bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及8嫗
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
affection is。 My disposition is very affectionate察 and perhaps I
might still feel such a wound察 if such a wound could be received
more than once察with the quickness of that birthday。
Dinner was over察 and my godmother and I were sitting at the
table before the fire。 The clock ticked察the fire clicked察not another
sound had been heard in the room察 or in the house察 for I don¨t
know how long。 I happened to look timidly up from my stitching察
across the table察at my godmother察and I saw in her face察looking
gloomily at me察 It would have been far better察 little Esther察 that
you had had no birthday察that you had never been born 院
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I broke out crying and sobbing察and I said察 O察dear godmother察
tell me察pray do tell me察did mama die on my birthday拭院
^No察院she returned。 ^Ask me no more察child 院
^O察 do pray tell me something of her。 Do now察 at last察 dear
godmother察 if you please What did I do to her拭 How did I lose
her拭Why am I so different from other children察and why is it my
fault察dear godmother拭No察no察no察don¨t go away。 O察speak to me 院
I was in a kind of fright beyond my grief察and I caught hold of
her dress察 and was kneeling to her。 She had been saying all the
while察 Let me go 院But now she stood still。
Her darkened face had such power over me察that it stopped me
in the midst of my vehemence。 I put up my trembling little hand to
clasp hers察 or to beg her pardon with what earnestness I might察
but withdrew it as she looked at me察 and laid it on my fluttering
heart。 She raised me察sat in her chair察and standing me before her察
said察 slowly察 in a cold察 low voice!I see her knitted brow察 and
pointed finger此
^Your mother察Esther察is your disgrace察and you were hers。 The
time will come!and soon enough!when you will understand this
better察 and will feel it too察 as no one save a woman can。 I have
forgiven her ̄ but her face did not relent ^the wrong she did to me察
and I say no more of it察though it was greater than you will ever
know!than any one will ever know察 but I察 the sufferer。 For
yourself察unfortunate girl察orphaned and degraded from the first of
these evil anniversaries察pray daily that the sins of others be not
visited upon your head察according to what is written。 Forget your
mother察 and leave all other people to forget her who will do her
unhappy child that greatest kindness。 Now察go 院
She checked me察however察as I was about to depart from her!
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so frozen as I was and added this此
^Submission察self´denial察diligent work察are the preparations for
a life begun with such a shadow on it。 You are different from other
children察 Esther察 because you were not born察 like them察 in
common sinfulness and wrath。 You are set apart。 ̄
I went up to my room察 and crept to bed察 and laid my doll¨s
cheek against mine wet with tears察and holding that solitary friend
upon my bosom察 cried myself to sleep。 Imperfect as my
understanding of my sorrow was察I knew that I had brought no joy察
at any time察 to anybody¨s heart察 and that I was to no one upon
earth what Dolly was to me。
Dear察dear察to think how much time we passed alone together
afterwards察 and how often I repeated to the doll the story of my
birthday察 and confided to her that I would try察 as hard as ever I
could察 to repair the fault I had been born with of which I
confessedly felt guilty and yet innocent察 and would strive as I
grew up to be industrious察contented and kind´hearted察and to do
some good to some one察and win some love to myself if I could。 I
hope it is not self´indulgent to shed these tears as I think of it。 I am
very thankful察I am cheerful察but I cannot quite help their coming
to my eyes。
There I have wiped them away now察 and can go on again
I felt the distance between my godmother and myself so much
more after the birthday察and felt so sensible of filling a place in her
house which ought to have been empty察 that I found her more
difficult of approach察though I was fervently grateful to her in my
heart察 than ever。 I felt in the same way towards my school
companions察I felt in the same way towards Mrs Rachael察who was
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a widow察 and O察 towards her daughter察 of whom she was proud察
who came to see her once a fortnight I was very retired and quiet察
and tried to be very diligent。
One sunny afternoon察when I had come home from school with
my books and portfolio察watching my long shadow at my side察and
as I was gliding upstairs to my room as usual察 my godmother
looked out of the parlour door察 and called me back。 Sitting with
her察 I found!which was very unusual indeed!a stranger。 A
portly important´looking gentleman察 dressed all in black察 with a
white cravat察large gold watch seals察a pair of gold eyeglasses察and
a large seal´ring upon his little finger。
^This察院 said my godmother in an under tone察 is the child。 ̄
Then she said察 in her naturally stern way of speaking察 This is
Esther察sir。 ̄
The gentleman put up his eyeglasses to look at me察 and said察
^Come here察my dear 院He shook hands with me察and asked me to
take off my bonnet!looking at me all the while。 When I had
complied察he said察 Ah 院 and afterwards ^Yes 院 And then察 taking
off his eyeglasses察and folding them in a red case察and leaning back
in his armchair察turning the case about in his two hands he gave
my godmother a nod。 Upon that察my godmother said察 You may go
upstairs察Esther 院and I made him my curtsey and left him。
It must have been two years afterwards察 and I was almost
fourteen察when one dreadful night my godmother and I sat at the
fireside。 I was reading aloud察 and she was listening。 I had come
down at nine o¨clock察as I always did察to read the Bible to her察and
was reading察 from St。 John察 how our Saviour stooped down察
writing with his finger in the dust察 when they brought the sinful
woman to him。
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^`So察when they continued asking him察he lifted up himself and
said unto them察He that is without sin among you察let him first cast
a stone at her  ̄
I was stopped by my godmother¨s rising察 putting her hand to
her head察 and crying out察 in an awful voice察 from quite