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should be more disposed to  quarrel   with  myself察  even   then察  than 

with   poor   Rick察  for   I   brought   you   together。     But   tut察 all  this  is 

nothing He has time before him察and the race to run。 I think the 

worse of him拭Not I察my loving cousin And not you察I swear 院

    ^No察indeed察cousin John察院said Ada察 I am sure I could not!I 

am sure I would not!think any ill of Richard察if the whole world 

did。   I   could察  and   I   would察  think   better   of   him   then察  than   at   any 

other time 院

    So   quietly   and   honestly   she   said   it察  with   her   hands   upon   his 

shoulders!both hands now!and looking up into his face察like the 

picture of Truth 

    ^I   think察院  said   my    Guardian察    thoughtfully     regarding      her察   I 

think it must be somewhere written that the virtues of the mothers 

shall察occasionally察be visited on the children察as well as the sins of 

the   fathers。   Good   night察  my   rosebud。   Good   night察  little   woman。 

Pleasant slumbers Happy dreams 院

    This was the first time I ever saw him follow Ada with his eyes察

with something of a shadow on their benevolent expression。 I well 

remember        the   look   with   which    he   had    contemplated       her   and 

Richard察  when   she   was   singing  in   the   firelight察  it  was but  a   very 

little while since he had watched them passing down the room in 

which     the   sun   was    shining察  and    away    into   the  shade察   but   his 

glance was changed察and even the silent look of confidence in me 

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which   now   followed   it   once   more察  was   not   quite   so   hopeful   and 

untroubled as it had originally been。 

    Ada praised Richard more to me察that night察than ever she had 

praised   him   yet。   She   went   to   sleep察  with   a   little   bracelet   he   had 

given   her   clasped   upon   her   arm。   I   fancied   she   was   dreaming   of 

him when I kissed her cheek after she had slept an hour察and saw 

how tranquil and happy she looked。 

    For I was so little inclined to sleep察myself察that night察that I sat 

up   working。   It   would   not   be   worth   mentioning   for   its   own   sake察

but  I   was   wakeful   and   rather   low´spirited。   I   don¨t   know   why。   At 

least察I don¨t think I know why。 At least察perhaps I do察but I don¨t 

think it matters。 

    At any rate察I made up my mind to be so dreadfully industrious 

that    I  would     leave   myself    not    a  moment¨s      leisure    to  be   low´ 

spirited。     For   I  naturally    said察   Esther     You   to   be  low´spirited。 

You 院And it really was time to say so察for I!yes察I really did see 

myself in the glass察almost crying。 ^As if you had anything to make 

you     unhappy察     instead    of  everything      to   make     you   happy察    you 

ungrateful heart 院said I。 

    If  I   could  have   made myself  go  to  sleep察  I   would   have   done   it 

directly察  but察  not   being   able   to   do   that察  I   took   out   of   my   basket 

some ornamental work for our house I mean Bleak House that I 

was     busy    with    at  that   time察   and    sat   down     to  it  with    great 

determination。   It   was   necessary   to   count   all   the   stitches   in   that 

work察and I resolved to go on with it until I couldn¨t keep my eyes 

open察and then to go to bed。 

    I   soon    found    myself     very    busy。   But    I  had    left  some     silk 

downstairs in a work´table drawer in the temporary Growlery察and 

coming to a stop for want of it察I took my  candle   and   went  softly 

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down   to   get   it。   To   my   great   surprise察  on   going   in察  I  found   my 

Guardian still there察and sitting looking at the ashes。 He was lost 

in   thought察  his   book   lay   unheeded   by   his   side察  his   silvered   iron´ 

grey   hair   was   scattered   confusedly   upon   his   forehead   as   though 

his   hand   had   been   wandering   among  it   while   his   thoughts   were 

elsewhere察and his face looked worn。 Almost frightened by coming 

upon him so unexpectedly察I stood still for a moment察and should 

have   retired   without   speaking察  had   he   not察  in   again   passing   his 

hand abstractedly through his hair察seen me and started。 

    ^Esther 院

    I told him what I had come for。 

    ^At work so late察my dear拭院

    ^I   am   working  late   tonight察院  said   I察   because   I   couldn¨t   sleep察

and   wished   to   tire   myself。   But察  dear   Guardian察  you   are   late   too察

and     look   weary。     You    have    no   trouble察   I  hope察   to  keep    you 


    ^None察little woman察that you   would   readily  understand察院  said 


    He   spoke   in   a   regretful   tone   so   new   to   me察 that   I  inwardly 

repeated察as if that would help me   to  his meaning察   That  I   could 

readily understand 院

    ^Remain       a   moment察     Esther察院    said   he。   ^You     were    in   my 

thoughts。 ̄ 

    ^I hope I was not the trouble察Guardian拭院

    He slightly waved his hand察and fell into his usual manner。 The 

change was so remarkable察and he appeared to make it by dint of 

so    much     self´command察       that   I  found     myself    again    inwardly 

repeating察 None that I could understand 院

    ^Little   woman察院  said my  Guardian察   I   was   thinking!that   is察  I 

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have been thinking since I have been sitting here!that you ought 

to know察  of  your  own   history察  all   I know。   It  is   very  little。 Next  to 

nothing。 ̄ 

    ^Dear Guardian察院I  replied察   when   you  spoke   to  me  before   on 

that subject! ̄ 

    ^But   since   then察院    he   gravely   interposed察  anticipating   what   I 

meant  to  say察   I   have   reflected   that   your   having   anything   to   ask 

me察     and    my     having      anything      to   tell   you察    are    different 

considerations察Esther。 It is perhaps my duty to impart to you the 

little I know。 ̄ 

    ^If you think so察Guardian察it is right。 ̄ 

    ^I   think   so察院 he   returned察    very   gently察  and    kindly察  and   very 

distinctly。 ^My dear察I think so now。 If any real disadvantage can 

attach to your position察in the mind of any man or woman worth a 

thought察  it  is   right  that  you察  at  least察  of  all   the   world察  should   not 

magnify it to yourself察by having vague impressions of its nature。 ̄ 

    I sat down察and said察after a little effort to be as calm as I ought 

to   be察   One   of   my   earliest   remembrances察  Guardian察  is   of   these 

words。 `Your mother察Esther察is your disgrace察and you were hers。 

The time will come察and soon enough察when you will understand 

this better察and will feel it too察as no one save a woman can。¨^ I had 

covered my face with my hands察in repeating the words察but I took 

them away now with a better kind of shame察I hope察and told him察

that  to  him   I   owed   the  blessing  that  I   had   from   my  childhood  to 

that hour never察never never felt it。 He put up his hand as if to stop 

me。   I   well   knew   that   he   was   never   to   be   thanked察  and   said   no 


    ^Nine years察my dear察院he said察after thinking for a little while

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