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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及85嫗

弌傍 bleak house(奈噌議型徨) 忖方 耽匈4000忖

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

house     behind察    between      whose     plain   dress察   and    her   refined 

manner察there is something exceedingly  inconsistent。   She should 

be an upper servant by her attire察yet察in her air and step察though 

both   are   hurried   and   assumed!as   far   as   she   can   assume   in   the 

muddy streets察which she treads with an unaccustomed foot!she 

is a lady。 Her face is veiled察and still she sufficiently betrays herself 

to make more than one of those who pass her look round sharply。 

    She never turns her head。 Lady or servant察she has a purpose in 

her察and can follow it。 She never turns her head察until she comes to 

the crossing where Jo plies with his broom。   He   crosses   with  her察

and begs。 Still察she does not turn her head until she has landed on 

the other side。 Then察she slightly beckons to him察and says ^Come 

here 院

   Jo follows her察a pace or two察into a quiet court。 

    ^Are   you   the   boy   I   have  read   of  in  the  papers拭院    she   asked 

behind her veil。 

    ^I   don¨t   know察院  says   Jo察  staring   moodily   at   the   veil察   nothink 

about no papers。 I don¨t know nothink about nothink at all。 ̄ 

    ^Were you examined at an Inquest拭院

    ^I don¨t know nothink about no´where I was took by the beadle察

do   you   mean拭院  says   Joe。   ^Was   the   boy¨s   name   at   the   Inkwhich察


    ^Yes。 ̄ 

    ^That¨s me 院says Jo。 

    ^Come farther up。 ̄ 

    ^You   mean   about   the   man拭院  says   Jo察  following。   ^Him   as   wos 


    ^Hush   Speak   in   a   whisper   Yes。   Did   he   look察  when   he   was 

living察so very ill and poor拭院

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´ Page 314´

                                  Bleak House                                  314 

    ^O jist 院says Jo。 

    ^Did    he   look    like!not     like you拭院    says    the   woman      with 


    ^Oh  not  so bad   as   me察院  says   Jo。   ^I¨m   a   reg¨lar   one I   am   You 

didn¨t know him察did you拭院

    ^How dare you ask me if I knew him拭院

    ^No offence察my lady察院says   Jo察  with  humility察  for  even   he  has 

got at the suspicion of her being a lady。 

    ^I am not a lady。 I am a servant。 ̄ 

    ^You   are   a   jolly   servant 院 says  Jo察 without   the   least   idea  of 

saying anything offensive察merely as a tribute of admiration。 

    ^Listen and be silent。 Don¨t talk to me察and stand farther from 

me Can you show me all those places that were spoken of in the 

account I read拭The place he wrote for察the place he   died at察  the 

place    where    you   were    taken   to察 and   the  place   where     he  was 

buried拭Do you know the place where he was buried拭院

   Jo answers with a nod察having also nodded as each other place 

was mentioned。 

    ^Go   before   me察  and   show   me   all   those   dreadful   places。   Stop 

opposite   to   each察  and   don¨t   speak   to   me   unless   I   speak   to   you。 

Don¨t look back。 Do what I want察and I will pay you well。 ̄ 

   Jo attends closely while the words are being spoken察tells them 

off   on  his  broom´handle察      finding   them    rather   hard察   pauses   to 

consider     their  meaning察    considers    it  satisfactory察  and   nods   his 

ragged head。 

    ^I am fly察院says Jo。 ^But fen larks察you know。 Stow hooking it 院

    ^What does the horrible creature mean拭院exclaims the servant察

recoiling from him。 

    ^Stow cutting away察you know 院says Jo。 

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                                  Bleak House                                    315 

    ^I   don¨t   understand   you。   Go   on   before   I   will   give   you   more 

money than you ever had in your life。 ̄ 

   Jo screws up his mouth into a whistle察gives his ragged head a 

rub察  takes   his   broom   under   his   arm察  and   leads   the   way察  passing 

deftly察  with   his   bare   feet察  over   the   hard   stones察  and   through   the 

mud and mire。 

    Cook¨s Court。 Jo stops。 A pause。 

    ^Who lives here拭院

    ^Him wot give him his writing察and give me half a bull察院says Jo 

in a whisper察without looking over his shoulder。 

    ^Go on to the next。 ̄ 

    Krook¨s house。 Jo stops again。 A longer pause。 

    ^Who lives here拭院

    ^He lived here。 ̄ Jo answers as before。 

   After a silence he is asked察 In which room拭院

    ^In the back room up there。 You can see the winder from this 

corner。 Up there That¨s where I see him stritched out。 This is the 

public ¨ouse where I was took to。 ̄ 

    ^Go on to the next 院

    It   is   a   longer   walk  to   the  next察  but察 Jo察 relieved  of  his   first 

suspicions察  sticks   to   the   terms   imposed   upon   him察  and   does   not 

look round。 By many devious ways reeking with offence of  many 

kinds察they come to the little tunnel of a court察and to the gas´lamp 

lighted now察and to the iron gate。 

    ^He was put there察院says Jo察holding to the bars and looking in。 

    ^Where拭O察what a scene of horror 院

    ^There 院says Jo察pointing。 ^Over yinder。 Among them piles of 

bones察and close to that there kitchen winder。 They put him wery 

nigh the top。 They was obliged to stamp upon it to git it in。 I could 

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                                    Bleak House                                     316 

unkiver it for you with my broom察if the gate was open。 That¨s why 

they locks it察I s¨pose察院giving it a shake。 ^It¨s always locked。 Look 

at the rat 院  cries   Jo察  excited。   ^Hi  Look   There   he   goes   Ho   Into 

the ground 院

    The servant shrinks into a corner!into a corner of that hideous 

archway察      with   its  deadly    stains    contaminating       her    dress察  and 

putting   out   her   two   hands察  and   passionately   telling   him   to   keep 

away   from   her察  for   he   is   loathsome   to   her察  so   remains   for   some 

moments。 Jo stands staring察and is still staring when she recovers 


    ^Is this place of abomination察consecrated ground拭院

    ^I   don¨t  know  nothink   of  consequential   ground察院  says   Jo察  still 


    ^Is it blessed拭院

    ^WHICH拭院says Jo察in the last degree amazed。 

    ^Is it blessed拭院

    ^I¨m   blest   if   I   know察院  says   Jo察  staring   more   than   ever察   but   I 

shouldn¨t  think it  warn¨t。   Blest拭院  repeats   Jo察  something   troubled 

in his mind。 ^It an¨t done it much good if it is。 Blest拭I should think 

it was t¨othered myself。 But I don¨t know nothink 院

    The servant takes as little heed of what he says察as she seems to 

take of what she has said herself。 She draws off her  glove察  to  get 

some   money   from   her   purse。   Jo   silently   notices   how   white   and 

small   her  hand   is察  and   what   a   jolly   servant   she   must   be   to   wear 

such sparkling rings。 

    She   drops   a   piece   of   money   in   his   hand察  without   touching   it察

and shuddering as their hands approach。 ^Now察院she adds察 show 

me the spot again 院

    Jo thrusts the handle of his broom between the bars of the gate察

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                                    Bleak House                                     317 

and with his utmost power of elaboration察points it out。 At length察

looking   aside   to   see   if   he   has   made   himself   intelligible察  he   finds 

that he is alone。 

    His    first  proceeding察     is察 to  hold   the   piece   of  money

卦指朕村 貧匯匈 和匯匈 指欺競何 1 1
