贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > joan of naples >


joan of naples-第4章

小说: joan of naples 字数: 每页4000字

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en during my long and painful life; God alone knows the thoughts that rend my heart in the hour of death。  Soon shall I be lying in the tomb; and all that remains of me in this world will live in the memory of those who pray for me。  But before I leave you for ever; you; oh; you who are twice my daughters; whom I have loved with a double love; and you my nephews who have had from me all the care and affection of a father; promise me to be ever united in heart and in wish; as indeed you are in my love。  I have lived longer than your fathers; I the eldest of all; and thus no doubt God has wished to tighten the bonds of your affection; to accustom you to live in one family and to pay honour to one head。  I have loved you all alike; as a father should; without exception or preference。  I have disposed of my throne according to the law of nature and the inspiration of my conscience: Here are the heirs of the crown of Naples; you; Joan; and you; Andre; will never forget the love and respect that are due between husband and wife; and mutually sworn by you at the foot of the altar; and you; my nephews all; my barons; my officers; render homage to your lawful sovereigns; Andre of Hungary; Louis of Tarentum; Charles of Durazzo; remember that you are brothers; woe to him who shall imitate the perfidy of Cain!  May his blood fall upon his own head; and may he be accursed by Heaven as he is by the mouth of a dying man; and may the blessing of the Father; the Son; and the Holy Spirit descend upon that man whose heart is good; when the Lord of mercy shall call to my soul Himself!〃

The king remained motionless; his arms raised; his eyes fixed on heaven; his cheeks extraordinarily bright; while the princes; barons; and officers of the court proffered to Joan and her husband the oath of fidelity and allegiance。  When it was the turn of the Princes of Duras to advance; Charles disdainfully stalked past Andre; and bending his knee before the princess; said in a loud voice; as he kissed her hand

〃To you; my queen; I pay my homage。〃

All looks were turned fearfully towards the dying man; but the good king no longer heard。  Seeing him fall back rigid and motionless; Dona Sancha burst into sobs; and cried in a voice choked with tears

〃The king is dead; let us pray for his soul。〃

At the very same moment all the princes hurried from the room; and every passion hitherto suppressed in the presence of the king now found its vent like a mighty torrent breaking through its banks。

〃Long live Joan!  〃Robert of Cabane; Louis of Tarentum; and Bertrand of Artois were the first to exclaim; while the prince's tutor; furiously breaking through the crowd and apostrophising the various members of the council of regency; cried aloud in varying tones of passion; 〃Gentlemen; you have forgotten the king's wish already; you must cry; 'Long live Andre!' too〃; then; wedding example to precept; and himself making more noise than all the barons together; he cried in a voice of thunder

〃Long live the King of Naples!〃

But there was no echo to his cry; and Charles of Durazzo; measuring the Dominican with a terrible look; approached the queen; and taking her by the hand; slid back the curtains of the balcony; from which was seen the square and the town of Naples。  So far as the eye could reach there stretched an immense crowd; illuminated by streams of light; and thousands of heads were turned upward towards Castel Nuovo to gather any news that might be announced。  Charles respectfully drawing back and indicating his fair cousin with his hand; cried out

〃People of Naples; the King is dead: long live the Queen!〃

〃Long live Joan; (queen of Naples!〃 replied the people; with a single mighty cry that resounded through every quarter of the town。

The events that on this night had followed each other with the rapidity of a dream had produced so deep an impression on Joan's mind; that; agitated by a thousand different feelings; she retired to her own rooms; and shutting herself up in her chamber; gave free vent to her grief。  So long as the conflict of so many ambitions waged about the tomb; the young queen; refusing every consolation that was offered her; wept bitterly for the death of her grandfather; who had loved her to the point of weakness。  The king was buried with all solemnity in the church of Santa Chiara; which he had himself founded and dedicated to the Holy Sacrament; enriching it with magnificent frescoes by Giotto and other precious relics; among which is shown still; behind the tribune of the high altar; two columns of white marble taken from Solomon's temple。  There still lies Robert; represented on his tomb in the dress of a king and in a monk's frock; on the right of the monument to his son Charles; the Duke of Calabria。


As soon as the obsequies were over; Andre's tutor hastily assembled the chief Hungarian lords; and it was decided in a council held in the presence of the prince and with his consent; to send letters to his mother; Elizabeth of Poland; and his brother; Louis of Hungary; to make known to them the purport of Robert's will; and at the same time to lodge a complaint at the court of Avignon against the conduct of the princes and people of Naples in that they had proclaimed Joan alone Queen of Naples; thus overlooking the rights of her husband; and further to demand for him the pope's order for Andre's coronation。  Friar Robert; who had not only a profound knowledge of the court intrigues; but also the experience of a philosopher and all a monk's cunning; told his pupil that he ought to profit by the depression of spirit the king's death had produced in Joan; and ought not to suffer her favourites to use this time in influencing her by their seductive counsels。

But Joan's ability to receive consolation was quite as ready as her grief had at first been impetuous the sobs which seemed to be breaking her heart ceased all at once; new thoughts; more gentle; less lugubrious; took possession of the young queen's mind; the trace of tears vanished; and a smile lit up her liquid eyes like the sun's ray following on rain。  This change; anxiously awaited; was soon observed by Joan's chamberwoman : she stole to the queen's room; and falling on her knees; in accents of flattery and affection; she offered her first congratulations to her lovely mistress。  Joan opened her arms and held her in a long embrace; far Dona Cancha was far more to her than a lady…in…waiting; she was the companion of infancy; the depositary of all her secrets; the confidante of her most private thoughts。  One had but to glance at this young girl to understand the fascination she could scarcely fail to exercise over the queen's mind。  She had a frank and smiling countenance; such as inspires confidence and captivates the mind at first sight。  Her face had an irresistible charm; with clear blue eyes; warm golden hair; mouth bewitchingly turned up at the corners; and delicate little chin。  Wild; happy; light of heart; pleasure and love were the breath of her being; her dainty refinement; her charming inconstancies; all made her at sixteen as lovely as an angel; though at heart she was corrupt。  The whole court was at her feet; and Joan felt more affection for her than for her own sister。

〃Well; my dear Cancha;〃 she murmured; with a sigh; 〃you find me very sad and very unhappy!〃

〃And you find me; fair queen;〃 replied the confidante; fixing an admiring look on Joan;〃you find me just the opposite; very happy that I can lay at your feet before anyone else the proof of the joy that the people of Naples are at this moment feeling。  Others perhaps may envy you the crown that shines upon your brow; the throne which is one of the noblest in the world; the shouts of this entire town that sound rather like worship than homage; but I; madam; I envy you your lovely black hair; your dazzling eyes; your more than mortal grace; which make every man adore you。〃

〃And yet you know; my Cancha; I am much to be pitied both as a queen and as a woman: when one is fifteen a crown is heavy to wear; and I have not the liberty of the meanest of my subjectsI mean in my affections; for before I reached an age when I could think I was sacrificed to a man whom I can never lov

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