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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及320嫗

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梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

indeed     had    sore   occasion    to  be   supported。     But    she   looked 

forward!a   very  little   way  now!to  the   help   that   was   to   come   to 

her察and never drooped。 

   It  was   at  Westminister  that  the   Cause   was   to   come   on。   It   had 

come on there察I dare say察a hundred times before察but I could not 

divest myself of an idea that it might lead to some result now。 We 

left   home   directly   after   breakfast察  to   be   at   Westminister   Hall   in 

good time察and walked   down   there   through   the   lively  streets!so 

happily and strangely it seemed together。 

   As    we   were    going   along察  planning    what    we   should    do  for 

Richard     and   Ada察  I  heard   somebody      calling  ^Esther    My   dear 

Esther Esther 院And there was Caddy Jellyby察with her head out 

of the window of a little carriage which she hired now to go about 

in to her pupils she had so many察as if she wanted to embrace me 

at a hundred yards¨ distance。 I had written her a note to tell her of 

all that my Guardian had done察but had not had a moment  to  go 

and  see   her。 Of   course   we   turned   back察  and   the   affectionate   girl 

was in that state of rapture察and was so overjoyed to talk about the 

Charles Dickens                                                  ElecBook Classics 

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                                   Bleak House                                   1187 

night when she brought me the flowers察and was so determined to 

squeeze my face bonnet and all between her hands察and go on in 

a wild manner altogether察calling me all kinds of precious names察

and telling Allan I had done I don¨t know what for her察that I was 

just  obliged  to  get  into  the   little   carriage   and  calm   her  down察  by 

letting   her   say   and   do   exactly   what   she   liked。   Allan察  standing   at 

the   window察  was   as   pleased   as   Caddy察  and   I   was   as   pleased   as 

either of them察and I wonder that I got away as I did察rather than 

that   I   came   off察  laughing察  and   red察  and   anything察  but   tidy察  and 

looking after Caddy察who looked after us out of the coach´window 

as long as she could see us。 

    This made us some quarter of an hour late察and when we came 

to Westminster Hall we found that the day¨s business was begun。 

Worse than that察we found such an unusual crowd in the Court of 

Chancery that it was full to the door察and we could neither see nor 

hear what was passing within。 It appeared to be something droll察

for   occasionally     there    was   a  laugh察  and    a  cry  of  ^Silence 院    It 

appeared to be something interesting察for every one was pushing 

and striving to get nearer。 It appeared to be something that made 

the    professional     gentlemen      very   merry察   for  there   were    several 

young     counsellors     in  wigs    and   whiskers     on  the   outside    of  the 

crowd察  and   when   one   of   them   told   the   others   about   it察  they   put 

their   hands   in   their   pockets察  and    quite   doubled     themselves      up 

with laughter察and went stamping about the pavement of the hall。 

    We asked a gentleman by us察if he knew what cause was on拭He 

told us Jarndyce and Jarndyce。 We asked him if he knew what was 

doing in it拭He said察really no he did not察nobody ever did察but as 

well as he could make out察it was over。 Over for the day拭we asked 

him。 No he said察over for good。 

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    Over for good 

    When   we   heard   this   unaccountable   answer察  we   looked   at   one 

another quite lost in amazement。 Could it be possible that the Will 

had set things right at last察and that Richard and Ada were going 

to be rich拭It seemed too good to be true。 Alas察it was 

    Our suspense was short察for a break up soon took place in the 

crowd察  and   the   people   came   streaming   out   looking   flushed   and 

hot察and bringing a quantity of bad air with them。 Still they were 

all   exceedingly   amused察  and   were   more   like   people   coming   out 

from a Farce or a Juggler than from a court of Justice。 We stood 

aside察watching for any countenance we knew察and presently great 

bundles      of  paper     began    to   be   carried    out!bundles        in  bags察

bundles   too   large   to   be   got   into   any   bags察  immense      masses    of 

papers   of all   shapes and no  shapes察  which  the bearers   staggered 

under察  and   threw   down   for   the   time   being察  anyhow察  on   the   Hall 

pavement察  while   they   went   back   to   bring   out   more。   Even   these 

clerks    were    laughing。     We   glanced     at  these   papers察   and    seeing 

Jarndyce       and    Jarndyce     everywhere察      asked    an    official´looking 

person who was standing in the midst of them察whether the cause 

was over。 ^Yes察院he said察 it was all up with it at last 院and burst 

out laughing too。 

    At   this   juncture察  we   perceived   Mr   Kenge   coming   out   of   court 

with an affable dignity upon him察listening to Mr Vholes察who was 

deferential察and carried his own bag。 Mr Vholes was the first to see 

us。 ^Here is Miss Summerson察sir察院he said。 ^And Mr Woodcourt。 ̄ 

    ^O察  indeed  Yes。   Truly 院  said   Mr  Kenge察  raising  his   hat   to   me 

with   polished   politeness。   ^How   do   you   do拭  Glad   to   see   you。   Mr 

Jarndyce is not here拭院

    No。 He never came there察I reminded him。 

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                                  Bleak House                                   1189 

    ^Really察院returned Mr  Kenge察   it is   as   well   that  he   is not   here 

today察   for   his!shall     I  say察 in   my   good    friend¨s   absence察    his 

indomitable         singularity      of     opinion拭might           have      been 

strengthened察      perhaps察    not   reasonably察     but   might    have    been 

strengthened。 ̄ 

    ^Pray what has been done today拭院asked Allan。 

    ^I beg your pardon拭院said Mr Kenge察with excessive urbanity。 

    ^What has been done today拭院

    ^What   has   been     done察院   repeated     Mr   Kenge。    ^Quite    so。  Yes。 

Why察     not   much     has   been    done察   not    much。     We    have    been 

checked!brought   up   suddenly察  I   would   say!upon   the!shall   I 

term it threshold拭院

    ^Is   this   Will   considered a   genuine   document察  sir拭院  said   Allan察

^will you tell us that拭院

    ^Most   certainly察  if   I   could察院  said   Mr   Kenge察   but   we   have   not 

gone into that察we have not gone into that。 ̄ 

    ^We have not gone into that察院repeated Mr Vholes察as if his low 

inward voice were an echo。 

    ^You are to reflect察Mr Woodcourt察院observed Mr Kenge察using 

his silver trowel察persuasively and smoothingly察 that this has been 

a great cause察that this has been a protracted cause察that this has 

been a   complex  cause。   Jarndyce   and  Jarndyce   has   been   termed察

not inaptly察a Monument of Chancery practice。 ̄ 

    ^And Patience has sat upon it a long time察院said Allan。 

    ^Very    well   indeed察   sir察院 returned    Mr    Kenge察   with   a  certain 

condescending         laugh   he   had。   ^Very    well   You    are   further   to 

reflect察  Mr   Woodcourt察院  becoming   dignified   to   severity察   that   on 

the    numerous      difficulties察 contingencies察     masterly    fictions察  and 

forms of procedure in   this   great  cause察 there  has  been   expended 

Charles Dickens                                                  

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