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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及81嫗

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梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

and over。 So I should say察in general察not so bad察sir察but might be 

better。 ̄ 

    Mrs     Blinder    sat   down     to  give    herself   a   more    favourable 

opportunity of recovering her breath察exhausted anew by so much 

talking  before   it   was   fully   restored。   Mr   Jarndyce   was   turning   to 

speak     to  us察  when    his   attention    was   attracted     by  the   abrupt 

entrance       into   the   room     of  the   Mr    Gridley     who     had    been 

mentioned察and whom we had seen on our way up。 

Charles Dickens                                                     ElecBook Classics 

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    ^I   don¨t    know     what    you    may    be   doing    here察   ladies   and 

gentlemen察院  he   said察  as   if   he   resented   our   presence察   but   you¨ll 

excuse   my   coming   in。   I   don¨t   come   in   to   stare   about   me。   Well察

Charley Well察Tom Well察little one How is it with us all today拭院

    He   bent   over   the   group   in   a   caressing   way察  and   clearly   was 

regarded as a friend by the children察though his face   retained its 

stern character察and his manner to us was as rude as it could be。 

My Guardian noticed it察and respected it。 

    ^No one察surely察would come here to stare about him察院he said 


    ^May   be   so察  sir察  may   be   so察院  returned   the   other察  taking   Tom 

upon   his   knee察  and   waving   him   off   impatiently。   ^I   don¨t   want   to 

argue with ladies and gentlemen。 I have had enough of arguing察to 

last one man his life。 ̄ 

    ^You have sufficient reason察I dare say察院said Mr Jarndyce察 for 

being chafed and irritated! ̄ 

    ^There again 院exclaimed the man察becoming violently angry。 ^I 

am of a quarrelsome temper。 I am irascible。 I am not polite 院

    ^Not very察I think。 ̄ 

    ^Sir察院said Gridley察putting down the child察and going up to him 

as if he meant to strike him。 ^Do you know anything of Courts of 


    ^Perhaps I do察to my sorrow。 ̄ 

    ^To your sorrow拭院said the man察pausing in his wrath。 ^If so察I 

beg your pardon。 I am not polite察I know。 I beg your pardon Sir察院

with renewed violence察 I have   been   dragged   for  five´and´twenty 

years over burning iron察and I have lost the habit of treading upon 

velvet。 Go into the Court of Chancery yonder察and ask what is one 

of  the   standing  jokes  that   brighten   up   their  business   sometimes察

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and they will tell you that the best joke they have is the man from 

Shropshire。        I察院  he   said察   beating     one    hand     on    the   other察

passionately察 am the man from Shropshire。 ̄ 

    ^I   believe察   I  and   my    family    have    also   had   the   honour      of 

furnishing some entertainment in the same grave place察院said my 

Guardian察       composedly。       ^You     may     have     heard     my    name! 

Jarndyce。 ̄ 

    ^Mr   Jarndyce察院  said   Gridley察  with   a   rough   sort   of   salutation察

^you bear your wrongs more quietly  than   I   can   bear  mine。   More 

than   that察  I   tell   you!and   I   tell   this   gentleman察  and   these   young 

ladies察if they are friends of yours!that if I took my wrongs in any 

other  way察  I   should   be driven mad  It  is   only by  resenting  them察

and by revenging them in my mind察and by angrily demanding the 

justice   I   never  get察  that  I   am   able   to  keep my  wits   together。   It  is 

only   that 院  he   said察  speaking   in   a   homely察  rustic   way察  and   with 

great   vehemence。   ^You   may   tell   me   that   I       overexcite   myself。     I 

answer that it¨s in my nature to do it察under wrong察and I must do 

it。 There¨s nothing between doing it察and sinking into the smiling 

state of the poor little mad woman that haunts the Court。 If I was 

once to sit down under it察I should become imbecile。 ̄ 

    The    passion   and     heat   in  which   he    was察  and   the   manner     in 

which   his   face   worked察  and   the   violent   gestures   with   which   he 

accompanied what he said察were most painful to see。 

    ^Mr Jarndyce察院he said察 consider my case。 As true as there is a 

Heaven   above   us察  this   is   my   case。   I   am   one   of   two   brothers。   My 

father a farmer made a will察and left his farm and stock察and so 

forth察to my mother察for her life。 After my mother¨s death察all was 

to come to me察except a legacy of three hundred pounds that I was 

then to pay my brother。 My mother died。   My  brother察  some   time 

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afterwards察  claimed   his   legacy。   I察  and   some   of   my   relations察  said 

that   he   had   had   a   part   of   it   already察  in   board   and   lodging察  and 

some other things。 Now mind That was the question察and nothing 

else。   No    one   disputed     the  will察  no  one    disputed     anything     but 

whether part of that three hundred pounds had been already paid 

or   not。   To   settle  that   question察   my   brother     filing  a  bill察 I  was 

obliged   to   go   into   this  accursed   Chancery察       I  was   forced   there察

because   the   law   forced   me察  and   would   let   me   go   nowhere   else。 

Seventeen   people   were   made   defendants   to   that   simple   suit   It 

first came on察after two years。 It was then stopped for another two 

years察while the Master may his head rot off。 inquired whether I 

was my father¨s son!about which察there was no dispute at all with 

any    mortal     creature。    He   then    found    out察 that   there    were    not 

defendants       enough!remember察            there   were    only   seventeen      as 

yet but察that we must have another who had been left out察and 

must begin all over again。 The costs at that time!before the thing 

was begun were three times the legacy。 My brother would have 

given   up   the   legacy察  and   joyful   to   escape   more   costs。   My   whole 

estate察left to me in that will of my father¨s察has gone in costs。 The 

suit察  still   undecided察  has   fallen   into   rack察  and   ruin察  and   despair察

with     everything      else!and      here    I  stand察   this   day   Now察    Mr 

Jarndyce察in your suit there are thousands and thousands involved 

where in mine there are hundreds。 Is mine less hard to bear察or is 

it  harder  to   bear察  when   my   whole   living   was   in   it察  and   has   been 

thus shamefully sucked away拭院

    Mr Jarndyce said that he condoled with him with all his heart察

and that he set up no monopoly察himself察in being unjustly treated 

by this monstrous system。 

    ^There again察院said Mr Gridley察with no diminution of his rage。 

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^The system I am told on all hands察it¨s the system。 I mustn¨t look 

to individuals。 It¨s the system。 I mustn¨t go into Court察and say察 My 

Lord察I beg  to  know  this   from   you!is   this   right  or  wrong拭 Have 

you  the  face   to  tell   me   I  have   received   justice察  and   therefore   am 

dismissed拭       My    Lord     knows     nothing     of  it。  He    sits  there察  to 

administer       the   system。     I  mustn¨t     go  to   Mr    Tulkinghorn察      the 

solicitor in Lincoln¨s Inn Fields察and 

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