bleak house(凄凉的房子)-第35章
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picture; ma’am;” observes Mr Guppy; “because I do assure you
that the more I think of that picture the better I know it; without
knowing how I know it!”
The story has nothing to do with a picture; the housekeeper can
guarantee that。 Mr Guppy is obliged to her for the information;
and is moreover generally obliged。 He retires with his friend;
guided down another staircase by the young gardener; and
presently is heard to drive away。 It is now dusk。 Mrs Rouncewell
can trust to the discretion of her two young hearers; and may tell
them how the terrace came to have that ghostly name。 She seats
herself in a large chair by the fast…darkening window; and tells
“In the wicked days; my dears; of King Charles the First—I
mean; of course; in the wicked days of the rebels who leagued
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themselves against that excellent King—Sir Morbury Dedlock was
the owner of Chesney Wold。 Whether there was any account of a
ghost in the family before those days; I can’t say。 I should think it
very likely indeed。”
Mrs Rouncewell holds this opinion; because she considers that
a family of such antiquity and importance has a right to a ghost。
She regards a ghost as one of the privileges of the upper classes; a
genteel distinction to which the common people have no claim。
“Sir Morbury Dedlock;” says Mrs Rouncewell; “was; I have no
occasion to say; on the side of the blessed martyr。 But is supposed
that his lady; who had none of the family blood in her veins;
favoured the bad cause。 It is said that she had relations among
King Charles’s enemies; that she was in correspondence with
them; and that she gave them information。 When any of the
country gentlemen who followed His Majesty’s cause met here; it
is said that my Lady was always nearer to the door of their
council…room than they supposed。 Do you hear a sound like a
footstep passing along the terrace; Watt?”
Rosa draws nearer to the housekeeper。
“I hear the rain drip on the stones;” replies the young man;
“and I hear a curious echo—I suppose an echo—which is very like
a halting step。”
The housekeeper gravely nods and continues:
“Partly on account of this division between them; and partly on
other accounts; Sir Morbury and his Lady led a troubled life。 She
was a lady of a haughty temper。 They were not well suited to each
other in age or character; and they had no children to moderate
between them。 After her favourite brother; a young gentleman;
was killed in the civil wars (by Sir Morbury’s near kinsman); her
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feeling was so violent that she hated the race into which she had
married。 When the Dedlocks were about to ride out from Chesney
Wold in the King’s cause; she is supposed to have more than once
stolen down into the stables in the dead of night; and lamed their
horses; and the story is; that once; at such an hour; her husband
saw her gliding down the stairs; and followed her into the stall
where his own favourite horse stood。 There he seized her by the
wrist: and in a struggle or in a fall; or through the horse being
frightened and lashing out; she was lamed in the hip; and from
that hour began to pine away。”
The housekeeper has dropped her voice to little more than a
“She had been a lady of a handsome figure and a noble
carriage。 She never complained of the change; she never spoke to
any one of being crippled; or of being in pain; but; day by day; she
tried to walk upon the terrace; and with the help of a stick; and
with the help of the stone balustrade; went up and down; up and
down; up and down; in sun and shadow; with greater difficulty
every day。 At last; one afternoon; her husband (to whom she had
never; on any persuasion; opened her lips since that night);
standing at the great south window; saw her drop upon the
pavement。 He hastened down to raise her; but she repulsed him as
he bent over her; and looking at him fixedly and coldly; said ‘I will
die here where I have walked。 And I will walk here; though I am in
my grave。 I will walk here; until the pride of this house is humbled。
And when calamity; or when disgrace is coming to it; let the
Dedlocks listen for my step!’” Watt looks at Rosa。 Rosa in the
deepening gloom looks down upon the ground; half frightened and
half shy。
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“There and then she died。 And from those days;” says Mrs
Rouncewell; “the name has come down—The Ghost’s Walk。 If the
tread is an echo; it is an echo that is only heard after dark; and is
often unheard for a long while together。 But it comes back from
time to time; and so sure as there is sickness or death in the
family; it will be heard then。”
“—And disgrace; grandmother—” says Watt。
“Disgrace never comes to Chesney Wold;” returns the
Her grandson apologises; with “True。 True。”
“That is the story。 Whatever the sound is; it is a worrying
sound;” said Mrs Rouncewell; getting up from her chair; “and
what is to be noticed in it; is; that it must be heard。 My lady; who is
afraid of nothing; admits that when it is there; it must be heard。
You cannot shut it out。 Watt; there is a tall French clock behind
you (placed there; ’a purpose) that has a loud beat when it is in
motion; and can play music。 You understand how those things are
“Pretty well; grandmother; I think。”
“Set it a going。”
Watt sets it a…going—music and all。
“Now; come hither;” says the housekeeper。 “Hither; child;
towards my lady’s pillow。 I am not sure that it is dark enough yet;
but listen! Can you hear the sound upon the terrace through the
music; and the beat; and everything?”
“I certainly can!”
“So my Lady says。”
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Chapter 8
Covering A Multitude of Sins
t was interesting when I dressed before daylight; to peep out
of the window; where my candles were reflected in the black
panes like two beacons; and finding all beyond still
enshrouded in the indistinctness of last night; to watch how it
turned out when the day came on。 As the prospect gradually
revealed itself; and d