bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及39嫗
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
wanted money察they wanted coals察they wanted soup察they wanted
interest察 they wanted autographs察 they wanted flannel察 they
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wanted whatever Mr Jarndyce had!or had not。 Their objects
were as various as their demands。 They were going to raise new
buildings察they were going to pay off debts on old buildings察they
were going to establish in a picturesque building engraving of
proposed West Elevation attached the Sisterhood of Mediaeval
Marys察they were going to give a testimonial to Mrs Jellyby察they
were going to have their Secretary¨s portrait painted察 and
presented to his mother´in´law察 whose deep devotion to him was
well known察they were going to get up everything察I really believe察
from five hundred thousand tracts to an annuity察 and from a
marble monument to a silver teapot。 They took a multitude of
titles。 They were the Women of England察the Daughters of Britain察
the Sisters of all the Cardinal Virtues separately察 the Females of
America察the Ladies of a hundred denominations。 They appeared
to be always excited about canvassing and electing。 They seemed
to our poor wits察 and according to their own accounts察 to be
constantly polling people by tens of thousands察yet never bringing
their candidates in for anything。 It made our heads ache to think察
on the whole察what feverish lives they must lead。
Among the ladies who were most distinguished for this
rapacious benevolence if I may use the expression察 was a Mrs
Pardiggle察who seemed察as I judged from the number of her letters
to Mr Jarndyce察to be almost as powerful a correspondent as Mrs
Jellyby herself。 We observed that the wind always changed察when
Mrs Pardiggle became the subject of conversation此 and that it
invariably interrupted Mr Jarndyce察and prevented his going any
farther察 when he had remarked that there were two classes of
charitable people察 one察 the people who did a little and made a
great deal of noise察the other察the people who did a great deal and
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made no noise at all。 We were therefore curious to see Mrs
Pardiggle察 suspecting her to be a type of the former class察 and
were glad when she called one day with her five young sons。
She was a formidable style of lady察with spectacles察a prominent
nose察and a loud voice察who had the effect of wanting a great deal
of room。 And she really did察 for she knocked down little chairs
with her skirts that were quite a great way off。 As only Ada and I
were at home察we received her timidly察for she seemed to come in
like cold weather察 and to make the little Pardiggles blue as they
^These察young ladies察院said Mrs Pardiggle察with great volubility察
after the first salutations察 are my five boys。 You may have seen
their names in a printed subscription list perhaps more than one察
in the possession of our esteemed friend Mr Jarndyce。 Egbert察my
eldest twelve察 is the boy who sent out his pocket´money察 to the
amount of five´and´three´pence察 to the Tockahoopo Indians。
Oswald my second ten´and´a´half察 is the child who contributed
two´and´nine´pence to the Great National Smithers Testimonial。
Francis察 my third nine察 one´and´sixpence halfpenny察 Felix察 my
fourth seven察eight´pence to the Superannuated Widows察Alfred察
my youngest five察 has voluntarily enrolled himself in the Infant
Bonds of Joy察and is pledged never察through life察to use tobacco in
any form。 ̄
We had never seen such dissatisfied children。 It was not merely
that they were weazened and shrivelled!though they were
certainly that too!but they looked absolutely ferocious with
discontent。 At the mention of the Tockahoopo Indians察 I could
really have supposed Egbert to be one of the most baleful
members of that tribe察he gave me such a savage frown。 The face
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of each child察 as the amount of his contribution was mentioned察
darkened in a peculiarly vindictive manner察but his was by far the
worst。 I must except察 however察 the little recruit into the Infant
Bonds of Joy察who was stolidly and evenly miserable。
^You have been visiting察I understand察院said Mrs Pardiggle察 at
Mrs Jellyby¨s拭院
We said yes察we had passed one night there。
^Mrs Jellyby察院pursued the lady察always speaking in the same
demonstrative察 loud察 hard tone察 so that her voice impressed my
fancy as if it had a sort of spectacles on too!and I may take the
opportunity of remarking that her spectacles were made the less
engaging by her eyes being what Ada called ^choking eyes察院
meaning very prominent此 Mrs Jellyby is a benefactor to society察
and deserves a helping hand。 My boys have contributed to the
African project!Egbert one´and´six察being the entire allowance of
nine weeks察Oswald察one´and´a´penny´halfpenny察being the same察
the rest察according to their little means。 Nevertheless察I do not go
with Mrs Jellyby in all things。 I do not go with Mrs Jellyby in her
treatment of her young family。 It has been noticed。 It has been
observed that her young family are excluded from participation in
the objects to which she is devoted。 She may be right察she may be
wrong察but察 right or wrong察 this is not my course with my young
family。 I take them everywhere。 ̄
I was afterwards convinced and so was Ada that from the ill´
conditioned eldest child察 these words extorted a sharp yell。 He
turned it off into a yawn察but it began as a yell。
^They attend Matins with me very prettily done察 at half´past
six o¨clock in the morning all the year round察including of course
the depth of winter察院 said Mrs Pardiggle rapidly察 and they are
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with me during the revolving duties of the day。 I am a School lady察
I am a Visiting lady察I am a Reading lady察I am a Distributing lady察
I am on the Local Linen Box Committee察 and many general
Committees察and my canvassing alone is very extensive!perhaps
no one¨s more so。 But they are my companions everywhere察 and
by these means they acquire that knowledge of the poor察and that
capacity of doing charitable business in general!in short察 that
taste for the sort of thing!which will render them in after life a
service to their neighbours察 and a satisfaction