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小说: 羊皮卷en 字数: 每页4000字

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ill make one more attempt to close with victory; and if that fails I will make another。 Never will I allow any day to end with a failure。 Thus will I plant the seed of tomorrow's success and gain an insurmountable advantage over those who cease their labor at a prescribed time。 When others cease their struggle; the mine will begin; and my harvest will be full。

I will persitst until I succeed。

Nor will I allow yesterday's success to lull me into today's placency; for this is the great foundation of failure。 I will forget the happenings of the day that is gone; whether they were good or bad; and greet the new sun with confidence that this will be the best day of my life。

So long as there is breath in me; that long will I persist。 For now I know one of the greatest principles of success; if I persist long enough I will win。

I will persist。

I will win。

The Scroll Marked IV 
I am nature's greatest miracle。 

Since the beginning of time never has there been another with my mind; my heart; my eyes; my ears; my hands; my hair; my mouth。 None that came before; none that live today; and none that e tomorrow can walk and talk and move and think exactly like me。 All men are my brothers yet I am different from each。 I am a unique creature。 

I am nature's greatest miracle。 

Although I am of the animal kingdom; animal rewards alone will not satisfy me。 Within me burns a flame which has been passed from generations uncounted and its heat is a constant irritation to my spirit to bee better than I am; and I will。 I will fan this flame of dissatisfaction and proclaim my uniqueness to the world。 

None can duplicate my brush strokes; none can make my chisel marks; none can duplicate my handwriting; none can produce my child; and; in truth; none has the ability to sell exactly as I。 Henceforth; I will capitalize on this difference for it is an asset to be promoted to the fullest。 

I am nature's greatest miracle。 

Vain attempts to imitate others no longer will I make。 Instead will I place my uniqueness on display in the market place。 I will proclaim it; yea; I will sell it。 I will begin now to accent my differences; hide my similarities。 So too will I apply this principle to the goods I sell。 Salesman and goods; different from all others; and proud of the difference。 

I am a unique creature of nature。 

I am rare; and there is value in all rarity; therefore; I am valuable。 I am the end product of thousands of years of evolution; therefore; I am better equipped in both mind and body than all the emperors and wise men who preceded me。 

But my skills; my mind; my heart; and my body will stagnate; rot; and die lest I put them to good use。 I have unlimited potential。 Only a small portion of my brain do I employ; only a paltry amount of my muscles do I flex。 A hundredfold or more can I increase my acplishments of yesterday and this I will do; beginning today。 

Nevermore will I be satisfied with yesterday's acplishments nor will I indulge; anymore; in self…praise for deeds which in reality are too small to even acknowledge。 I can acplish far more than I have; and I will; for why should the miracle which produced me end with my birth? Why can I not extend that miracle to my deeds of today? 

I am nature's greatest miracle。 

I am not on this earth by chance。 I am here for a purpose and that purpose is to grow into a mountain; not to shrink to a grain of sand。 Henceforth will I apply all my efforts to bee the highest mountain of all and I will strain my potential until it cries for mercy。 

I will increase my knowledge of mankind; myself; and the goods I sell; thus my sales will multiply。 I will practice; and improve; and polish the words I utter to sell my goods; for this is the foundation on which I will build my career and never will I forget that many have attained great wealth and success with only one sales talk; delivered with excellence。 Also will I seek constantly to improve my manners and graces; for they are the sugar to which all are attracted。 

I am nature's greatest miracle。 

I will concentrate my energy on the challenge of the moment and my actions will help me forget all else。 The problems of my home will be left in my home。 I will think naught of my family when I am in the market place for this will cloud my thoughts。 So too will the problems of the market place be left in the market place and I will think naught of my profession when I am in my home for this will dampen my love。 

There is no room in the market place for my family; nor is there room in my home for the market。 Each I will divorce from the other and thus will I remain wedded to both。 Separate must they remain or my career will die。 This is a paradox of the ages。 

I am nature's greatest miracle。 

I have been given eyes to see and a mind to think and now I know a great secret of life for I perceive; at last; that all my problems; discouragements; and heartaches are; in truth; great opportunities in disguise。 I will no longer be fooled by the garments they wear for mine eyes are open。 I will look beyond the cloth and I will not be deceived。 

I am nature's greatest miracle。 

No beast; no plant; no wind; no rain; no rock; no lake had the same beginning as I; for I was conceived in love and brought forth with a purpose。 In the past I have not considered this fact but it will henceforth shape and guide my life。 

I am nature's greatest miracle。 

And nature knows not defeat。 Eventually; she emerges victorious and so will I; and with each victory the next struggle bees less difficult。 

I will win; and I will bee a great salesman; for I am unique。 

I am nature's greatest miracle。

The Scroll Marked V 
I will live this day as if it is my last。

And what shall I do with this last precious day which remains in my keeping? First; I will seal up its container of life so that not one drop spills itself upon the sand。 I will waste not a moment mourning yesterday’s misfortunes; yesterday’s defeats; yesterday's aches of the heart; for why should I throw good after bad?

Can sand flow upward in the hour glass? Will the sun rise where it sets and set where it rises? Can I relive the errors of yesterday and right them? Can I call back yesterday's wounds and make them whole? Can I bee younger than yesterday? Can I take back the evil that was spoken; the blows that were struck; the pain that was caused? No。 Yesterday is buried forever and I will think of it no more。

I will live this day as if it is my last。

And what then shall I do? Forgetting yesterday neither will I think of tomorrow。 Why should I throw note after maybe? Can tomorrow's sand flow through the glass before today's? Will the sun rise twice this morning? Can I perform tomorrow's deeds while standing in today's path? Can I place tomorrow's gold in today's purse? Can tomorrow’s child be born today? Can tomorrow's death cast its shadow backward and darken today's joy? Should I concern myself over events which l may never witness? Should I torment myself with problems that may never e to pass? No! Tomorrow lies buried with yesterday; and I will think of it no more。

I will live this day as if it is my last。

This day is all I have and these hours are now my eternity。 I greet this sunrise with cries of joy as a prisoner who is reprieved from death。 I lift mine arms with thanks for this priceless gift of a new day。 So too; I will beat upon my heart with gratitude as I consider all who greeted yesterterday's sunrise who are no longer with the living today。 I am indeed a fortunate man and today's hours are but a bonus; undeserved。 Why have I been allowed to live this extra day when others;far better than I; have departed? Is it that they have acplished their purpose while mine is yet to be achieved? Is this another opportunity for me to bee the man I know I can be? Is there a purpose in nature? Is this my day to excel?

I will live this day as if it is my last。I have but one life and life is naught but a measurement of time。 When I waste one I destroy the other。 If I waste today I destroy the last page of my life。 Therefore; each hour of this day will I cherish for it can never return。 It cannot be banked today to be withdrawn on the morrow; f

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