bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及44嫗
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
^So I apprehend it¨s pretty clear察院 said Richard to me察 that I
shall have to work my own way。 Never mind Plenty of people
have had to do that before now察and have done it。 I only wish I had
the command of a clipping privateer察 to begin with察 and could
carry off the Chancellor and keep him on short allowance until he
gave judgment in our cause。 He¨d find himself growing thin察if he
didn¨t look sharp 院
With a buoyancy and hopefulness and a gaiety that hardly ever
flagged察 Richard had a carelessness in his character that quite
perplexed me!principally because he mistook it察 in such a very
odd way察 for prudence。 It entered into all his calculations about
money察 in a singular manner察 which I don¨t think I can better
explain than by reverting for a moment to our loan to Mr
Mr Jarndyce had ascertained the amount察 either from Mr
Skimpole himself or from Coavinses察and had placed the money in
my hands with instructions to me to retain my own part of it and
hand the rest to Richard。 The number of little acts of thoughtless
expenditure which Richard justified by the recovery of his ten
pounds察 and the number of times he talked to me as if he had
saved or realised that amount察 would form a sum in simple
^My prudent Mother Hubbard察why not拭院he said to me察when
he wanted察without the least consideration察to bestow five pounds
on the brickmaker。 ^I made ten pounds察 clear察 out of Coavinses¨
business。 ̄
^How was that拭院said I。
^Why察I got rid of ten pounds which I was quite content to get
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rid of察and never expected to see any more。 You don¨t deny that拭院
^No察院said I。
^Very well察then I came into possession of ten pounds! ̄
^The same ten pounds察院I hinted。
^That has nothing to do with it 院returned Richard。 ^I have got
ten pounds more than I expected to have察and consequently I can
afford to spend it without being particular。 ̄
In exactly the same way察 when he was persuaded out of the
sacrifice of these five pounds by being convinced that it would do
no good察he carried that sum to his credit and drew upon it。
^Let me see 院 he would say。 ^I saved five pounds out of the
brickmaker¨s affair察so察if I have a good rattle to London and back
in a post´chaise察 and put that down at four pounds察 I shall have
saved one。 And it¨s a very good thing to save one察let me tell you察a
penny saved察is a penny got 院
I believe Richard¨s was as frank and generous a nature as there
possibly can be。 He was ardent and brave察and察in the midst of all
his wild restlessness察was so gentle察that I knew him like a brother
in a few weeks。 His gentleness was natural to him察and would have
shown itself abundantly察even without Ada¨s influence察but察with it察
he became one of the most winning of companions察 always so
ready to be interested察and always so happy察sanguine察and light´
hearted。 I am sure that I察 sitting with them察 and walking with
them察 and talking with them察 and noticing from day to day how
they went on察 falling deeper and deeper in love察 and saying
nothing about it察 and each shyly thinking that this love was the
greatest of secrets察perhaps not yet suspected even by the other!I
am sure that I was scarcely less enchanted than they were察 and
scarcely less pleased with the pretty dream。
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We were going on in this way察when one morning at breakfast
Mr Jarndyce received a letter察 and looking at the superscription
said察 From Boythorn拭 Aye察 aye 院 and opened and read it with
evident pleasure察announcing to us察in a parenthesis察when he was
about halfway through察 that Boythorn was ^coming down ̄ on a
visit。 Now察who was Boythorn拭we all thought。 And I dare say we
all thought察too!I am sure I did察 for one!would Boythorn at all
interfere with what was going forward拭
^I went to school with this fellow察Lawrence Boythorn察院said Mr
Jarndyce察tapping the letter as he laid it on the table察 more than
five´and´forty years ago。 He was then the most impetuous boy in
the world察 and he is now the most impetuous man。 He was then
the loudest boy in the world察and he is now the loudest man。 He
was then the heartiest and sturdiest boy in the world察 and he is
now the heartiest and sturdiest man。 He is a tremendous fellow。 ̄
^In stature察sir拭院asked Richard。
^Pretty well察 Rick察 in that respect察院 said Mr Jarndyce察 being
some ten years older than I察and a couple of inches taller察with his
head thrown back like an old soldier察 his stalwart chest squared察
his hands like a clean blacksmith¨s察 and his lungs there¨s no
simile for his lungs。 Talking察laughing察or snoring察they make the
beams of the house shake。 ̄
As Mr Jarndyce sat enjoying the image of his friend Boythorn察
we observed the favourable omen that there was not the least
indication of any change in the wind。
^But it¨s the inside of the man察the warm heart of the man察the
passion of the man察 the fresh blood of the man察 Rick!and Ada察
and little Cobweb too察for you are all interested in a visitor that I
speak of察院he pursued。 ^His language is as sounding as his voice。
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He is always in extremes察perpetually in the superlative degree。 In
his condemnation he is all ferocity察You might suppose him to be
an Ogre察from what he says察and I believe he has the reputation of
one with some people。 There I tell you no more of him
beforehand。 You must not be surprised to see him take me under
his protection察for he has never forgotten that I was a low boy at
school察 and that our friendship began in his knocking two of my
head tyrant¨s teeth out he says six before breakfast。 Boythorn
and his man察院to me察 will be here this afternoon察my dear。 ̄
I took care that the necessary preparations were made for Mr
Boythorn¨s reception察 and we looked forward to his arrival with
some curiosity。 The afternoon wore away察however察and he did not
appear。 The dinner´hour arrived察and still he did not appear。 The
dinner was put back an hour察and we were sitting round the fire
with no light but the blaze察 when the hall´door suddenly burst
open察and the hall resounded with these words察 uttered with the
greatest vehemence and in a stentorian tone此
^We have been misdirected察 Jarndyce察 by a most abandoned
ruffian察who told us to take the turning to the right instead of to
the left。 He is the most i