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bleak house(凄凉的房子)-第75章

小说: bleak house(凄凉的房子) 字数: 每页4000字

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my   needle;   yet;”   said   Caddy;   glancing   at   the   repairs   on   Peepy’s 

frock;    “but    perhaps     I  shall   improve。     And    since    I  have    been 

engaged to Prince; and have been doing all this; I have felt better… 

tempered; I hope; and more forgiving to Ma。 It rather put me out; 

at first this morning; to see you and Miss Clare looking so neat and 

pretty; and to  feel ashamed   of  Peepy  and myself  too;   but;   on   the 

whole; I hope I am better…tempered than I was; and more forgiving 

to Ma。” 

    The    poor    girl;  trying   so   hard;   said   it  from    her   heart;   and 

touched mine。 “Caddy; my love;” I replied; “I begin to have a great 

affection   for   you;   and   I   hope   we   shall   become   friends。”   “Oh;   do 

you?” cried Caddy; “how happy that would make me!” “My dear 

Caddy;” said I; “let us be friends from this   time;   and let  us   often 

have   a   chat   about   these   matters;   and   try   to   find   the   right   way 

through them。” Caddy was overjoyed。 I said everything I could; in 

my old…fashioned way; to comfort and encourage her; and I would 

not have objected to old Mr Turveydrop; that day; for any smaller 

consideration than a settlement on his daughter…in…law。 

    By this time we were come to Mr Krook’s; whose private door 

stood open。 There was a bill; pasted on the door…post; announcing 

a room to let on the second floor。 It reminded Caddy to tell me as 

we proceeded upstairs; that there had been a sudden death there; 

and an inquest; and that our little friend had been ill of the fright。 

The door and window of the vacant room being  open;   we looked 

in。   It   was   the   room   with   the   dark   door;   to   which   Miss   Flite   had 

secretly directed my attention when I was last in the house。 A sad 

and desolate place it was; a gloomy; sorrowful place; that gave me 

a   strange   sensation   of   mournfulness   and   even   dread。   “You   look 

pale;” said Caddy; when   we   came   out;   “and   cold!”   I   felt  as  if  the 

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room had chilled me。 

   We had walked slowly; while we were talking; and my Guardian 

and    Ada    were   here   before   us。  We    found   them    in  Miss   Flite’s 

garret。 They were looking at the birds; while a medical gentleman 

who was so good as to attend Miss Flite with much solicitude and 

compassion; spoke with her cheerfully by the fire。 

    “I have finished my professional visit;” he said coming forward。 

“Miss Flite is much better; and may appear in Court (as her mind 

is   set   upon   it)   tomorrow。   She   has   been   greatly   missed   there;   I 


   Miss     Flite  received    the   compliment      with   complacency;      and 

dropped a general curtsey to us。 

    “Honoured; indeed;” said she; “by another visit from the Wards 

in   Jarndyce!     Ve…ry   happy    to  receive   Jarndyce   of   Bleak    House 

beneath my humble roof!” with a special curtsey。 “Fitz…Jarndyce; 

my dear;” she had bestowed that name on Caddy; it appeared; and 

always called her by it; “a double welcome!” 

    “Has   she been   very  ill?” asked   Mr  Jarndyce   of  the   gentleman 

whom      we   had   found    in  attendance     on  her。   She   answered     for 

herself directly; though he had put the question in a whisper。 

    “O    decidedly     unwell!     O   very    unwell    indeed;”     she   said; 

confidentially。 “Not pain; you know—trouble。 Not bodily so much 

as   nervous;     nervous!    The    truth   is;”  in  a  subdued     voice   and 

trembling;     “we   have   had    death   here。   There   was    poison   in  the 

house。   I   am   very   susceptible   to   such   horrid   things。   It   frightened 

me。    Only   Mr    Woodcourt      knows    how    much。    My   physician;    Mr 

Woodcourt!”       with   great   stateliness。   “The    Wards    in  Jarndyce— 

Jarndyce of Bleak House—Fitz…Jarndyce!” 

    “Miss Flite—” said Mr Woodcourt; in a grave kind of voice; as if 

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he were appealing to her while speaking to us; and laying his hand 

gently on her arm; “Miss Flite describes her illness with her usual 

accuracy。 She was alarmed by an occurrence in the house which 

might   have   alarmed   a   stronger   person;   and   was   made   ill   by   the 

distress and agitation。 She brought me   here;   in   the   first  hurry  of 

the    discovery;    though     too   late  for  me    to  be  of  any    use   to  the 

unfortunate         man。      I   have     compensated          myself      for    that 

disappointment by coming here since; and being of some small use 

to her。 

    “The kindest physician in the college;” whispered Miss Flite to 

me。   “I   expect   a   judgement。   On   the   day   of   Judgement。   And   shall 

then confer estates。” 

    “She   will   be   as   well;   in   a   day   or   two;”  said  Mr   Woodcourt; 

looking   at   her   with   an   observant   smile;   “as   she   ever   will   be。   In 

other   words;   quite   well   of   course。   Have   you   heard   of   her   good 


    “Most   extraordinary!”   said   Miss   Flite;   smiling   brightly。   “You 

never      heard     of   such     a   thing;    my    dear!     Every     Saturday; 

Conversation Kenge; or Guppy (Clerk to Conversation K。); places 

in my hand a paper of shillings。 Shillings。 I assure you! Always the 

same number in the paper。 Always one for every day in the week。 

Now      you   know;     really!   So   well…timed;     is  it  not?   Ye…es!    From 

whence do these papers come; you say? That is the great question。 

Naturally。 Shall I tell you what I   think? I  think;”   said  Miss  Flite; 

drawing   herself   back   with   a   very   shrewd   look;   and   shaking   her 

right    forefinger     in  a  most    significant     manner;     “that    the  Lord 

Chancellor;   aware   of   the   length   of   time   during   which   the   Great 

Seal has been open;   (for  it  has been   open a long  time!)  forwards 

them。     Until   the   Judgement   I     expect;    is  given。   Now     that’s  very 

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creditable; you know。 To confess in that way that he is a little slow 

for   human      life。  So  delicate!   Attending     Court    the  other   day—I 

attend it regularly—with my documents—I taxed him with it; and 

he almost confessed。 That is; I smiled at him from my bench; and 

he smiled at me   from  his bench。   But  it’s   great  good   fortune;   is  it 

not?    And    Fitz…Jarndyce       lays  the   money     out   for  me    to  great 

advantage。 O; I assure you to the greatest advantage!” 

    I congratulated her (as she addressed herself to me) upon this 

fortunate      addition     to  her    income;     and    wished     her    a  long 

continuance of it。 I did not speculate upon the source from which 

it   came;    or  wonder     whose     humanity      was   so   considerate。     My 

Guardian stood before me contemplating the birds; and I  had no 

need to look beyond him。 

    “And what do  you  call  these   little  fellows;   ma’am?”   said   he in 

his pleasant voice。 “Have they any names?” 

    “I   can   answer   for   Miss   Flite   that   they   have;”   said   I;   “for   she 

promised to tell us what they were。 Ada remembers?” 

   Ada remembered very well。 


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