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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及91嫗

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梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

hands察one after another!at least察they did!and I did察and so he 

put   his   lips   to   Ada¨s   hand!and   to   mine察  and   so   he   went   away 

upon his long察long voyage 

    I was   very  busy  indeed察  all day察and   wrote   directions  home   to 

the   servants察  and   wrote   notes   for   my   Guardian察  and   dusted   his 

books and papers察and jingled my housekeeping keys a good deal察

one way and another。 I was still busy between the lights察  singing 

and working by the window察when who should come in but Caddy察

whom I had no expectation of seeing 

    ^Why察Caddy察my dear察院said I察 what beautiful flowers 院

    She had such an exquisite little nosegay in her hand。 

    ^Indeed察    I  think   so察 Esther察院    replied   Caddy。     ^They    are   the 

loveliest I ever saw。 ̄ 

    ^Prince察my dear拭院said I察in a whisper。 

    ^No察院answered Caddy察shaking her head察and holding them to 

me to smell。 ^Not Prince。 ̄ 

    ^Well察to be sure察Caddy 院said I。 ^You must have two lovers 院

    ^What拭Do they look like that sort of thing拭院said Caddy。 

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                                   Bleak House                                    336 

    ^Do they look like that sort of thing拭院I repeated察pinching her 


    Caddy only laughed in return察and telling me that she had come 

for half´an´hour察at the expiration of which time Prince would be 

waiting for her at the corner察sat chatting with me and Ada in the 

window此  every   now   and   then   handing   me   the   flowers   again察  or 

trying   how   they   looked   against   my   hair。   At   last察  when   she   was 

going察she took me into my room and put them in my dress。 

    ^For me拭院said I察surprised。 

    ^For you察院said   Caddy察  with  a  kiss。   ^They  were   left  behind  by 

Somebody。 ̄ 

    ^Left behind拭院

    ^At   poor   Miss   Flite¨s察院  said   Caddy。   ^Somebody   who   has   been 

very good to her察was hurrying  away  an  hour  ago察  to  join   a ship察

and left these flowers behind。 No察no Don¨t take them out。 Let the 

pretty   little   things   lie   here 院  said   Caddy察  adjusting   them   with   a 

careful     hand察   because      I  was   present    myself察   and   I  shouldn¨t 

wonder if Somebody left them on purpose 院

    ^Do    they    look   like   that  sort   of  thing拭院    said   Ada察   coming 

laughingly  behind me察and   clasping   me   merrily   round   the   waist。 

^O察yes察indeed they do察Dame Durden They look very察very like 

that sort of thing。 O察very like it indeed察my dear 院

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´ Page 337´

                                  Bleak House                                  337 

                                Chapter 18 

                              Lady Dedlock 

     t   was   not   so   easy   as   it   had   appeared   at   first察  to   arrange   for 

     Richard¨s making a trial of Mr Kenge¨s office。 Richard himself 


     was the chief impediment。 As soon as he had it in his power to 

leave   Mr   Badger  at   any  moment察  he   began   to   doubt   whether   he 

wanted     to   leave  him   at   all。  He   didn¨t   know察 he  said察 really。  It 

wasn¨t   a   bad   profession察   he  couldn¨t   assert   that   he  disliked   it察

perhaps he liked it as well as he liked any other!suppose he gave 

it   one  more    chance   Upon     that察 he  shut   himself   up察  for   a  few 

weeks察with some books and some bones察and seemed to acquire a 

considerable fund of information察with great rapidity。 His fervour察

after lasting about a month察began to cool察and when it was quite 

cooled察  began   to   grow   warm   again。   His   vacillations   between   law 

and   medicine   lasted   so   long察  that   Midsummer   arrived   before   he 

finally separated from Mr Badger察and entered on an experimental 

course of Messrs。 Kenge and Carboy。 For all his waywardness察he 

took great credit to himself as being determined to  be in   earnest 

^this time。 ̄ And he was so good´natured throughout察and in such 

high spirits察and so fond of Ada察that it was very difficult indeed to 

be otherwise than pleased with him。 

    ^As to Mr Jarndyce察院who I may mention察found the wind much 

given察during this period察to stick in the east察 As to Mr Jarndyce察院

Richard   would   say   to   me察   he   is   the   finest   fellow   in   the   world察

Esther     I  must   be  particularly    careful察  if  it  were  only   for  his 

satisfaction察to take myself well to task察and have a regular wind´ 

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                                   Bleak House                                     338 

up of this business now。 ̄ 

    The   idea   of  his  taking  himself  well   to  task察  with  that  laughing 

face and heedless manner察and with a fancy that everything could 

catch     and     nothing     could    hold察   was    ludicrously      anomalous。 

However察he told us between´whiles察that he was doing it to such 

an extent察that he wondered his hair didn¨t turn grey。 His regular 

wind´up of the business was   as I   have   said察  that  he   went  to  Mr 

Kenge¨s about Midsummer察to try how he liked it。 

    All   this   time   he   was察  in   money   affairs察  what   I   have   described 

him in a former illustration此generous察profuse察wildly careless察but 

fully   persuaded      that   he   was   rather    calculating     and   prudent。     I 

happened        to  say   to  Ada察   in  his   presence察    half   jestingly察  half 

seriously察    about    the  time    of  his  going    to  Mr   Kenge¨s察    that   he 

needed   to   have   Fortunatus¨s   purse察  he   made   so   light   of   money察

which he answered in this way此 

    ^My jewel of a dear cousin察you hear this old woman Why does 

she   say   that拭  Because   I   gave   eight   pounds   odd   or   whatever   it 

was for a certain neat waistcoat and buttons a few days ago。 Now察

if  I   had stayed at  Badger¨s察 I   should   have   been   obliged   to   spend 

twelve pounds at a blow察for some heart´breaking lecture´fees。 So I 

make four pounds!in a lump!by the transaction 院

    It   was    a  question     much     discussed      between      him    and    my 

Guardian       what   arrangements   should   be   made   for   his         living  in 

London察while he experimented on the law察for察we had long since 

gone   back   to  Bleak   House察  and   it   was   too   far   off   to   admit   of   his 

coming there oftener than once a week。 My Guardian told me that 

if Richard were to settle down at Mr Kenge¨s he would take some 

apartments   or   chambers察  where   we察  too察  could   occasionally   stay 

for a few days at a time察 but little woman察院he added察rubbing his 

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                                   Bleak House                                     339 

head   very   significantly察   he   hasn¨t   settled   down   there   yet 院  The 

discussions ended in our hiring for him察by the month察a neat little 

furnished   lodging   in   a   quiet   old   house   near   Queen   Square。   He 

immediately began to spend all the money  he   had察 in  buying  the 

oddest little ornaments and luxuries for this lodging察and as often 

as   Ada   and   I   dissuaded   him   from   making   any   purchase   that   he 

had     in  contemplation       which    was    particularly    unnecessary       and 

expensive察  he   took   credit  for   what   it   would   have   cost察  and   made 

out that to spend anything less on something els

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