bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及317嫗
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
breakfast we went out arm in arm察to see the house of which I was
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to give my mighty housekeeping opinion。 We entered a flower´
garden by a gate in a side wall察of which he had the key察and the
first thing I saw察was察that the beds and flowers were all laid out
according to the manner of my beds and flowers at home。
^You see察my dear察院observed my Guardian察standing still察with
a delighted face察 to watch my looks察 knowing there could be no
better plan察I borrowed yours。 ̄
We went on by a pretty little orchard察where the cherries were
nestling among the green leaves察 and the shadows of the apple´
trees were sporting on the grass察 to the house itself察a cottage察
quite a rustic cottage of doll¨s rooms察 but such a lovely place察 so
tranquil and so beautiful察 with such a rich and smiling country
spread around it察 with water sparkling away into the distance察
here all overhung with summer growth察there turning a humming´
mill察 at its nearest point glancing through a meadow by the
cheerful town察 where cricket´players were assembling in bright
groups察and a flag was flying from a white tent that rippled in the
sweet west wind。 And still察as we went through the pretty rooms察
out at the little rustic verandah doors察 and underneath the tiny
wooden colonnades察 garlanded with woodbine察 jasmine察 and
honeysuckle察I saw in the papering on the walls察in the colours of
the furniture察in the arrangement of all the pretty objects my little
tastes and fancies察 my little methods and inventions which they
used to laugh at while they praised them察 my odd ways
I could not say enough in admiration of what was all so
beautiful察but one secret doubt arose in my mind察when I saw this。
I thought察O would he be the happier for it Would it not have been
better for his peace that I should not have been so brought before
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him拭 Because察 although I was not what he thought me察 still he
loved me very dearly察and it might remind him mournfully of what
he believed he had lost。 I did not wish him to forget me察perhaps
he might not have done so察without these aids to his memory察but
my way was easier than his察 and I could have reconciled myself
even to that察so that he had been made the happier for it。
^And now察little woman察院said my Guardian察whom I had never
seen so proud and joyful as in showing me these things察 and
watching my appreciation of them察 now察last of all察for the name
of this house。 ̄
^What is it called察dear Guardian拭院
^My child察院said he察 come and see。 ̄
He took me to the porch察 which he had hitherto avoided察 and
said察pausing before we went out此
^My dear child察don¨t you guess the name拭院
^No 院said I。
We went out of the porch察 and he showed me written over it察
He led me to a seat among the leaves close by察and sitting down
beside me察and taking my hand in his察spoke to me thus此
^My darling girl察in what there has been between us察 I have察 I
hope察been really solicitous for your happiness。 When I wrote you
the letter to which you brought the answer察院smiling as he referred
to it察 I had my own too much in view察 but I had yours too。
Whether察 under different circumstances察 I might ever have
renewed the old dream I sometimes dreamed when you were very
young察of making you my wife one day察I need not ask myself。 I did
renew it察and I wrote my letter察and you brought your answer。 You
are following what I say察my child拭院
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I was cold察and I trembled violently察but not a word he uttered
was lost。 As I sat looking fixedly at him察 and the sun¨s rays
descended察softly shining through the leaves察upon his bare head察I
felt as if the brightness on him must be like the brightness of the
^Hear me察my love察but do not speak。 It is for me to speak now。
When it was that I began to doubt whether what I had done would
really make you happy察is no matter。 Woodcourt came home察and I
soon had no doubt at all。 ̄
I clasped him round the neck察 and hung my head upon his
breast察and wept。 ^Lie lightly察confidently察here察my child察院said he察
pressing me gently to him。 ^I am your Guardian and your father
now。 Rest confidently here。 ̄
Soothingly察 like the gentle rustling of the leaves察and genially察
like the ripening weather察and radiantly and beneficently察like the
sunshine察he went on。
^Understand me察 my dear girl。 I had no doubt of your being
contented and happy with me察being so dutiful and so devoted察but
I saw with whom you would be happier。 That I penetrated his
secret when Dame Durden was blind to it察 is no wonder察 for I
knew the good that could never change in her察better far than she
did。 Well I have long been in Allan Woodcourt¨s confidence察
although he was not察until yesterday察a few hours before you came
here察 in mine。 But I would not have my Esther¨s bright example
lost察 I would not have a jot of my dear girl¨s virtues unobserved
and unhonoured察I would not have her admitted on sufferance into
the line of Morgan ap Kerrig察no察not for the weight in gold of all
the mountains in Wales 院
He stopped to kiss me on the forehead察and I sobbed and wept
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afresh。 For I felt as if I could not bear the painful delight of his
^Hush察little woman Don¨t cry察this is to be a day of joy。 I have
looked forward to it察院he said察exultingly察 for months on months
A few words more察 Dame Trot察 and I have said my say。
Determined not to throw away one atom of my Esther¨s worth察 I
took Mrs Woodcourt into a separate confidence。 `Now察 madam察
said I察 I clearly perceive!and indeed I know察to boot!that your
son loves my ward。 I am further very sure that my ward loves your
son察but will sacrifice her love to a sense of duty and affection察and
will sacrifice it so completely察 so entirely察so religiously察 that you
should never suspect it察 though you watched her night and day。¨
Then I told her all our story!ours!yours and mine。 `Now察
madam察 said I察 come you察 knowing this察and live with us。 Come
you察and see my child from hour to hour察set what you see察against
her pedigree察which is this察and this¨!for I scorned to mince it!
¨and tell me what is the true legitimacy察when you shall have quite
made up your mind o