贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > some reminiscences >


some reminiscences-第18章

小说: some reminiscences 字数: 每页4000字

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they supposed to be full of paper money。  Some distance from the

house in the middle of a field they broke it open。  They found

inside documents engrossed on parchment and the two crosses of

the Legion of Honour and For Valour。  At the sight of these

objects; which; the blacksmith explained; were marks of honour

given only by the Tsar; they became extremely frightened at what

they had done。  They threw the whole lot away into a ditch and

dispersed hastily。

On learning of this particular loss Mr。 Nicholas B。 broke down

completely。 The mere sacking of his house did not seem to affect

him much。  While he was still in bed from the shock the two

crosses were found and returned to him。  It helped somewhat his

slow convalescence; but the tin box and the parchments; though

searched for in all the ditches around; never turned up again。

He could not get over the loss of his Legion of Honour Patent;

whose preamble; setting forth his services; he knew by heart to

the very letter; and after this blow volunteered sometimes to

recite; tears standing in his eyes the while。  Its terms haunted

him apparently during the last two years of his life to such an

extent that he used to repeat them to himself。  This is confirmed

by the remark made more than once by his old servant to the more

intimate friends。  〃What makes my heart heavy is to hear our

master in his room at night walking up and down and praying aloud

in the French language。〃

It must have been somewhat over a year afterwards that I saw Mr。

Nicholas B。; or; more correctly; that he saw me; for the last

time。  It was; as I have already said; at the time when my mother

had a three months' leave from exile; which she was spending in

the house of her brother; and friends and relations were coming

from far and near to do her honour。  It is inconceivable that Mr。

Nicholas B。 should not have been of the number。  The little child

a few months old he had taken up in his arms on the day of his

home…coming after years of war and exile was confessing her faith

in national salvation by suffering exile in her turn。  I do not

know whether he was present on the very day of our departure。  I

have already admitted that for me he is more especially the man

who in his youth had eaten roast dog in the depths of a gloomy

forest of snow…loaded pines。  My memory cannot place him in any

remembered scene。  A hooked nose; some sleek white hair; an

unrelated evanescent impression of a meagre; slight; rigid figure

militarily buttoned up to the throat; is all that now exists on

earth of Mr。 Nicholas B。; only this vague shadow pursued by the

memory of his grand…nephew; the last surviving human being; I

suppose; of all those he had seen in the course of his taciturn


But I remember well the day of our departure back to exile。  The

elongated; bizarre; shabby travelling…carriage with four post…

horses; standing before the long front of the house with its

eight columns; four on each side of the broad flight of stairs。

On the steps; groups of servants; a few relations; one or two

friends from the nearest neighbourhood; a perfect silence; on all

the faces an air of sober concentration; my grandmother all in

black gazing stoically; my uncle giving his arm to my mother down

to the carriage in which I had been placed already; at the top of

the flight my little cousin in a short skirt of a tartan pattern

with a deal of red in it; and like a small princess attended by

the women of her own household:  the head gourvernante; our dear;

corpulent Francesca (who had been for thirty years in the service

of the B。 family); the former nurse; now outdoor attendant; a

handsome peasant face wearing a compassionate expression; and the

good; ugly Mlle。 Durand; the governess; with her black eyebrows

meeting over a short thick nose and a complexion like pale brown

paper。  Of all the eyes turned towards the carriage; her good…

natured eyes only were dropping tears; and it was her sobbing

voice alone that broke the silence with an appeal to me:

〃N'oublie pas ton francais; mon cheri。〃  In three months; simply

by playing with us; she had taught me not only to speak French

but to read it as well。  She was indeed an excellent playmate。

In the distance; half way down to the great gates; a light; open

trap; harnessed with three horses in Russian fashion; stood drawn

up on one side with the police…captain of the district sitting in

it; the vizor of his flat cap with a red band pulled down over

his eyes。

It seems strange that he should have been there to watch our

going so carefully。  Without wishing to treat with levity the

just timidities of Imperialists all the world over; I may allow

myself the reflection that a woman; practically condemned by the

doctors; and a small boy not quite six years old could not be

regarded as seriously dangerous even for the largest of

conceivable empires saddled with the most sacred of

responsibilities。  And this good man; I believe; did not think so


I learned afterwards why he was present on that day。  I don't

remember any outward signs; but it seems that; about a month

before; my mother became so unwell that there was a doubt whether

she could be made fit to travel in the time。  In this uncertainty

the Governor…General in Kiev was petitioned to grant her a

fortnight's extension of stay in her brother's house。  No answer

whatever was returned to this prayer; but one day at dusk the

police…captain of the district drove up to the house and told my

uncle's valet; who ran out to meet him; that he wanted to speak

with the master in private; at once。  Very much impressed (he

thought it was going to be an arrest) the servant; 〃more dead

than alive with fright;〃 as he related afterwards; smuggled him

through the big drawing…room; which was dark (that room was not

lighted every evening); on tiptoe; so as not to attract the

attention of the ladies in the house; and led him by way of the

orangery to my uncle's private apartments。

The policeman; without any preliminaries; thrust a paper into my

uncle's hands。

〃There。  Pray read this。  I have no business to show this paper

to you。  It is wrong of me。  But I can't either eat or sleep with

such a job hanging over me。〃

That police…captain; a native of Great Russia; had been for many

years serving in the district。

My uncle unfolded and read the document。  It was a service order

issued from the Governor…General's secretariat; dealing with the

matter of the petition and directing the police…captain to

disregard all remonstrances and explanations in regard to that

illness either from medical men or others; 〃and if she has not

left her brother's house〃it went on to say〃on the morning of

the day specified on her permit; you are to despatch her at once

under escort; direct〃 (underlined) 〃to the prison…hospital in

Kiev; where she will be treated as her case demands。〃

〃For God's sake; Mr。 B。; see that your sister goes away

punctually on that day。  Don't give me this work to do with a

womanand with one of your family too。  I simply cannot bear to

think of it。〃

He was absolutely wringing his hands。  My uncle looked at him in


〃Thank you for this warning。  I assure you that even if she were

dying she would be carried out to the carriage。〃

〃Yesindeedand what difference would it maketravel to Kiev

or back to her husband。  For she would

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