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I begin to recover my strength察I feel as if I should get well there察

sooner than anywhere。 ̄ 

    ^Why察  so   have   I   been   thinking察  too察  Rick察院  said   my   Guardian察

^and our little woman likewise察she and I have been talking of it察

this   very  day。   I   dare say  her  husband   won¨t  object。  What  do   you 


    Richard smiled察and lifted up his arm to touch him察as he stood 

behind the head of his couch。 

    ^I   say nothing  of   Ada察院  said   Richard察   but   I   think   of   her察  and 

Charles Dickens                                                     ElecBook Classics 

´ Page 1194´

                                  Bleak House                                 1194 

have   thought   of   her   very   much。   Look   at   her   see   her   here察  sir察

bending over this pillow when she has so much need to rest upon 

it herself察my dear love察my poor girl 院

   He clasped her in his arms察and none of us spoke。 He gradually 

released her察  and   she looked   upon  us察and   looked  up   to  Heaven察

and moved her lips。 

    ^When I get down to Bleak House察院said Richard察 I shall have 

much to tell you察sir察and you will have much to show me。 You will 

go察won¨t you拭院

    ^Undoubtedly察dear Rick。 ̄ 

    ^Thank   you察like   you  like   you察院said   Richard。  ^But  it¨s all   like 

you。 They have been telling me how you planned it察and how you 

remembered   all   Esther¨s   familiar   tastes   and   ways。   It   will   be   like 

coming to the old Bleak House again。 ̄ 

    ^And you will come there too察I hope察Rick。 I am a solitary man 

now察you know察and it will be a charity to come to me。 A charity to 

come to me察my love 院he repeated to Ada察as he gently passed his 

hand over her golden hair察and put a lock of it to his lips。 I think 

he vowed within himself to cherish her if she were left alone。 

    ^It was all a troubled dream拭院said Richard察clasping both my 

Guardian¨s hands eagerly。 

    ^Nothing more察Rick察nothing more。 ̄ 

    ^And   you察  being  a  good   man察  can   pass   it   as   such察  and   forgive 

and   pity   the   dreamer察  and   be   lenient   and   encouraging   when   he 


    ^Indeed I can。 What am I but another dreamer察Rick拭院

    ^I will begin the world 院said Richard察with a light in his eyes。 

   My  husband   drew   a   little   nearer   towards   Ada察  and   I   saw   him 

solemnly lift up his hand to warn my Guardian。 

Charles Dickens                                                   ElecBook Classics 

´ Page 1195´

                                   Bleak House                                    1195 

    ^When shall I go from this place察to that pleasant country where 

the old times are察where I shall have strength to tell what Ada has 

been   to   me察  where   I   shall   be   able   to   recall   my   many   faults   and 

blindnesses察  where   I   shall   prepare   myself   to   be      a   guide   to   my 

unborn child拭院said Richard。 ^When shall I go拭院

    ^Dear     Rick察   when     you    are   strong     enough察院    returned      my 


    ^Ada察my darling 院

    He sought to raise himself a little。 Allan raised him so that she 

could hold him on her bosom此which was what he wanted。 

    ^I   have   done   you   many   wrongs察  my   own。   I   have   fallen   like   a 

poor stray shadow on your way察I have married you to poverty and 

trouble察I have scattered your means to the winds。 You will forgive 

me all this察my Ada察before I begin the world拭院

    A smile irradiated   his   face察  as   she bent  to  kiss   him。   He slowly 

laid   his   face   down   upon   her   bosom察  drew   his   arms   closer   round 

her   neck察  and    with   one   parting   sob   began      the  world。    Not   this 

world察O not this The world that sets this right。 

    When all was still察at a late hour察poor crazed   Miss  Flite   came 

weeping to me察and told me she had given her birds their liberty。 

Charles Dickens                                                      ElecBook Classics 

´ Page 1196´

                                  Bleak House                                 1196 

                                Chapter 66 

                        Down In Lincolnshire 

          here is a hush upon Chesney Wold   in   these altered   days察

          as there is upon a portion of the family history。 The story 


          goes察that Sir Leicester paid some who could have spoken 

out察  to  hold   their  peace察but  it  is a lame   story察  feebly  whispering 

and  creeping  about察  and any brighter  spark   of life   it  shows   soon 

dies away。 It is known for certain that the handsome Lady Dedlock 

lies   in   the   mausoleum   in   the   park察  where   the   trees   arch   darkly 

overhead察  and   the   owl   is   heard   at   night   making   the   woods   ring察

but whence she was brought home察to be laid among the echoes of 

that solitary place察or how she died察is all mystery。 Some of her old 

friends察   principally     to  be   found    among      the   peachy´cheeked 

charmers with the skeleton   throats察  did   once   occasionally  say察as 

they   toyed   in   a   ghastly   manner   with   large   fans!like   charmers 

reduced   to   flirting   with   grim   Death察  after   losing   all   their   other 

beaux!did        once   occasionally     say察 when    the   World    assembled 

together察that they wondered the ashes of the Dedlocks察entombed 

in   the   mausoleum察     never    rose   against   the   profanation     of  her 

company。   But   the   dead´and´gone   Dedlocks   take   it   very   calmly察

and have never been known to object。 

   Up   from   among   the   fern   in   the   hollow察  and   winding   by   the 

bridle´road among the trees察comes sometimes to this lonely spot 

the   sound    of   horses¨  hoofs。   Then    may   be   seen   Sir  Leicester! 

invalided察  bent察  and   almost   blind察  but   of   worthy   presence   yet! 

riding with a stalwart man beside him察constant to his bridle´rein。 

Charles Dickens                                                   ElecBook Classics 

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                                   Bleak House                                   1197 

When they come to a certain spot before the mausoleum door察Sir 

Leicester¨s     accustomed       horse   stops   of  his  own    accord察  and    Sir 

Leicester察pulling off his hat察is still for a few moments before they 

ride away。 

    War     rages    yet   with    the    audacious      Boythorn察     though     at 

uncertain intervals察and now hotly察and now coolly察flickering like 

an unsteady fire。 The truth is said to be察that when Sir  Leicester 

came     down     to  Lincolnshire      for  good察   Mr   Boythorn      showed     a 

manifest desire to abandon his right of way察and do whatever Sir 

Leicester      would此    which      Sir   Leicester察    conceiving      to   be   a 

condescension        to  his   illness  or   misfortune察    took   in  such    high 

dudgeon察      and    was    so   magnificently       aggrieved      by察  that   Mr 

Boythorn       found    himself    under     the  necessity     of  committing      a 

flagrant trespass to restore his neighbour to himself。 Similarly Mr 

Boythorn continues to post tremendous placards on the disputed 

thoroughfare察      and   with   his   bird  upon    his   head   to  hold    forth 

vehemently       against    Sir   Leicester    in  the   sanctuary     of  his  own 

home察similarly察also察he defies him as of old in the little church察by 

testifying     a  bland    unconsciousness        of  his  existence。     But   it  is 

whispered that when he is most ferocious towards his old foe察he is 

really  most   considerate察  and   that   Sir   Leicester察  in   the   dignity   of 

being   implacable察  little

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