贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > some reminiscences >


some reminiscences-第35章

小说: some reminiscences 字数: 每页4000字

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piece of collective property; everlastingly changing hands with

brandishing and levelling movements。  Then about noon (it was a

short turn of dutythe long turn lasted twenty…four hours)

another boatful of pilots would relieve usand we should steer

for the old Phoenician port; dominated; watched over from the

ridge of a dust…grey arid hill by the red…and…white…striped pile

of the Notre Dame de la Garde。

All this came to pass as I had foreseen in the fullness of my

very recent experience。  But also something not foreseen by me

did happen; something which causes me to remember my last outing

with the pilots。  It was on this occasion that my hand touched;

for the first time; the side of an English ship。

No fresh breeze had come with the dawn; only the steady little

draught got a more keen edge on it as the eastern sky became

bright and glassy with a clean; colourless light。  It was while

we were all ashore on the islet that a steamer was picked up by

the telescope; a black speck like an insect posed on the hard

edge of the offing。  She emerged rapidly to her water…line and

came on steadily; a slim hull with a long streak of smoke

slanting away from the rising sun。  We embarked in a hurry; and

headed the boat out for our prey; but we hardly moved three miles

an hour。

She was a big; high…class cargo…steamer of a type that is to be

met on the sea no more; black hull; with low; white super…

structures; powerfully rigged with three masts and a lot of yards

on the fore; two hands at her enormous wheelsteam steering…gear

was not a matter of course in these daysand with them on the

bridge three others; bulky in thick blue jackets; ruddy…faced;

muffled up; with peaked capsI suppose all her officers。  There

are ships I have met more than once and known well by sight whose

names I have forgotten; but the name of that ship seen once so

many years ago in the clear flush of a cold pale sunrise I have

not forgotten。  How could Ithe first English ship on whose side

I ever laid my hand!  The nameI read it letter by letter on the

bowwas 〃James Westoll。〃  Not very romantic you will say。  The

name of a very considerable; well…known and universally respected

North…country shipowner; I believe。  James Westoll!  What better

name could an honourable hard…working ship have?  To me the very

grouping of the letters is alive with the romantic feeling of her

reality as I saw her floating motionless; and borrowing an ideal

grace from the austere purity of the light。

We were then very near her and; on a sudden impulse; I

volunteered to pull bow in the dinghy which shoved off at once to

put the pilot on board while our boat; fanned by the faint air

which had attended us all through the night; went on gliding

gently past the black glistening length of the ship。  A few

strokes brought us alongside; and it was then that; for the very

first time in my life; I heard myself addressed in Englishthe

speech of my secret choice; of my future; of long friendships; of

the deepest affections; of hours of toil and hours of ease; and

of solitary hours too; of books read; of thoughts pursued; of

remembered emotionsof my very dreams!  And if (after being thus

fashioned by it in that part of me which cannot decay) I dare not

claim it aloud as my own; then; at any rate the speech of my

children。  Thus small events grow memorable by the passage of

time。  As to the quality of the address itself I cannot say it

was very striking。  Too short for eloquence and devoid of all

charm of tone; it consisted precisely of the three words 〃Look

out there;〃 growled out huskily above my head。

It proceeded from a big fat fellow (he had an obtrusive; hairy

double chin) in a blue woollen shirt and roomy breeches pulled up

very high; even to the level of his breast…bone; by a pair of

braces quite exposed to public view。  As where he stood there was

no bulwark but only a rail and stanchions I was able to take in

at a glance the whole of his voluminous person from his feet to

the high crown of his soft black hat; which sat like an absurd

flanged cone on his big head。  The grotesque and massive space of

that deck hand (I suppose he was thatvery likely the lamp…

trimmer) surprised me very much。  My course of reading; of

dreaming and longing for the sea had not prepared me for a sea…

brother of that sort。  I never met again a figure in the least

like his except in the illustrations to Mr。 W。W。 Jacobs' most

entertaining tales of barges and coasters; but the inspired

talent of Mr。 Jacobs for poking endless fun at poor; innocent

sailors in a prose which; however extravagant in its felicitous

invention; is always artistically adjusted to observed truth; was

not yet。  Perhaps Mr。 Jacobs himself was not yet。  I fancy that;

at most; if he had made his nurse laugh it was about all he had

achieved at that early date。

Therefore; I repeat; other disabilities apart; I could not have

been prepared for the sight of that husky old porpoise。  The

object of his concise address was to call my attention to a rope

which he incontinently flung down for me to catch。  I caught it;

though it was not really necessary; the ship having no way on her

by that time。  Then everything went on very swiftly。  The dinghy

came with a slight bump against the steamer's side; the pilot;

grabbing the rope ladder; had scrambled halfway up before I knew

that our task of boarding was done; the harsh; muffled clanging

of the engine…room telegraph struck my ear through the iron

plate; my companion in the dinghy was urging me to 〃shove off

push hard〃; and when I bore against the smooth flank of the first

English ship I ever touched in my life; I felt it already

throbbing under my open palm。

Her head swung a little to the west; pointing towards the

miniature lighthouse of the Jolliette breakwater; far away there;

hardly distinguishable against the land。  The dinghy danced a

squashy; splashy jig in the wash of the wake and turning in my

seat I followed the 〃James Westoll〃 with my eyes。  Before she had

gone in a quarter of a mile she hoisted her flag as the harbour

regulations prescribe for arriving and departing ships。  I saw it

suddenly flicker and stream out on the flagstaff。  The Red

Ensign!  In the pellucid; colourless atmosphere bathing the drab

and grey masses of that southern land; the livid islets; the sea

of pale glassy blue under the pale glassy sky of that cold

sunrise; it was as far as the eye could reach the only spot of

ardent colourflame…like; intense; and presently as minute as

the tiny red spark the concentrated reflection of a great fire

kindles in the clear heart of a globe of crystal。  The Red

Ensignthe symbolic; protecting warm bit of bunting flung wide

upon the seas; and destined for so many years to be the only roof

over my head。


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