贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > some reminiscences >


some reminiscences-第15章

小说: some reminiscences 字数: 每页4000字

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proper measures to remove the same。〃  A deputation to that effect

visited X; who treated them to excellent wines; but absolutely

refused his ear to their remonstrances。  As to the proposals for

arbitration he simply laughed at them; yet the whole province

must have been aware that fourteen years before; when he married

the widow; all his visible fortune consisted (apart from his

social qualities) in a smart four…horse turn…out with two

servants; with whom he went about visiting from house to house;

and as to any funds he might have possessed at that time their

existence could only be inferred from the fact that he was very

punctual in settling his modest losses at cards。  But by the

magic power of stubborn and constant assertion; there were found

presently; here and there; people who mumbled that surely 〃there

must be something in it。〃  However; on his next name…day (which

he used to celebrate by a great three…days' shooting…party); of

all the invited crowd only two guests turned up; distant

neighbours of no importance; one notoriously a fool; and the

other a very pious and honest person but such a passionate lover

of the gun that on his own confession he could not have refused

an invitation to a shooting…party from the devil himself。  X met

this manifestation of public opinion with the serenity of an

unstained conscience。  He refused to be crushed。  Yet he must

have been a man of deep feeling; because; when his wife took

openly the part of her children; he lost his beautiful

tranquillity; proclaimed himself heart…broken and drove her out

of the house; neglecting in his grief to give her enough time to

pack her trunks。

This was the beginning of a lawsuit; an abominable marvel of

chicane; which by the use of every legal subterfuge was made to

last for many years。  It was also the occasion for a display of

much kindness and sympathy。  All the neighbouring houses flew

open for the reception of the homeless。  Neither legal aid nor

material assistance in the prosecution of the suit was ever

wanting。  X; on his side; went about shedding tears publicly over

his stepchildren's ingratitude and his wife's blind infatuation;

but as at the same time he displayed great cleverness in the art

of concealing material documents (he was even suspected of having

burnt a lot of historically interesting family papers); this

scandalous litigation had to be ended by a compromise lest worse

should befall。  It was settled finally by a surrender; out of the

disputed estate; in full satisfaction of all claims; of two

villages with the names of which I do not intend to trouble my

readers。  After this lame and impotent conclusion neither the

wife nor the stepsons had anything to say to the man who had

presented the world with such a successful example of self…help

based on character; determination and industry; and my great…

grandmother; her health completely broken down; died a couple of

years later in Carlsbad。  Legally secured by a decree in the

possession of his plunder; X regained his wonted serenity and

went on living in the neighbourhood in a comfortable style and in

apparent peace of mind。  His big shoots were fairly well attended

again。  He was never tired of assuring people that he bore no

grudge for what was past; he protested loudly of his constant

affection for his wife and stepchildren。  It was true he said

that they had tried their best to strip him as naked as a Turkish

saint in the decline of his days; and because he had defended

himself from spoliation; as anybody else in his place would have

done; they had abandoned him now to the horrors of a solitary old

age。  Nevertheless; his love for them survived these cruel blows。

And there might have been some truth in his protestations。  Very

soon he began to make overtures of friendship to his eldest

stepson; my maternal grandfather; and when these were

peremptorily rejected he went on renewing them again and again

with characteristic obstinacy。  For years he persisted in his

efforts at reconciliation; promising my grandfather to execute a

will in his favour if he only would be friends again to the

extent of calling now and then (it was fairly close neighbourhood

for these parts; forty miles or so); or even of putting in an

appearance for the great shoot on the name…day。  My grandfather

was an ardent lover of every sport。  His temperament was as free

from hardness and animosity as can be imagined。  Pupil of the

liberal…minded Benedictines who directed the only public school

of some standing then in the south; he had also read deeply the

authors of the eighteenth century。  In him Christian charity was

joined to a philosophical indulgence for the failings of human

nature。  But the memory of these miserably anxious early years;

his young man's years robbed of all generous illusions by the

cynicism of the sordid lawsuit; stood in the way of forgiveness。

He never succumbed to the fascination of the great shoot; and X;

his heart set to the last on reconciliation with the draft of the

will ready for signature kept by his bedside; died intestate。

The fortune thus acquired and augmented by a wise and careful

management passed to some distant relatives whom he had never

seen and who even did not bear his name。

Meantime the blessing of general peace descended upon Europe。

Mr。 Nicholas B。; bidding good…bye to his hospitable relative; the

〃fearless〃 Austrian officer; departed from Galicia; and without

going near his native place; where the odious lawsuit was still

going on; proceeded straight to Warsaw and entered the army of

the newly constituted Polish kingdom under the sceptre of

Alexander I。; Autocrat of all the Russias。

This kingdom; created by the Vienna Congress as an acknowledgment

to a nation of its former independent existence; included only

the central provinces of the old Polish patrimony。  A brother of

the Emperor; the Grand Duke Constantine (Pavlovitch); its Viceroy

and Commander…in…Chief; married morganatically to a Polish lady

to whom he was fiercely attached; extended this affection to what

he called 〃My Poles〃 in a capricious and savage manner。  Sallow

in complexion; with a Tartar physiognomy and fierce little eyes;

he walked with his fists clenched; his body bent forward; darting

suspicious glances from under an enormous cocked hat。  His

intelligence was limited and his sanity itself was doubtful。  The

hereditary taint expressed itself; in his case; not by mystic

leanings as in his two brothers; Alexander and Nicholas (in their

various ways; for one was mystically liberal and the other

mystically autocratic); but by the fury of an uncontrollable

temper which generally broke out in disgusting abuse on the

parade ground。  He was a passionate militarist and an amazing

drill…master。  He treated his Polish Army as a spoiled child

treats a favourite toy; except that he did not take it to bed

with him at night。  It was not small enough for that。  But he

played with it all day and every day; delighting in the variety

of pretty uniforms and in the fun of incessant drilling。  This

childish passion; not for war but for mere militarism; achieved a

desirable result。  The Polish Army; in its equipment; in its

armament and in its battlefield efficiency; as then understood;

became; by the end of the year 1830; a first…rate tactical

instrument。  Polish peasantry (not serfs) served in the ranks by

enlistment; and the officers belonged mainly to the smaller


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