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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及79嫗

弌傍 bleak house(奈噌議型徨) 忖方 耽匈4000忖

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

as   soon   as   another 院  We   were   quickly   ready察  and   went   out。   Mr 

Skimpole went with us察and quite enjoyed the expedition。 It was so 

new and so refreshing察he said察for him to want Coavinses察instead 

of Coavinses wanting him 

   He    took   us察 first察 to  Cursitor   Street察 Chancery      Lane察  where 

there     was   a   house    with    barred    windows察     which     he   called 

Coavinses¨ Castle。 On our going into the entry and ringing a bell察a 

very hideous boy came out of a sort of office察and looked at us over 

a spiked wicket。 

    ^Who did you want拭院said the boy察fitting two of the spikes into 

his chin。 

    ^There was a follower察or an   officer察  or  something察  here察院said 

Mr Jarndyce察 who is dead。 ̄ 

    ^Yes拭院said the boy。 ^Well拭院

    ^I want to know his name察if you please拭院

    ^Name of Neckett察院said the boy。 

    ^And his address拭院

    ^Bell   Yard察院   said  the   boy。  ^Chandler¨s     shop察  left  hand   side察

name of Blinder。 ̄ 

    ^Was he!I don¨t know how to shape the question察院murmured 

my Guardian!^industrious拭院

    ^Was    Neckett拭院    said   the  boy。   ^Yes察  wery   much    so。  He   was 

never  tired   of  watching。   He¨d   set   upon   a   post   at   a   street   corner察

eight or ten hours at a stretch察if he undertook to do it。 ̄ 

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    ^He might have done worse察院I heard my Guardian soliloquise。 

^He might have undertaken to do it察and not done it。 Thank you。 

That¨s all I want。 ̄ 

    We left the boy察with his head on one side察and his arms on the 

gate察fondling and sucking the spikes察and went back to Lincoln¨s 

Inn察  where   Mr   Skimpole察  who   had   not   cared   to   remain   nearer 

Coavinses察  awaited   us。  Then察  we   all  went  to  Bell   Yard察  a   narrow 

alley察at a very short distance。 We soon found the chandler¨s shop。 

In it察was a good´natured´looking old woman察with a dropsy察or an 

asthma察or perhaps both。 

    ^Neckett¨s   children拭院  said   she察  in   reply   to   my   inquiry。   ^Yes察

surely察miss。 Three pair察if you please。 Door right opposite the top 

of the stairs。 ̄ And she handed me a key across the counter。 

    I   glanced   at   the   key察  and   glanced   at   her察  but   she   took   it   for 

granted      that  I  knew    what    to  do   with   it。  As  it  could    only   be 

intended      for  the   children¨s     door察  I  came    out察  without    asking 

anymore questions察and led the way up the dark stairs。 We went as 

quietly as we could察but察four of us made some noise on the aged 

boards察and察when we came to the second story察we found we had 

disturbed a man who was standing there察looking out of his room。 

    ^Is it Gridley that¨s wanted拭院he said察fixing his eyes on me with 

an angry stare。 

    ^No察sir察院said I察 I am going higher up。 ̄ 

    He   looked   at   Ada察  and   at   Mr   Jarndyce察  and   at   Mr   Skimpole此

fixing the same angry stare on each in succession察as they passed 

and followed me。 Mr Jarndyce gave him good day。 ^Good day 院he 

said察   abruptly    and    fiercely。  He    was   a  tall  sallow    man    with   a 

careworn head察on which but  little   hair  remained察a   deeply lined 

face察and prominent eyes。 He had a combative look察and a chafing察

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irritable manner察which察associated with his figure!still large and 

powerful察though evidently in its decline!rather alarmed me。 He 

had a pen in his hand察and察in the glimpse I caught of his room in 

passing察I saw that it was covered with a litter of papers。 

    Leaving   him   standing   there察  we   went   up   to   the   top    room。    I 

tapped   at   the   door察  and   a   little   shrill   voice   inside   said察   We   are 

locked in。 Mrs Blinder¨s got the key 院

    I   applied   the   key   on   hearing   this察  and   opened   the   door。   In   a 

poor     room察   with   a  sloping    ceiling察  and    containing     very   little 

furniture察was a mite of a boy察some five or six years old察nursing 

and hushing a heavy child of eighteen months。 There was no fire察

though the weather was cold察both children were wrapped in some 

poor shawls and tippets察as a substitute。 Their clothing was not so 

warm察however察but that their noses looked red and pinched察and 

their   small   figures   shrunken察  as   the   boy   walked   up     and   down察

nursing and hushing the child with its head on his shoulder。 

    ^Who has locked you up her alone拭院we naturally asked。 

    ^Charley察院said the boy察standing still to gaze at us。 

    ^Is Charley your brother拭院

    ^No。 She¨s my sister Charlotte。 Father called her Charley。 ̄ 

    ^Are there any more of you besides Charley拭院

    ^Me察院said the boy察 and Emma察院patting the limp bonnet of the 

child he was nursing。 ^And Charley。 ̄ 

    ^Where is Charley now拭院

    ^Out a´washing察院said the boy察beginning to walk up and down 

again察    and    taking    the   nankeen      bonnet     much     too   near    the 

bedstead察by trying to gaze at us at the same time。 

   We   were   looking   at   one   another察  and   at   these   two   children察

when there came into the room a very little girl察childish in figure 

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but    shrewd     and    older´looking      in  the   face!pretty´faced        too! 

wearing   a   womanly   sort   of   bonnet   much   too   large   for   her察  and 

drying   her   bare   arms   on   a   womanly   sort   of   apron。   Her   fingers 

were   white   and   wrinkled   with   washing察  and   the   soap´suds   were 

yet smoking which she wiped off her arms。 But for this察she might 

have     been    a  child察  playing    at  washing察    and    imitating    a  poor 

working´woman with a quick observation of the truth。 

    She had come running from some place in the neighbourhood察

and had made   all   the  haste  she  could。 Consequently察 though  she 

was very light察she was out of breath察and could not speak at first察

as she stood panting察and wiping her arms察and looking quietly at 


    ^O察here¨s Charley 院said the boy。 

    The   child   he   was   nursing察  stretched   forth   its   arms察  and   cried 

out to be taken by Charley。 The little girl took it察in a womanly sort 

of   manner      belonging     to  the  apron    and    the  bonnet察    and   stood 

looking at us over the burden that clung to her most affectionately。 

    ^Is it possible察院whispered my Guardian察as we put a   chair  for 

the little creature察and got her to sit down with her load此the boy 

keeping close to her察holding to her apron察 that this child works 

for the rest拭Look at this For God¨s sake look at this 院

    It was a thing to look at。 The three children close together察and 

two of them relying solely on the third察and the third so young and 

yet with an air of age and steadiness that sat so  strangely  on   the 

childish figure。 

    ^Charley察Charley 院said my Guardian。 ^How old are you拭院

    ^Over thirteen察sir察院replied the child。 

    ^O  What  a   great   age察院  said   my   Guardian。   ^What   a   great  age察

Charley 院

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