贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > some reminiscences >


some reminiscences-第3章

小说: some reminiscences 字数: 每页4000字

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and of a smile which is not a grin。  Resignation; not mystic; not

detached; but resignation open…eyed; conscious and informed by

love; is the only one of our feelings for which it is impossible

to become a sham。

Not that I think resignation the last word of wisdom。  I am too

much the creature of my time for that。  But I think that the

proper wisdom is to will what the gods will without perhaps being

certain what their will isor even if they have a will of their

own。  And in this matter of life and art it is not the Why that

matters so much to our happiness as the How。  As the Frenchman

said; 〃Il y a toujours la maniere。〃  Very true。  Yes。  There is

the manner。  The manner in laughter; in tears; in irony; in

indignations and enthusiasms; in judgmentsand even in love。

The manner in which; as in the features and character of a human

face; the inner truth is foreshadowed for those who know how to

look at their kind。

Those who read me know my conviction that the world; the temporal

world; rests on a few very simple ideas; so simple that they must

be as old as the hills。  It rests notably; amongst others; on the

idea of Fidelity。  At a time when nothing which is not

revolutionary in some way or other can expect to attract much

attention I have not been revolutionary in my writings。  The

revolutionary spirit is mighty convenient in this; that it frees

one from all scruples as regards ideas。  Its hard; absolute

optimism is repulsive to my mind by the menace of fanaticism and

intolerance it contains。  No doubt one should smile at these

things; but; imperfect Esthete; I am no better Philosopher。  All

claim to special righteousness awakens in me that scorn and anger

from which a philosophical mind should be free。 。 。

I fear that trying to be conversational I have only managed to be

unduly discursive。  I have never been very well acquainted with

the art of conversationthat art which; I understand; is

supposed to be lost now。  My young days; the days when one's

habits and character are formed; have been rather familiar with

long silences。  Such voices as broke into them were anything but

conversational。  No。  I haven't got the habit。  Yet this

discursiveness is not so irrelevant to the handful of pages which

follow。  They; too; have been charged with discursiveness; with

disregard of chronological order (which is in itself a crime);

with unconventionality of form (which is an impropriety)。  I was

told severely that the public would view with displeasure the

informal character of my recollections。  〃Alas!〃 I protested

mildly。  〃Could I begin with the sacramental words; 'I was born

on such a date in such a place'?  The remoteness of the locality

would have robbed the statement of all interest。  I haven't lived

through wonderful adventures to be related seriatim。  I haven't

known distinguished men on whom I could pass fatuous remarks。  I

haven't been mixed up with great or scandalous affairs。  This is

but a bit of psychological document; and even so; I haven't

written it with a view to put forward any conclusion of my own。〃

But my objector was not placated。  These were good reasons for

not writing at allnot a defence of what stood written already;

he said。

I admit that almost anything; anything in the world; would serve

as a good reason for not writing at all。  But since I have

written them; all I want to say in their defence is that these

memories put down without any regard for established conventions

have not been thrown off without system and purpose。  They have

their hope and their aim。  The hope that from the reading of

these pages there may emerge at last the vision of a personality;

the man behind the books so fundamentally dissimilar as; for

instance; 〃Almayer's Folly〃 and 〃The Secret Agent〃and yet a

coherent; justifiable personality both in its origin and in its

action。  This is the hope。  The immediate aim; closely associated

with the hope; is to give the record of personal memories by

presenting faithfully the feelings and sensations connected with

the writing of my first book and with my first contact with the


In the purposely mingled resonance of this double strain a friend

here and there will perhaps detect a subtle accord。


Chapter I。

Books may be written in all sorts of places。  Verbal inspiration

may enter the berth of a mariner on board a ship frozen fast in a

river in the middle of a town; and since saints are supposed to

look benignantly on humble believers; I indulge in the pleasant

fancy that the shade of old Flaubertwho imagined himself to be

(amongst other things) a descendant of Vikingsmight have

hovered with amused interest over the decks of a 2000…ton steamer

called the 〃Adowa;〃 on board of which; gripped by the inclement

winter alongside a quay in Rouen; the tenth chapter of 〃Almayer's

Folly〃 was begun。  With interest; I say; for was not the kind

Norman giant with enormous moustaches and a thundering voice the

last of the Romantics?  Was he not; in his unworldly; almost

ascetic; devotion to his art a sort of literary; saint…like


〃'It has set at last;' said Nina to her mother; pointing to the

hills behind which the sun had sunk。〃。 。 。These words of

Almayer's romantic daughter I remember tracing on the grey paper

of a pad which rested on the blanket of my bed…place。  They

referred to a sunset in Malayan Isles and shaped themselves in my

mind; in a hallucinated vision of forests and rivers and seas;

far removed from a commercial and yet romantic town of the

northern hemisphere。  But at that moment the mood of visions and

words was cut short by the third officer; a cheerful and casual

youth; coming in with a bang of the door and the exclamation:

〃You've made it jolly warm in here。〃

It was warm。  I had turned on the steam…heater after placing a

tin under the leaky water…cockfor perhaps you do not know that

water will leak where steam will not。  I am not aware of what my

young friend had been doing on deck all that morning; but the

hands he rubbed together vigorously were very red and imparted to

me a chilly feeling by their mere aspect。  He has remained the

only banjoist of my acquaintance; and being also a younger son of

a retired colonel; the poem of Mr。 Kipling; by a strange

aberration of associated ideas; always seems to me to have been

written with an exclusive view to his person。  When he did not

play the banjo he loved to sit and look at it。  He proceeded to

this sentimental inspection and after meditating a while over the

strings under my silent scrutiny inquired airily:

〃What are you always scribbling there; if it's fair to ask?〃

It was a fair enough question; but I did not answer him; and

simply turned the pad over with a movement of instinctive

secrecy:  I could not have told him he had put to flight the

psychology of Nina Almayer; her opening speech of the tenth

chapter and the words of Mrs。 Almayer's wisdom which were to

follow in the ominous oncoming of a tropical night。  I could not

have told him that Nina had said:  〃It has set at last。〃  He

would have been extremely surprised and perhaps have dropped his

precious banjo。 Neither could I have told him that the sun of my

sea…going was setting too; even as I wrote the words expressing

the impatience of passionate youth bent on its desire。  I did not

know this myself; and it is safe to say he 

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