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arranged my desk察and put everything away察and was so composed 

and cheerful that I thought I had quite dismissed this unexpected 

incident。 But察when I went upstairs to my own room察 I   surprised 

myself by beginning to laugh about it察and then surprised myself 

still more by beginning to cry about it。 In short察I was in a flutter 

for a little while察and felt as if an old chord had been more coarsely 

touched than it ever had been since the days of the dear old doll察

long buried in the garden。 

Charles Dickens                                                   ElecBook Classics 

´ Page 180´

                                 Bleak House                                  180 

                                Chapter 10 

                            The Law´Writer 

          n   the   eastern   borders   of   Chancery   Lane察  that   is   to   say 

          more     particularly    in  Cook¨s   Court察  Cursitor    Street察 Mr 


          Snagsby察Law Stationer察pursues his lawful calling。 In the 

shade   of  Cook¨s   Court察  at  most  times a   shady  place察 Mr   Snagsby 

has dealt in all sorts of blank forms of legal process察in skins and 

rolls of parchment察in paper!foolscap察brief察draft察brown察white察

whitey´brown察  and   blotting察  in   stamps察  in   office´quills察  pens察  ink察

India´rubber察  pounce察  pins察  pencils察  sealing´wax察  and   wafers察  in 

red   tape察  and   green   ferret察  in   pocket´books察  almanacks察  diaries察

and law lists察in string boxes察rulers察inkstands!glass and leaden察

penknives察     scissors察 bodkins察   and   other   small   office  cutlery察 in 

short察in articles too numerous to mention察ever since he was out 

of   his  time察  and   went    into   partnership     with   Peffer。   On   that 

occasion察Cook¨s Court was in a manner revolutionised by the new 

inscription in fresh paint察PEFFER and SNAGSBY察displacing the 

time´ honoured and not easily to be deciphered legend察PEFFER 

only。 For smoke察which is the London ivy察had so wreathed itself 

round     Peffer¨s   name察  and   clung   to  his  dwelling´place察    that  the 

affectionate parasite quite overpowered the parent tree。 

   Peffer   is   never   seen   in   Cook¨s   Court   now。   He   is   not   expected 

there察for he has been recumbent this quarter of a century in the 

churchyard       of  St。  Andrew¨s察    Holborn察    with   the   wagons     and 

hackney´coaches roaring past him察all the day and half the night察

like one great dragon。 If he ever steal forth when the dragon is at 

Charles Dickens                                                  ElecBook Classics 

´ Page 181´

                                    Bleak House                                     181 

rest察  to   air   himself   again   in   Cook¨s   Court察  until   admonished       to 

return   by   the   crowning   of   the   sanguine   cock   in   the   cellar  at   the 

little dairy in Cursitor Street察whose ideas of daylight it would be 

curious to ascertain察since he knows from his personal observation 

next to nothing about it!if Peffer ever do revisit the pale glimpses 

of Cook¨s Court察which no law´stationer in the trade can positively 

deny察he comes invisibly察and no one is the worse or wiser。 

    In his lifetime察and likewise in the period of Snagsby¨s ^time ̄ of 

seven     long    years察  there    dwelt    with    Peffer察  in   the   same    law´ 

stationering premises察a niece!a   short察  shrewd   niece察something 

too  violently  compressed about  the   waist察  and   with   a   sharp   nose 

like   a   sharp   autumn   evening察  inclining   to   be   frosty   towards   the 

end。 The Cook¨s´Courtiers had a rumour flying among them察that 

the mother of this   niece  did察in   her daughter¨s   childhood察moved 

by    too   jealous    a   solicitude    that    her   figure    should    approach 

perfection察     lace  her   up   every    morning      with   her   maternal     foot察

against the bed´post for a stronger hold and purchase察and further察

that    she   exhibited     internally    pints   of  vinegar    and    lemon´juice此

which acids察they held察had mounted to the nose and temper of the 

patient。   With   whichsoever   of   the   many   tongues   of   Rumour   this 

frothy     report     originated察    it  either    never     reached察    or   never 

influenced察  the   ears   of   young   Snagsby察  who察  having   wooed   and 

won its fair subject on his arrival at man¨s estate察entered into two 

partnerships at once。 So now察in Cook¨s Court察Cursitor Street察Mr 

Snagsby  and  the  niece  are   one察  and   the  niece  still   cherishes   her 

figure!which察however tastes may differ察is unquestionably so far 

precious察that there is mighty little of it。 

    Mr and Mrs Snagsby are not only one bone and one flesh察but察

to the neighbours¨   thinking察  one   voice   too。   That  voice察  appearing 

Charles Dickens                                                       ElecBook Classics 

´ Page 182´

                                    Bleak House                                     182 

to proceed from Mrs Snagsby alone察is heard in Cook¨s Court very 

often。 Mr Snagsby察otherwise than as he finds expression through 

these dulcet tones察is rarely heard。 He is a mild察bald察timid man察

with   a   shining   head察  and   a   scrubby   clump   of  black   hair   sticking 

out at the back。 He tends to meekness and obesity。 As he stands at 

his   door   in   Cook¨s   Court察  in   his   grey   shop´coat   and   black   calico 

sleeves察looking  up   at  the   clouds察  or   stands   behind   a   desk   in   his 

dark     shop察   with    a  heavy     flat  ruler察   snipping     and    slicing   at 

sheepskin察in company with his two ¨prentices察he is emphatically 

a   retiring   and   unassuming   man。   From   beneath   his   feet察  at   such 

times察as from a shrill ghost unquiet in its grave察there frequently 

arise     complainings        and    lamentations        in   the    voice    already 

mentioned察  and   haply察  on   some         occasions察    when    these    reach   a 

sharper pitch than usual察Mr Snagsby mentions to the ¨prentices察

^I think my little woman is a´giving it to Guster 院

    This   proper   name察  so   used   by   Mr   Snagsby察        has   before   now 

sharpened the wit of the Cook¨s´Courtiers to remark that it ought 

to be the name of Mrs Snagsby察seeing that she might with great 

force   and   expression   be   termed   a   Guster察  in   compliment   to   her 

stormy      character。     It  is察 however察   the   possession察    and   the   only 

possession察except fifty shillings per annum and a very small box 

indifferently   filled   with   clothing察  of   a   lean   young   woman   from   a 

workhouse by some supposed to have been christened Augusta察

who察    although     she   was    farmed     or   contracted      for察 during    her 

growing time察by an amiable benefactor of his species resident at 

Tooting察  and  cannot  fail   to  have   been   developed   under   the   most 

favourable       circumstances察       has     fits ̄!which       the   parish    can¨t 

account for。 

    Guster察    really   aged   three    or   four  and   twenty察   but   looking    a 

Charles Dickens                                                       ElecBook Classics 

´ Page 183´

                                   Bleak House                                     183 

round      ten   years    older察  goes    cheap     with    this   unaccountable 

drawback of fits察and is so apprehensive of being returned on the 

hands of her patron Saint察that except when she is found with her 

head     in  the   pail察 or   the   sink察 or   the   copper察 or   the   dinner察 or 

anything      else   that  happens      to  be  near    her   at  the  time    of  her 

seizure察she is always at work。 

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