贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > joan of naples >


joan of naples-第14章

小说: joan of naples 字数: 每页4000字

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ganising for the 20th of August; adding that such a kindness on her part would be for him a sure pledge of their reconciliation and complete forgetfulness of the past。  Joan promised with a charming grace; and the prince retired fully satisfied with the interview; carrying with him the conviction that he had only to threaten to strike a blow at the queen's favourite to ensure her obedience; perhaps even her love。

But on the eve of the 20th of August a strange and terrible scene was being enacted in the basement storey of one of the lateral towers of Castel Nuovo。  Charles of Durazzo; who had never ceased to brood secretly over his infernal plans; had been informed by the notary whom he had charged to spy upon the conspirators; that on that particular evening they were about to hold a decisive meeting; and therefore; wrapped in a black cloak; he glided into the underground corridor and hid himself behind a pillar; there to await the issue of the conference。  After two dreadful hours of suspense; every second marked out by the beating of his heart; Charles fancied he heard the sound of a door very carefully opened; the feeble ray of a lantern in the vault scarcely served to dispel the darkness; but a man coining away from the wall approached him walking like a living statue。 Charles gave a slight cough; the sign agreed upon。  The man put out hid light and hid away the dagger he had drawn in case of a surprise。

〃Is it you; Master Nicholas?〃 asked the duke in a low voice。

〃It is I; my lord。〃

〃What is it?〃

〃They have just fixed the prince's death for tomorrow; on his way to the hunt。〃

〃Did you recognise every conspirator?〃

〃Every one; though their faces were masked; when they gave their vote for death; I knew them by their voices。〃

〃Could you point out to me who they are?〃

〃Yes; this very minute; they are going to pass along at the end of this corridor。  And see; here is Tommaso Pace walking in front of them to light their way。〃

Indeed; a tall spectral figure; black from head to foot; his face carefully hidden under a velvet mask; walked at the end of the corridor; lamp in hand; and stopped at the first step of a staircase which led to the upper floors。  The conspirators advanced slowly; two by two; like a procession of ghosts; appeared for one moment in the circle of light made by the torch; and again disappeared into shadow。

〃See; there are Charles and Bertrand of 'Artois;〃 said the notary; 〃 there are the Counts of Terlizzi and Catanzaro; the grand admiral and grand seneschal; Godfrey of Marsan; Count of Squillace; and Robert of Cabane; Count of Eboli; the two women talking in a low voice with the eager gesticulations are Catherine of Tarentum; Empress of Constantinople; and Philippa the Catanese; the queen's governess and chief lady; there is Dona Cancha; chamberwoman and confidante of Joan; and there is the Countess of Morcone。〃

The notary stopped on beholding a shadow alone; its head bowed; with arms hanging loosely; choking back her sobs beneath a hood of black。

〃Who is the woman who seems to drag herself so painfully along in their train?〃 asked the duke; pressing his companion's arm。

That woman;〃 said the notary; 〃is the queen。〃  〃Ah; now I see;〃 thought Charles; breathing freely; with the same sort of satisfaction that Satan no doubt feels when a long coveted soul falls at length into his power。

〃And now; my lord;〃 continued Master Nicholas; when all had returned once more into silence and darkness; 〃if you have bidden me spy on these conspirators with a view to saving the young prince you are protecting with love and vigilance; you must hurry forward; for to… morrow maybe it will be too late。〃

〃Follow me;〃 cried the duke imperiously; 〃it is time you should know my real intention; and then carry out my orders with scrupulous exactness。〃

With these words he drew him aside to a place opposite to where the conspirators had just disappeared。  The notary mechanically followed through a labyrinth of dark corridors and secret staircases; quite at a loss how to account for the sudden change that had come over his mastercrossing one of the ante…chambers in the castle; they came upon Andre; who joyfully accosted them; grasping the hand of his cousin Duras in his affectionate manner; he asked him in a pressing way that would brook no refusal; 〃Will you be of our hunting party to…morrow; duke?〃

〃Excuse me; my lord;〃 said Charles; bowing down to the ground; 〃it will be impossible for me to go to…morrow; for my wife is very unwell; but I entreat you to accept the best falcon I have。〃

And here he cast upon the notary a petrifying glance。

The morning of the 20th of August was fine and calmthe irony of nature contrasting cruelly with the fate of mankind。  From break of day masters and valets; pages and knights; princes and courtiers; all were on foot; cries of joy were heard on every side when the queen arrived; on a snow…white horse; at the head of the young and brilliant throng。  Joan was perhaps paler than usual; but that might be because she had been obliged to rise very early。  Andre; mounted on one of the most fiery of all the steeds he had tamed; galloped beside his wife; noble and proud; happy in his own powers; his youth; and the thousand gilded hopes that a brilliant future seemed to offer。  Never had the court of Naples shown so brave an aspect: every feeling of distrust and hatred seemed entirely forgotten; Friar Robert himself; suspicious as he was by nature; when he saw the joyous cavalcade go by under his window; looked out with pride; and stroking his beard; laughed at his own seriousness。

Andre's intention was to spend several days hunting between Capua and Aversa; and only to return to Naples when all was in readiness for his coronation。  Thus the first day they hunted round about Melito; and went through two or three villages in the land of Labore。 Towards evening the court stopped at Aversa; with a view to passing the night there; and since at that period there was no castle in the place worthy of entertaining the queen with her husband and numerous court; the convent of St。 Peter's at Majella was converted into a royal residence: this convent had been built by Charles II in the year of our Lord 1309。

While the grand seneschal was giving orders for supper and the preparation of a room for Andre and his wife; the prince; who during the whole day had abandoned himself entirely to his favourite amusement; went up on the terrace to enjoy the evening air; accompanied by the good Isolda; his beloved nurse; who loved him more even than his mother; and would not leave his side for a moment。 Never had the prince appeared so animated and happy: he was in ecstasies over the beauty of the country; the clear air; the scent of the trees around; he besieged his nurse with a thousand queries; never waiting for an answer; and they were indeed long in coming; for poor Isolda was gazing upon him with that appearance of fascination which makes a mother absent…minded when her child is talking: Andre was eagerly telling her about a terrible boar he had chased that morning across the woods; how it had lain foaming at his feet; and Isolda interrupted him to say he had a grain of dust in his eye。 Then Andre was full of his plans for the future; and Isolda stroked his fair hair; remarking that he must be feeling very tired。  Then; heeding nothing but his own joy and excitement; the young prince hurled defiance at destiny; calling by all his gods on dangers to come forward; so that he might have the chance of quelling them; and the poor nurse exclaimed; in a flood of tears; 〃My child; you love me no longer。〃

Out of all patience with these constant interruptions; Andre scolded her kindly enough; and mocked at her childish fears。  Then; paying no attention to a sort of melancholy that was coming over him; he bade her tell him old tales of his childhood; and had a long talk about his brother Louis; his absent mother; and tears were in his eyes when he recalled her last farewell。  Isolda listened joyfully; and answered all he asked; but no fell presentiment shook her heart: the poor woman loved Andre with all the strength of her soul; for him she would have given up her life in this world 

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