bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及58嫗
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
through a chain of fits察with short intervals between察of which she
has pathetically availed herself by consuming them in entreaties to
Mrs Snagsby not to give her warning ^when she quite comes to察院
and also in appeals to the whole establishment to lay her down on
Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics
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Bleak House 213
the stones察and go to bed。 Hence察Mr Snagsby察at last hearing the
cock at the little dairy in Cursitor Street go into that disinterested
ecstacy of his on the subject of daylight察 says察 drawing a long
breath察though the most patient of men察 I thought you was dead察I
am sure 院
What question this enthusiastic fowl supposes he settles when
he strains himself to such an extent察or why he should thus crow
so men crow on various triumphant public occasions察 however
about what cannot be of any moment to him察 is his affair。 It is
enough that daylight comes察morning comes察noon comes。
Then the active and intelligent察 who has got into the morning
papers as such察 comes with his pauper company to Mr Krook¨s察
and bears off the body of our dear brother here departed察 to a
hemmed´in churchyard察 pestiferous and obscene察 whence
malignant diseases are communicated to the bodies of our dear
brothers and sisters who have not departed察 while our dear
brothers and sisters who hang about official back´stairs!would to
Heaven they had departed are very complacent and agreeable。
Into a beastly scrap of ground which a Turk would reject as a
savage abomination察 and a Caffre would shudder at察 they bring
our dear brother here departed察to receive Christian burial。
With houses looking on察 on every side察 save where a reeking
little tunnel of a court gives access to the iron gate!with every
villany of life in action close on death察 and every poisonous
element of death in action close on life!here察they lower our dear
brother down a foot or two此 here察 sow him in corruption察 to be
raised in corruption此an avenging ghost at many a sick´bedside此a
shameful testimony to future ages察how civilisation and barbarism
walked this boastful island together。
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Come night察come darkness察for you cannot come too soon察 or
stay too long察by such a place as this Come察straggling lights into
the windows of the ugly houses察and you who do iniquity therein察
do it at least with this dread scene shut out Come察 flame of gas察
burning so sullenly above the iron gate察on which the poisoned air
deposits its witch´ointment slimy to the touch It is well that you
should call to every passer´by察 Look here 院
With the night察 comes a slouching figure through the tunnel´
court察 to the outside of the iron gate。 It holds the gate with its
hands察and looks in between the bars察stands looking in察for a little
It then察with an old broom it carries察softly sweeps the step察and
makes the archway clean。 It does so察very busily and trimly察looks
in again察a little while察and so departs。
Jo察is it thou拭Well察well Though a rejected witness察who ^can¨t
exactly say ̄ what will be done to him in greater hands than men¨s察
thou art not quite in outer darkness。 There is something like a
distant ray of light in thy muttered reason for this此
^He wos wery good to me察he wos 院
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Chapter 12
On The Watch
t has left off raining down in Lincolnshire察 at last察 and
IChesney Wold has taken heart。 Mrs Rouncewell is full of
hospitable cares察 for Sir Leicester and my Lady are coming
home from Paris。 The fashionable intelligence has found it out察
and communicates the glad tidings to benighted England。 It has
also found out察 that they will entertain a brilliant and
distinguished circle of the └lite of the beau monde the fashionable
intelligence is weak in English察but a giant´refreshed in French察at
the ancient and hospitable family seat in Lincolnshire。
For the greater honour of the brilliant and distinguished circle察
and of Chesney Wold into the bargain察 the broken arch of the
bridge in the park is mended察and the water察now retired within its
proper limits and again spanned gracefully察makes a figure in the
prospect from the house。 The clear cold sunshine glances into the
brittle woods察and approvingly beholds the sharp wind scattering
the leaves and drying the moss。 It glides over the park after the
moving shadows of the clouds察 and chases them察 and never
catches them察all day。 It looks in at the windows察and touches the
ancestral portraits with bars and patches of brightness察 never
contemplated by the painters。 Athwart the picture of my Lady察
over the great chimney´piece察 it throws a broad bend´sinister of
light that strikes down crookedly into the hearth察 and seems to
rend it。
Through the same cold sunshine察and the same sharp wind察my
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Lady and Sir Leicester察 in their travelling chariot察 。my Lady¨s
woman察and Sir Leicester¨s man affectionate in the rumble撮 start
for home。 With a considerable amount of jingling and whip´
cracking察 and many plunging demonstrations on the part of two
bare´backed horses察and two Centaurs with glazed hats察jackboots察
and flowing manes and tales察 they rattle out of the yard of the
Hotel Bristol in the Place Vendome察and canter between the sun´
and´shadow´chequered colonnade of the Rue de Rivoli and the
garden of the ill´fated palace of a headless king and queen察off by
the Place of Concord察and the Elysian Fields察and the Gate of the
Star察out of Paris。
Sooth to say察 they cannot go away too fast察 for even here察 my
Lady Dedlock has been bored to death。 Concert察assembly察opera察
theatre察 drive察 nothing is new to my Lady察 under the worn´out
heavens。 Only last Sunday察 when poor wretches were gay within
the walls察playing with children among the clipped trees and the
statues in the Palace Garden察 walking察 a score abreast察 in the
Elysian Fields察 made more Elysian by performing dogs and
wooden horses察 between whiles filtering a few through the
gloomy Cathedral of our Lady察to say a word or two at the base of a
pillar察 within flare of a rusty little gridiron´full of gusty little