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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及97嫗

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梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

could hardly be!as she spoke to him over her shoulder。 

    ^I presume this is your other ward察Miss Clare拭院

    He presented Ada察in form。 

    ^You     will  lose   the   disinterested     part   of  your    Don    Quixote 

character察院said Lady Dedlock to Mr Jarndyce察over her shoulder 

again察   if   you   only   redress   the   wrongs   of   beauty   like   this。  But 

present   me察院  and   she   turned   full   upon   me察   to   this   young   lady 

too 院

    ^Miss Summerson really is my ward察院said Mr Jarndyce。 ^I am 

responsible to no Lord Chancellor in her case。 ̄ 

Charles Dickens                                                     ElecBook Classics 

´ Page 357´

                                  Bleak House                                    357 

    ^Has Miss Summerson lost both her parents拭院said my Lady。 

    ^Yes。 ̄ 

    ^She is very fortunate in her Guardian。 ̄ 

    Lady Dedlock looked at me察and I looked at her察and said I was 

indeed。   All   at   once   she   turned   from   me   with   a   hasty   air察  almost 

expressive   of   displeasure   or   dislike察  and   spoke   to   him   over   her 

shoulder again。 

    ^Ages   have   passed   since   we   were   in   the   habit   of   meeting察  Mr 

Jarndyce。 ̄ 

    ^A long time。 At least I thought it was a long time察until I saw 

you last Sunday察院he returned。 

    ^What Even you are a courtier察or think it necessary to become 

one   to   me 院  she   said察  with   some   disdain。   ^I   have   achieved   that 

reputation察I suppose。 ̄ 

    ^You     have     achieved     so   much察    Lady     Dedlock察院     said   my 

Guardian察 that you pay some little penalty察I dare say。 But none 

to me。 ̄ 

    ^So much 院she repeated察slightly laughing。 ^Yes 院

    With   her   air   of   superiority察  and   power察  and   fascination察  and   I 

know not  what察  she seemed   to  regard   Ada and   me  as  little more 

than    children。    So察  as  she   slightly  laughed察    and   afterwards     sat 

looking     at  the  rain察  she   was   as  self´possessed察    and    as  free  to 

occupy herself with her own thoughts察as if she had been alone。 

    ^I   think   you   knew   my   sister察  when   we   were   abroad   together察

better than you knew me拭院she said察looking at him again。 

    ^Yes察we happened to meet oftener察院he returned。 

    ^We went our several ways察院said Lady Dedlock察 and had little 

in common even before we agreed to differ。 It is to be regretted察I 

suppose察but it could not be helped。 ̄ 

Charles Dickens                                                     ElecBook Classics 

´ Page 358´

                                   Bleak House                                    358 

    Lady   Dedlock   again   sat   looking   at   the   rain。   The   storm   soon 

began     to   pass   upon    its  way。   The    shower     greatly    abated察   the 

lightning  ceased察  the   thunder  rolled  among  the   distant   hills察  and 

the sun began to glisten on the wet leaves and the falling rain。 As 

we sat there察silently察we saw a little pony phaeton coming towards 

us at a merry pace。 

    ^The    messenger   is     coming   back察    my   lady察院  said   the   keeper察

^with the carriage。 ̄ 

   As it drove up察we saw that there were two people inside。 There 

alighted      from    it察 with   some     cloaks    and    wrappers察     first  the 

Frenchwoman          whom      I  had   seen   in  church察    and   secondly     the 

pretty girl察the Frenchwoman with a defiant confidence察the pretty 

girl confused and hesitating。 

    ^What now拭院said Lady Dedlock。 ^Two 院

    ^I   am     your    maid察   my     Lady察   at   the   present察院    said    the 

Frenchwoman。 ^The message was for the attendant。 ̄ 

    ^I   was   afraid   you   might   mean   me察  my   Lady察院  said   the   pretty 


    ^I did mean you察child察院replied her mistress察calmly。 ^Put that 

shawl on me。 ̄ 

    She slightly stooped her shoulders to receive it察and the pretty 

girl   lightly   dropped      it  in  its  place。   The    Frenchwoman         stood 

unnoticed察looking on with her lips very tightly set。 

    ^I am sorry察院said Lady Dedlock to Mr Jarndyce察 that  we   are 

not likely to renew our former acquaintance。 You will allow me to 

send     the   carriage    back   for   your   two    wards。    It  shall  be   here 

directly。 ̄ 

    But   as   he   would   on   no   account   accept   this   offer察  she   took   a 

graceful   leave   of   Ada!none   of   me!and   put   her   hand   upon   his 

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                                   Bleak House                                     359 

proffered   arm察and   got  into   the   carriage察  which   was   a   little察  low察

park carriage察with a hood。 

    ^Come察child 院she said to the pretty girl察 I shall want you。 Go 

on 院

    The    carriage     rolled   away察   and   the   Frenchwoman察        with    the 

wrappers       she   had    brought     hanging      over   her   arm察   remained 

standing where she had alighted。 

    I suppose there is nothing Pride can so little bear with察as Pride 

itself察and that  she   was punished   for  her  imperious manner。   Her 

retaliation     was    the  most    singular    I  could    have   imagined。      She 

remained       perfectly    still  until  the  carriage    had    turned    into   the 

drive察  and   then察  without   the   least   discomposure   of   countenance察

slipped     off  her    shoes察  left  them     on   the   ground察    and    walked 

deliberately in the same direction察through the wettest of the wet 


    ^Is that young woman mad拭院said my Guardian。 

    ^O   no察  sir 院  said   the   keeper察  who察  with   his   wife察  was   looking 

after   her。   ^Hortense   is   not   one   of   that   sort。   She   has   as   good   a 

head´piece   as   the   best。   But   she¨s   mortal   high   and   passionate! 

powerful      high   and   passionate察  and      what   with    having   notice    to 

leave察and having others put above her察she don¨t take kindly to it。 ̄ 

    ^But   why   should   she   walk   shoeless察  through   all   that   water拭院

said my Guardian。 

    ^Why察indeed察sir察unless it is to cool her down 院said the man。 

    ^Or   unless   she   fancies   it¨s   blood察院  said   the   woman。   ^She¨d   as 

soon walk through that as anything else察I think察when her own¨s 

up 院

    We  passed   not  far  from   the   House察 a   few   minutes   afterwards。 

Peaceful as it had looked when we first saw it察it looked even more 

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                                    Bleak House                                       360 

so now察with a diamond spray glittering all about  it察  a   light  wind 

blowing察      the   birds    no    longer     hushed      but    singing     strongly察

everything       refreshed      by   the   late   rain察  and    the   little  carriage 

shining   at   the   doorway   like   a   fairy   carriage   made   of  silver。   Still察

very steadfastly  and   quietly  walking  towards   it察  a  peaceful   figure 

too    in   the   landscape察     went     Mademoiselle        Hortense察     shoeless察

through the wet grass。 

Charles Dickens                                                         ElecBook Classics 

´ Page 361´

                                  Bleak House                                  361 

                                Chapter 19 

                                Moving On 

     t   is   the   long   vacation   in   the   regions   of   Chancery   Lane。   The 

     good      ships    Law    and    Equity察 

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