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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及69嫗

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梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

    ^Right 院said Mr Jarndyce。 ^If you are not to make her happy察

why should you pursue her拭院

    ^I   wouldn¨t   make      her   unhappy!no察       not   even   for  her   love察院

retorted Richard察proudly。 

    ^Well said 院cried Mr Jarndyce察 that¨s well said She remains 

here察in her home with me。 Love her察Rick察in your active life察no 

less   than   in   her   home   when   you   revisit   it察  and   all   will   go   well。 

Otherwise察all will go  ill。   That¨s   the   end   of  my  preaching。   I   think 

you and Ada had better take a walk。 ̄ 

    Ada tenderly embraced him察and Richard heartily shook hands 

with   him察  and   then   the   cousins   went   out   of   the   room!looking 

back again directly察though察to say that they would wait for me。 

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                                  Bleak House                                    254 

    The door stood open察and we both followed them with our eyes察

as   they   passed   down   the   adjoining   room   on   which   the   sun   was 

shining察and out at its farther end。 Richard with his head bent察and 

her    hand     drawn     through     his  arm察   was    talking    to  her   very 

earnestly察and she looked up in his face察listening察and seemed to 

see    nothing    else。  So   young察   so   beautiful察  so   full  of  hope   and 

promise察  they  went  on lightly   through   the   sunlight察  as   their   own 

happy  thoughts   might  then   be   traversing  the   years   to  come察  and 

making them all years of brightness。 So they passed away into the 

shadow察and were gone。 It was only a burst of light that had been 

so radiant。 The room darkened as they went out察and the sun was 

clouded over。 

    ^Am I right察Esther拭院said my Guardian察when they were gone。 

    He who was so good and wise察to ask me whether he was right 

    ^Rick may gain察out of this察the quality he wants。 Wants察at the 

core of so much that is good 院said Mr Jarndyce察shaking his head。 

^I   have    said  nothing     to  Ada察  Esther。    She   has   her   friend   and 

counsellor  always near。 ̄   And   he   laid   his   hand   lovingly   upon   my 


    I could not help showing that I was a little moved察though I did 

all I could to conceal it。 

    ^Tut tut 院  said   he。   ^But  we   must  take   care察  too察  that  our  little 

woman¨s life is not all consumed in care for others。 ̄ 

    ^Care拭My dear Guardian察I believe I am the happiest creature 

in the world 院

    ^I believe so察too察院said he。 ^But some one   may  find   out察  what 

Esther      never    will!that     the   little  woman       is  to  be    held   in 

remembrance above all other people 院

    I have omitted to mention in its place察that there was some one 

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                                    Bleak House                                      255 

else    at  the   family    dinner     party。   It  was    not   a  lady。    It  was   a 

gentleman。   It   was   a   gentleman   of   a   dark   complexion!a   young 

surgeon。 He was rather reserved察but I thought him very sensible 

and agreeable。 At least察Ada asked me if I did not察and I said yes。 

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                                 Bleak House                                   256 

                                Chapter 14 


          ichard left us on the very next evening察to begin his  new 

Rcareer察and committed Ada to my  charge   with  great  love 

          for   her察 and    great  trust   in  me。  It  touched    me   then   to 

reflect察and it touches me now察more nearly察to remember having 

what   I   have   to   tell   how   they   both   thought   of   me察  even   at   that 

engrossing time。 I was a part of all their plans察for the present and 

the   future。   I   was   to   write   to   Richard   once   a   week察  making   my 

faithful report of Ada who was to write to him every alternate day。 

I was to be informed察under his own hand察of all   his labours   and 

successes察I was to observe how resolute and persevering he would 

be察I was to be Ada¨s bridesmaid when they were married察I was to 

live with them afterwards察I was to keep all the keys of their house察

I was to be made happy for ever and a day。 

    ^And if the suit should make us rich察Esther!which it may察you 

know 院said Richard察to crown all。 

   A shade crossed Ada¨s face。 

    ^My dearest Ada察院asked Richard pausing察 why not拭院

    ^It had better declare us poor at once察院said Ada。 

    ^O   I   don¨t   know   about   that察院  returned   Richard察   but察  at   all 

events察   it  won¨t   declare    anything     at  once。   It  hasn¨t   declared 

anything in Heaven knows how many years。 ̄ 

    ^Too true察院said Ada。 

    ^Yes察but察院urged Richard察answering what her look suggested 

rather   than   her   words察   the   longer   it   goes   on察  dear   cousin察  the 

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nearer   it   must   be   to   a   settlement   one   way   or   other。   Now察  is   not 

that reasonable拭院

    ^You know best察Richard。 But I am afraid if we trust to it察it will 

make us unhappy。 ̄ 

    ^But察  my  Ada察  we   are not   going   to   trust   to   it 院  cried   Richard。 

^We know it better than to trust to it。 We only say that if it should 

make   us   rich察  we   have   no   constitutional   objection   to   being   rich。 

The Court is察by solemn settlement of law察our grim old guardian察

and   we   are   to   suppose   that   what   it   gives   us   when   it   gives   us 

anything      is  our   right。  It  is  not  necessary      to  quarrel    with   our 

right。 ̄ 

    ^No察院said Ada察 but it may be better to forget all about it。 ̄ 

    ^Well察well 院cried Richard察 then we will forget all about it We 

consign   the   whole   thing   to   oblivion。   Dame   Durden   puts   on   her 

approving face察and it¨s done 院

    ^Dame Durden¨s approving face察院said I察looking out of the box 

in which I was packing his books察 was not very visible when you 

called   it   by   that   name察  but   it   does   approve察  and   she   thinks   you 

can¨t do better。 ̄ 

    So察  Richard      said  there    was   an   end    of  it察and     immediately 

began察on no other foundation察to build as many castles in the air 

as   would   man      the   great   wall   of  China。    He   went   away   in    high 

spirits。 Ada   and  I察  prepared   to  miss   him   very  much察  commenced 

our quieter career。 

    On   our  arrival   in   London察  we   had   called   with   Mr   Jarndyce   at 

Mrs Jellyby¨s察but had not been so fortunate as to find her at home。 

It appeared that she had gone somewhere察to a tea´drinking察and 

had   taken   Miss   Jellyby   with   her。   Besides   the   tea´drinking察  there 

was to be some considerable speech´making and letter´writing on 

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the    general    merits    of  the  cultivation     of  coffee察  conjointly    with 

natives察at the Settlement of Borrioboola´Gha。 All this involved察no 

doubt察    sufficient    active   exercise    of  pen   and    ink察  to  make     her 

daughter¨s part in the proceedings察anything but a holiday。 

    It  being察   now察  beyond     the   time   appoi

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