocking:  then he seized me; took a piece of me only。 。
。  But I can't tell you。  I can't bear to think of it。  How those
dogs howl!  People say it means death。'

The return of Miss Aldclyffe to consciousness was sufficient to
dispel the wild fancies which the loneliness of the night had woven
in Cytherea's mind。  She dismissed the third noise as something
which in all likelihood could easily be explained; if trouble were
taken to inquire into it:  large houses had all kinds of strange
sounds floating about them。  She was ashamed to tell Miss Aldclyffe
her terrors。

A silence of five minutes。

'Are you asleep?' said Miss Aldclyffe。

'No;' said Cytherea; in a long…drawn whisper。

'How those dogs howl; don't they?'

'Yes。  A little dog in the house began it。'

'Ah; yes:  that was Totsy。  He sleeps on the mat outside my father's
bedroom door。  A nervous creature。'

There was a silent interval of nearly half…an…hour。  A clock on the
landing struck three。

'Are you asleep; Miss Aldclyffe?' whispered Cytherea。

'No;' said Miss Aldclyffe。  'How wretched it is not to be able to
sleep; isn't it?'

'Yes;' replied Cytherea; like a docile child。

Another hour passed; and the clock struck four。  Miss Aldclyffe was
still awake。

'Cytherea;' she said; very softly。

Cytherea made no answer。  She was sleeping soundly。

The first glimmer of dawn was now visible。  Miss Aldclyffe arose;
put on her dressing…gown; and went softly downstairs to her own

'I have not told her who I am after all; or found out the
particulars of Ambrose's history;' she murmured。  'But her being in
love alters everything。'


Cytherea awoke; quiet in mind and refreshed。  A conclusion to remain
at Knapwater was already in possession of her。

Finding Miss Aldclyffe gone; she dressed herself and sat down at the
window to write an answer to Edward's letter; and an account of her
arrival at Knapwater to Owen。  The dismal and heart…breaking
pictures that Miss Aldclyffe had placed before her the preceding
evening; the later terrors of the night; were now but as shadows of
shadows; and she smiled in derision at her own excitability。

But writing Edward's letter was the great consoler; the effect of
each word upon him being enacted in her own face as she wrote it。
She felt how much she would like to share his troublehow well she
could endure poverty with himand wondered what his trouble was。
But all would be explained at last; she knew。

At the appointed time she went to Miss Aldclyffe's room; intending;
with the contradictoriness common in people; to perform with
pleasure; as a work of supererogation; what as a duty was simply

Miss Aldclyffe was already out of bed。  The bright penetrating light
of morning made a vast difference in the elder lady's behaviour to
her dependent; the day; which had restored Cytherea's judgment; had
effected the same for Miss Aldclyffe。  Though practical reasons
forbade her regretting that she had secured such a companionable
creature to read; talk; or play to her whenever her whim required;
she was inwardly vexed at the extent to which she had indulged in
the womanly luxury of making confidences and giving way to emotions。
Few would have supposed that the calm lady sitting aristocratically
at the toilet table; seeming scarcely conscious of Cytherea's
presence in the room; even when greeting her; was the passionate
creature who had asked for kisses a few hours before。

It is both painful and satisfactory to think how often these
antitheses are to be observed in the individual most open to our
observationourselves。  We pass the evening with faces lit up by
some flaring illumination or other:  we get up the next morningthe
fiery jets have all gone out; and nothing confronts us but a few
crinkled pipes and sooty wirework; hardly even recalling the outline
of the blazing picture that arrested our eyes before bedtime。

Emotions would be half starved if there were no candle…light。
Probably nine…tenths of the gushing letters of indiscreet confession
are written after nine or ten o'clock in the evening; and sent off
before day returns to leer invidiously upon them。  Few that remain
open to catch our glance as we rise in the morning; survive the
frigid criticism of dressing…time。

The subjects uppermost in the minds of the two women who had thus
cooled from their fires; were not the visionary ones of the later
hours; but the hard facts of their earlier conversation。  After a
remark that Cytherea need not assist her in dressing unless she
wished to; Miss Aldclyffe said abruptly

'I can tell that young man's name。'  She looked keenly at Cytherea。
'It is Edward Springrove; my tenant's son。'

The inundation of colour upon the younger lady at hearing a name
which to her was a world; handled as if it were only an atom; told
Miss Aldclyffe that she had divined the truth at last。

'Ahit is he; is it?' she continued。  'Well; I wanted to know for
practical reasons。  His example shows that I was not so far wrong in
my estimate of men after all; though I only generalized; and had no
thought of him。'  This was perfectly true。

'What do you mean?' said Cytherea; visibly alarmed。

'Mean?  Why that all the world knows him to be engaged to be
married; and that the wedding is soon to take place。'  She made the
remark bluntly and superciliously; as if to obtain absolution at the
hands of her family pride for the weak confidences of the night。

But even the frigidity of Miss Aldclyffe's morning mood was overcome
by the look of sick and blank despair which the carelessly uttered
words had produced upon Cytherea's face。  She sank back into a
chair; and buried her face in her hands。

'Don't be so foolish;' said Miss Aldclyffe。  'Come; make the best of
it。  I cannot upset the fact I have told you of; unfortunately。  But
I believe the match can be broken off。'

'O no; no。'

'Nonsense。  I liked him much as a youth; and I like him now。  I'll
help you to captivate and chain him down。  I have got over my absurd
feeling of last night in not wanting you ever to go away from meof
course; I could not expect such a thing as that。  There; now I have
said I'll help you; and that's enough。  He's tired of his first
choice now that he's been away from home for a while。  The love that
no outer attack can frighten away quails before its idol's own
homely ways; it is always so。 。 。 。  Come; finish what you are doing
if you are going to; and don't be a little goose about such a
trumpery affair as that。'

'Whois he engaged to?' Cytherea inquired by a movement of her lips
but no sound of her voice。  But Miss Aldclyffe did not answer。  It
mattered not; Cytherea thought。  Another womanthat was enough for
her:  curiosity was stunned。

She applied herself to the work of dressing; scarcely knowing how。
Miss Aldclyffe went on:

'You were too easily won。  I'd have made him or anybody else speak
out before he should have kissed my face for his pleasure。  But you
are one of those precipitantly fond things who are yearning to throw
away their hearts upon the first worthless fellow who says good…
morning。  In the first place; you shouldn't have loved him so
quickly:  in the next; if you must have loved him off…hand; you
should have concealed it。  It tickled his vanity:  〃By Jove; that
girl's in love with me already!〃 he thought。'

To hasten away at the end of the toilet; to tell Mrs。 Morriswho
stood waiting in a little room prepared for her; with tea poured
out; bread…and…butter cut into diaphanous slices; and eggs arranged…
…that she wanted no breakfast:  then to shut herself alone in her
bedroom; was her only thought。  She was followed thither by the
well…intentioned matron with a cup of tea and one piece of bread…
and…butter on a tray; cheerfully insisting that she should eat it。

To those who grieve; innocent cheerfulness seems heartless levity。
'No; thank you; Mrs。 Morris;' she said; keeping the door closed。
Despite the incivility of the action;

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