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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及80嫗

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´ Page 295´

                                  Bleak House                                    295 

    I   cannot   describe   the   tenderness   with   which   he   spoke   to   her察

half playfully察yet all the more compassionately and mournfully。 

    ^And do you live alone here with these babies察  Charley拭院  said 

my Guardian。 

    ^Yes察   sir察院  returned   the  child察  looking    up  into   his  face  with 

perfect confidence察 since father died。 ̄ 

    ^And how do you live察Charley拭O Charley察院said my Guardian察

turning his face away for a moment察 how do you live拭院

    ^Since father died察sir察I¨ve gone out to work。   I¨m   out  washing 

today。 ̄ 

    ^God   help   you察  Charley 院  said   my   Guardian。   ^You¨re   not   tall 

enough to reach the tub 院

    ^In pattens I am察sir察院she said察quickly。 ^I¨ve got a high pair as 

belonged to mother。 ̄ 

    ^And when did mother die拭Poor mother 院

    ^Mother      died察  just  after   Emma      was    born察院  said   the   child察

glancing at the face upon her bosom。 ^Then father said I was to be 

as good a mother to her as I could。 And so I tried。 And so I worked 

at   home察  and   did   cleaning   and   nursing   and   washing察  for   a   long 

time before I began to go out。 And that¨s   how  I   know  how察  don¨t 

you see察sir拭院

    ^And do you often go out拭院

    ^As often as I can察院said Charley察opening her eyes察and smiling察

^because of earning sixpences and shillings 院

    ^And do you always lock the babies up when you go out拭院

    ^To    keep    ¨em   safe察 sir察 don¨t  you   see拭院   said  Charley。     ^Mrs 

Blinder     comes     up   now    and    then察  and   Mr    Gridley    comes     up 

sometimes察  and   perhaps   I   can   run   in   sometimes察  and   they   can 

play察you know察and Tom ain¨t afraid of being locked up察are you察

Charles Dickens                                                     ElecBook Classics 

´ Page 296´

                                   Bleak House                                     296 


    ^No´o 院said Tom察stoutly。 

    ^When   it   comes   on   dark察  the   lamps   are   lighted   down   in   the 

court察  and   they   show   up   here   quite   bright!almost   quite   bright。 

Don¨t they察Tom拭院

    ^Yes察Charley察院said Tom察 almost quite bright。 ̄ 

    ^Then he¨s as good as gold察院said the little creature!O in such 

a motherly察womanly way  And when Emma¨s tired察he puts her 

to  bed。 And   when   he¨s   tired   he   goes   to  bed   himself。 And   when   I 

come home and light the candle察and has a bit of supper察he sits up 

again and has it with me。 Don¨t you察Tom拭院

    ^O   yes察  Charley察院  said   Tom。   ^That   I   do 院  And   either   in   this 

glimpse of the great pleasure of his life察or in gratitude and love for 

Charley察  who   was   all   in   all   to   him察  he   laid   his   face   among   the 

scanty folds of her frock察and passed from laughing into crying。 

    It was the first time since our entry that a tear had been shed 

among  these   children。   The   little   orphan   girl   had   spoken   of   their 

father察and their mother察as if all that sorrow were subdued by the 

necessity   of   taking   courage察  and   by   her   childish   importance   in 

being able to work察and by her bustling busy way。 But now察when 

Tom cried察although she   sat  quite   tranquil察looking  quietly  at  us察

and did not by any movement disturb a hair of the head of either 

of her little charges察I saw two silent tears fall down her face。 

    I  stood    at  the  window      with   Ada察   pretending      to  look   at  the 

housetops察  and   the   blackened   stack         of  chimneys察  and     the   poor 

plants察and   the   birds   in   little   cages   belonging   to   the   neighbours察

when I found that Mrs Blinder察from the shop below察had come in 

perhaps   it   had   taken   her   all   this   time   to   get   upstairs   and   was 

talking to my Guardian。 

Charles Dickens                                                      ElecBook Classics 

´ Page 297´

                                  Bleak House                                  297 

    ^It¨s not much to forgive ¨em the rent察sir察院she said此 who could 

take it from them 院

    ^Well察well 院said my Guardian to us two。 ^It is enough that the 

time will come when this good woman will find that it was much察

and that forasmuch as she did it unto the least of these ! 院This 

child察院   he   added察   after   a  few   moments察      could    she   possibly 

continue this拭院

    ^Really察  sir察  I   think   she   might察院  said   Mrs   Blinder察  getting   her 

heavy breath by painful degrees。 ^She¨s as handy as is possible to 

be。 Bless you察sir察the way she tended them two children察after the 

mother died察was the talk of the yard And it was a wonder to see 

her with him after he was took ill察it really was  Mrs Blinder察 he 

said    to  me   the  very   last  he   spoke!he      was    lying  there!¨Mrs 

Blinder察whatever my calling may have been察I see a Angel sitting 

in this room last night along with my child察and I trust her to Our 

Father ^ ^He had no other calling拭院said my Guardian。 

    ^No察sir察院returned Mrs Blinder察 he was nothing but a follerer。 

When he first came to lodge here察I didn¨t know what he was察and I 

confess that when I found out I gave him notice。 It wasn¨t liked in 

the   yard。   It  wasn¨t   approved     by   the  other   lodgers。   It  is not  a 

genteel calling察院said Mrs Blinder察 and most people   do  object  to 

it。 Mr Gridley objected to it very strong察and he is a good lodger察

though his temper has been hard tried。 ̄ 

    ^So you gave him notice拭院said my Guardian。 

    ^So I gave him notice察院said Miss Blinder。 ^But really when the 

time came and I knew no other ill of him察I was in doubts。 He was 

punctual   and   diligent察  he   did   what   he   had   to   do察  sir察院  said   Mrs 

Blinder察unconsciously fixing Mr Skimpole with her eye察 and it¨s 

something in this world察even to do that。 ̄ 

Charles Dickens                                                   ElecBook Classics 

´ Page 298´

                                   Bleak House                                    298 

    ^So you kept him after all拭院

    ^Why察I said that if  he could  arrange   with  Mr  Gridley察  I could 

arrange with the other lodgers察and should not so much mind its 

being   liked   or   disliked   in   the   yard。   Mr   Gridley   gave   his   consent 

gruff!but gave it。 He was always gruff with him察but he has been 

kind to the children since。 A person is never known till a person is 

proved。 ̄ 

    ^Have     many     people    been    kind   to  the   children拭院    asked    Mr 


    ^Upon      the  whole察   not   so  bad察  sir察院 said   Mrs    Blinder察    but察

certainly not so many as would have been察if their father¨s calling 

had   been   different。   Mr   Coavins   gave   a   guinea察  and   the   follerers 

made   up   a   little   purse。   Some   neighbours   in   the   yard察  that   had 

always joked and tapped their shoulders when he went by察  came 

forward   with   a   little   subscription察  and!in   general!not   so   bad。 

Similarly with Charlotte。 Some people won¨t employ her察because 

she was a follerer¨s child察some people that do employ her察cast it 

at  her察  some   make   a   merit   of   having   her   to   work   for   them察  with 

that and all her drawbacks upon her此and perhaps pay her less and 

put upon her more。 But she¨s patienter than others would be察and 

is clever too察and always willing up to the full mark of her strength 

and over。 So I should say察in general察not so bad察sir察but might be 

better。 ̄ 

    Mrs     Blinder    sat   down     to  gi

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