贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > some reminiscences >


some reminiscences-第4章

小说: some reminiscences 字数: 每页4000字

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the impatience of passionate youth bent on its desire。  I did not

know this myself; and it is safe to say he would not have cared;

though he was an excellent young fellow and treated me with more

deference than; in our relative positions; I was strictly

entitled to。

He lowered a tender gaze on his banjo and I went on looking

through the port…hole。  The round opening framed in its brass rim

a fragment of the quays; with a row of casks ranged on the frozen

ground and the tail…end of a great cart。  A red…nosed carter in a

blouse and a woollen nightcap leaned against the wheel。  An idle;

strolling custom…house guard; belted over his blue capote; had

the air of being depressed by exposure to the weather and the

monotony of official existence。  The background of grimy houses

found a place in the picture framed by my port…hole; across a

wide stretch of paved quay brown with frozen mud。  The colouring

was sombre; and the most conspicuous feature was a little cafe

with curtained windows and a shabby front of white woodwork;

corresponding with the squalor of these poorer quarters bordering

the river。  We had been shifted down there from another berth in

the neighbourhood of the Opera House; where that same port…hole

gave me a view of quite another sort of cafethe best in the

town; I believe; and the very one where the worthy Bovary and his

wife; the romantic daughter of old Pere Renault; had some

refreshment after the memorable performance of an opera which was

the tragic story of Lucia di Lammermoor in a setting of light


I could recall no more the hallucination of the Eastern

Archipelago which I certainly hoped to see again。  The story of

〃Almayer's Folly〃 got put away under the pillow for that day。  I

do not know that I had any occupation to keep me away from it;

the truth of the matter is that on board that ship we were

leading just then a contemplative life。  I will not say anything

of my privileged position。  I was there 〃just to oblige;〃 as an

actor of standing may take a small part in the benefit

performance of a friend。

As far as my feelings were concerned I did not wish to be in that

steamer at that time and in those circumstances。  And perhaps I

was not even wanted there in the usual sense in which a ship

〃wants〃 an officer。  It was the first and last instance in my sea

life when I served ship…owners who have remained completely

shadowy to my apprehension。  I do not mean this for the well…

known firm of London ship…brokers which had chartered the ship to

the; I will not say short…lived; but ephemeral Franco…Canadian

Transport Company。  A death leaves something behind; but there

was never anything tangible left from the F。C。T。C。  It flourished

no longer than roses live; and unlike the roses it blossomed in

the dead of winter; emitted a sort of faint perfume of adventure

and died before spring set in。  But indubitably it was a company;

it had even a house…flag; all white with the letters F。C。T。C。

artfully tangled up in a complicated monogram。  We flew it at our

main…mast head; and now I have come to the conclusion that it was

the only flag of its kind in existence。  All the same we on

board; for many days; had the impression of being a unit of a

large fleet with fortnightly departures for Montreal and Quebec

as advertised in pamphlets and prospectuses which came aboard in

a large package in Victoria Dock; London; just before we started

for Rouen; France。  And in the shadowy life of the F。C。T。C。 lies

the secret of that; my last employment in my calling; which in a

remote sense interrupted the rhythmical development of Nina

Almayer's story。

The then secretary of the London Shipmasters' Society; with its

modest rooms in Fenchurch Street; was a man of indefatigable

activity and the greatest devotion to his task。  He is

responsible for what was my last association with a ship。  I call

it that because it can hardly be called a sea…going experience。

Dear Captain Froudit is impossible not to pay him the tribute

of affectionate familiarity at this distance of yearshad very

sound views as to the advancement of knowledge and status for the

whole body of the officers of the mercantile marine。  He

organised for us courses of professional lectures; St。 John

ambulance classes; corresponded industriously with public bodies

and members of Parliament on subjects touching the interests of

the service; and as to the oncoming of some inquiry or commission

relating to matters of the sea and to the work of seamen; it was

a perfect godsend to his need of exerting himself on our

corporate behalf。  Together with this high sense of his official

duties he had in him a vein of personal kindness; a strong

disposition to do what good he could to the individual members of

that craft of which in his time he had been a very excellent

master。  And what greater kindness can one do to a seaman than to

put him in the way of employment?  Captain Froud did not see why

the Shipmasters' Society; besides its general guardianship of our

interests; should not be unofficially an employment agency of the

very highest class。

〃I am trying to persuade all our great ship…owning firms to come

to us for their men。  There is nothing of a trade…union spirit

about our society; and I really don't see why they should not;〃

he said once to me。  〃I am always telling the captains; too; that

all things being equal they ought to give preference to the

members of the society。  In my position I can generally find for

them what they want amongst our members or our associate


In my wanderings about London from West to East and back again (I

was very idle then) the two little rooms in Fenchurch Street were

a sort of resting…place where my spirit; hankering after the sea;

could feel itself nearer to the ships; the men; and the life of

its choicenearer there than on any other spot of the solid

earth。  This resting…place used to be; at about five o'clock in

the afternoon; full of men and tobacco smoke; but Captain Froud

had the smaller room to himself and there he granted private

interviews; whose principal motive was to render service。  Thus;

one murky November afternoon he beckoned me in with a crooked

finger and that peculiar glance above his spectacles which is

perhaps my strongest physical recollection of the man。

〃I have had in here a shipmaster; this morning;〃 he said; getting

back to his desk and motioning me to a chair; 〃who is in want of

an officer。  It's for a steamship。  You know; nothing pleases me

more than to be asked; but unfortunately I do not quite see my

way。 。 。〃

As the outer room was full of men I cast a wondering glance at

the closed door but he shook his head。

〃Oh; yes; I should be only too glad to get that berth for one of

them。  But the fact of the matter is; the captain of that ship

wants an officer who can speak French fluently; and that's not so

easy to find。  I do not know anybody myself but you。  It's a

second officer's berth and; of course; you would not care。 。 。

would you now?  I know that it isn't what you are looking for。〃

It was not。  I had given myself up to the idleness of a haunted

man who looks for nothing but words wherein to capture his

visions。  But I admit that outwardly I resembled sufficiently a

man who could make a second officer for a steamer chartered by a

French company。  I showed no sign of being haunted by the fate of

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