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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及76嫗

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梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

promised to tell us what they were。 Ada remembers拭院

   Ada remembered very well。 

    ^Did I拭院said Miss Flite!^who¨s that at my door拭What are you 

listening at my door for察Krook拭院

    The    old   man     of  the   house察   pushing     it  open    before    him察

appeared   there   with   his   fur´cap   in   his   hand察  and   his   cat   at   his 


    ^I warn¨t listening察Miss Flite察院  he   said。  ^I   was   going  to  give   a 

rap with my knuckles察only you¨re so quick 院

    ^Make your cat go down。 Drive her away 院the old lady angrily 


    ^Bah察bah There ain¨t no danger察gentlefolks察院said Mr Krook察

looking     slowly   and   sharply    from    one   to  another察   until  he   had 

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looked at all of us察 she¨d never offer at the birds when I was here察

unless I told her to it。 ̄ 

    ^You     will  excuse     my    landlord察院   said   the   old   lady   with    a 

dignified air。 ^M察quite M What do you want察Krook察when I have 


    ^Hi 院said the old man。 ^You know I am the Chancellor。 ̄ 

    ^Well拭院returned Miss Flite。 ^What of that拭院

    ^For the Chancellor察院said the old man with a chuckle察 not to 

be    acquainted     with    a  Jarndyce     is  queer察   ain¨t  it察 Miss   Flite拭

Mightn¨t   I   take   the   liberty拭Your   servant察  sir。   I   know   Jarndyce 

and  Jarndyce   a¨most  as   well  as  you   do察  sir。   I   knowed   old   Squire 

Tom察sir。 I never to my knowledge see you afore though察not even 

in Court。 Yet察I go there a mortal sight of times in the course of the 

year察taking one day with another。 ̄ 

    ^I   never   go   there察院  said   Mr   Jarndyce   which   he   never   did   on 

any consideration。 ^I would sooner go!somewhere else。 ̄ 

    ^Would      you察   though拭院     returned     Krook察    grinning。    ^You¨re 

bearing hard upon my noble and learned brother in your meaning察

sir察though perhaps it is but nat¨ral in a Jarndyce。 The burnt child察

sir What察you¨re looking at my lodger¨s birds察Mr Jarndyce拭院The 

old man had come by little and little into the room察until he   now 

touched my Guardian with his elbow察and looked close up into his 

face   with  his   spectacled   eyes。   ^It¨s   one   of   her   strange   ways察  that 

she¨ll never tell the names of these birds if she can help it察though 

she named ¨em all。 ̄ This was in a whisper。 ^Shall I run ¨em over察

Flite拭院he asked   aloud察  winking at  us   and  pointing at  her  as   she 

turned away察affecting to sweep the grate。 

    ^If you like察院she answered hurriedly。 

    The old man察looking up at the cages察after another look at us察

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went through the list。 


Ruin察    Despair察   Madness察     Death察   Cunning察     Folly察  Words察    Wigs察

Rags察    Sheepskin察     Plunder察     Precedent察     Jargon察   Gammon察       and 

Spinach。      That¨s    the   whole    collection察院    said   the  old   man察    all 

cooped up together察by my noble and learned brother。 ̄ 

    ^This is a bitter wind 院muttered my Guardian。 

    ^When      my    noble   and    learned    brother    gives   his   Judgement察

they¨re   to  be   let  go  free察院  said   Krook察  winking   at   us   again。   ^And 

then察院  he   added察  whispering   and   grinning察   if   that   ever   was   to 

happen!which   it   won¨t!the   birds   that   have   never   been   caged 

would kill ¨em。 ̄ 

    ^If   ever    the   wind     was    in   the   east察院  said    my    Guardian察

pretending to look out of the window for a weathercock察 I think 

it¨s there today 院

    We found it very difficult to get away from the house。 It was not 

Miss Flite who detained us察she was as reasonable a little creature 

in consulting the convenience of others察as there possibly could be。 

It   was   Mr   Krook。   He   seemed   unable   to   detach   himself   from   Mr 

Jarndyce。      If  he   had   been   linked    to  him察  he  could    hardly    have 

attended him more  closely。   He  proposed   to  show  us   his  Court  of 

Chancery察      and   all  the  strange    medley     it  contained察    during    the 

whole of our inspection prolonged by himself he kept close to Mr 

Jarndyce察  and   sometimes   detained   him察  under   one   pretence              or 

other察  until   we   had   passed     on察 as   if  he   were   tormented   by   an 

inclination to enter upon some secret subject察which he could not 

make  up   his   mind   to  approach。   I   cannot   imagine   a   countenance 

and manner more singularly expressive of caution and indecision察

and a perpetual impulse to do something he   could  not  resolve   to 

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venture on察than Mr Krook was察that day。 His watchfulness of my 

Guardian was incessant。 He rarely removed his eyes from his face。 

If he went on beside him察he observed him with the slyness of an 

old   white  fox。   If   he   went  before   he   looked   back。   When   we   stood 

still察  he   got   opposite   to   him察  and   drawing   his   hand   across   and 

across   his   open   mouth   with   a   curious   expression   of   a   sense   of 

power察  and  turning  up  his   eyes察  and   lowering   his   grey   eyebrows 

until they appeared to be shut察seemed to scan every lineament of 

his face。 

    At   last察  having   been   always   attended   by   the   cat   all   over   the 

house察and having seen the whole stock of miscellaneous lumber察

which   was   certainly   curious察  we   came   into   the   back   part   of   the 

shop。 Here察on the head of an empty barrel stood on end察were an 

ink´bottle察some old stumps of pens察and some dirty playbills察and察

against   the   wall察  were   pasted   several   large   printed   alphabets   in 

several plain hands。 

    ^What are you doing here拭院asked my Guardian。 

    ^Trying to learn myself to read and write察院said Krook。 

    ^And how do you get on拭院

    ^Slow。   Bad察院  returned   the   old   man察  impatiently。   ^It¨s   hard   at 

my time of life。 ̄ 

    ^It   would     be   easier   to   be   taught    by   some     one察院   said   my 


    ^Ay察  but   they   might   teach   me   wrong 院  returned   the   old   man察

with a wonderfully suspicious flash of his eye。 ^I don¨t know what I 

may   have   lost察  by   not  being   learnd   afore。   I   wouldn¨t   like   to   lose 

anything by being learnd wrong now。 ̄ 

    ^Wrong拭院  said   my   Guardian察  with   his   good´humoured   smile。 

^Who do you suppose would teach you wrong拭院

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    ^I   don¨t   know察  Mr   Jarndyce   of   Bleak   House 院  replied   the   old 

man察  turning  up   his   spectacles   on   his   forehead察  and   rubbing   his 

hands。 ^I don¨t suppose as anybody would!but I¨d rather trust my 

own self than another 院

    These answers察and his manner察were strange enough to cause 

my Guardian to inquire of Mr Woodcourt察as we all walked across 

Lincoln¨s      Inn   together察   whether     Mr   Krook     were    really察  as  his 

lodger   represented 

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