bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及86嫗
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
that he is alone。
His first proceeding察 is察 to hold the piece of money to the
gaslight察 and to be overpowered at finding that it is yellow´gold。
His next is察to give it a one´sided bite at the edge察as a test of its
quality。 His next察to put it in his mouth for safety察and to sweep the
step and passage with great care。 His job done察he sets off for Tom´
all´Alone¨s察 stopping in the light of innumerable gas´lamps to
produce the piece of gold察and give it another one´sided bite察as a
reassurance of its being genuine。
The Mercury in powder is in no want of society tonight察for my
Lady goes to a grand dinner察and three or four balls。 Sir Leicester
is fidgety察 down at Chesney Wold察 with no better company than
the gout察 he complains to Mrs Rouncewell that the rain makes
such a monotonous pattering on the terrace察that he can¨t read the
paper察even by the fireside in his own snug dressing´room。
^Sir Leicester would have done better to try the other side of
the house察my dear察院says Mrs Rouncewell to Rosa。 ^His dressing´
room is on my Lady¨s side。 And in all these years I never heard the
step upon the Ghost¨s Walk察more distinct than it is tonight 院
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Chapter 17
Esther¨s Narrative
ichard very often came to see us while we remained in
RLondon though he soon failed in his letter writing察 and
with his quick abilities察his good spirits察his good temper察
his gaiety and freshness察was always delightful。 But察though I liked
him more and more察 the better I knew him察 I still felt more and
more察how much it was to be regretted that he had been educated
in no habits of application and concentration。 The system which
had addressed him in exactly the same manner as it had
addressed hundreds of other boys察 all varying in character and
capacity察had enabled him to dash through his tasks察always with
fair credit察and often with distinction察but in a fitful察dazzling way
that had confirmed his reliance on those very qualities in himself察
which it had been most desirable to direct and train。 They were
great qualities察without which no high place can be meritoriously
won察but察like fire and water察though excellent servants察they were
very bad masters。 If they had been under Richard¨s direction察they
would have been his friends察 but Richard being under their
direction察they became his enemies。
I write down these opinions察not because I believe that this or
any other thing was so察because I thought so察 but only because I
did think so察and I want to be quite candid about all I thought and
did。 These were my thoughts about Richard。 I thought I often
observed besides察how right my Guardian was in what he had said察
and that the uncertainties and delays of the Chancery suit
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imparted to his nature something of the careless spirit of a
gamester察who felt that he was part of a great gaming system。
Mr and Mrs Bayham Badger coming one afternoon察 when my
Guardian was not at home察 in the course of conversation I
naturally inquired after Richard。
^Why察 Mr Carstone察院 said Mrs Badger察 is very well察 and is察 I
assure you察 a great acquisition to our society。 Captain Swosser
used to say of me that I was always better than land a´head and a
breeze a´starn to the midshipmen¨s mess when the purser¨s junk
had become as tough as the fore´topsel weather earrings。 It was
his naval way of mentioning generally that I was an acquisition to
any society。 I may render the same tribute察 I am sure察 to Mr
Carstone。 But I!you won¨t think me premature if I mention it拭院
I said no察 as Mrs Badger¨s insinuating tone seemed to require
such an answer。
^Nor Miss Clare拭院said Mrs Bayham Badger察sweetly。 Ada said
no察too察and looked uneasy。
^Why察you see察my dears察院said Mrs Badger!^you¨ll excuse me
calling you my dears拭院
We entreated Mrs Badger not to mention it。
^Because you really are察if I may take the liberty of saying so察院
pursued Mrs Badger察 so perfectly charming。 You see察 my dears察
that although I am still young!or Mr Bayham Badger pays me the
compliment of saying so! ̄
^No察院 Mr Badger called out察 like some one contradicting at a
public meeting。 ^Not at all 院
^Very well察院smiled Mrs Badger察 we will say still young。 ̄
─Undoubtedly察院said Mr Badger。
^My dears察though still young察I have had many opportunities of
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observing young men。 There were many such on board the dear
old Crippler察 I assure you。 After that察 when I was with Captain
Swosser in the Mediterranean察 I embraced every opportunity of
knowing and befriending the midshipmen under Captain
Swosser¨s command。 You never heard them called the young
gentlemen察 my dears察 and probably would not understand
allusions to their pipe´claying their weekly accounts察 but it is
otherwise with me察for blue water has been a second home to me察
and I have been quite a sailor。 Again察with Professor Dingo。 ̄
─A man of European reputation。 ̄ murmured Mr Badger。
^When I lost my dear first察 and became the wife of my dear
second察院said Mrs Badger察speaking of her former husbands as if
they were parts of a charade察 I still enjoyed opportunities of
observing youth。 The class attendant on Professor Dingo¨s lectures
was a large one察and it became my pride察as the wife of an eminent
scientific man seeking herself in science the utmost consolation it
could impart察to throw our house open to the students察as a kind of
Scientific Exchange。 Every Tuesday evening there was lemonade
and a mixed biscuit察 for all who chose to partake of those
refreshments。 And there was science to an unlimited extent。 ̄
─Remarkable assemblies those察 Miss Summerson察院 said Mr
Badger察 reverentially。 ^There must have been great intellectual
friction going on there察under the auspices of such a man 隠
^And now察院pursued Mrs Badger察 now that I am the wife of my
dear third察 Mr Badger察 I still pursue those habits of observation
which were formed during the lifetime of Captain Swosser察 and
adapted to new and unexpected purposes during the lifetime of
Professor Dingo。 I therefore have not come to the consideration of
Mr Carstone as a Neophyte。 And yet I am very much of the
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