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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及313嫗

弌傍 bleak house(奈噌議型徨) 忖方 耽匈4000忖

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

words     on   the   structure    of  the  system察   and    consolidate     it  for  a 

thousand ages。 

Charles Dickens                                                      ElecBook Classics 

´ Page 1160´

                                Bleak House                                1160 

                               Chapter 63 

                            Steel And Iron 

          eorge¨s shooting´gallery is to let察and the stock is sold off察

          and George himself is at Chesney Wold察attending on Sir 


          Leicester in his rides察and riding very near his bridle´rein察

because of the uncertain hand with which he guides his horse。 But 

not  today  is George   so  occupied。   He is   journeying  today  into   the 

iron country farther north察to look about him。 

   As   he   comes   into   the   iron   country   farther   north察  such   fresh 

green woods as those of Chesney Wold are left behind察  and  coal´ 

pits   and   ashes察  high   chimneys   and   red   bricks察  blighted   verdure察

scorching     fires察 and  a  heavy   never    lightening   cloud   of  smoke察

become the features of the scenery。 Among such objects rides the 

trooper察looking about him察and always looking  for  something  he 

has come to find。 

   At last察on the black canal bridge of a busy town察with a clang of 

iron in it察and more fires and more smoke than he has seen yet察the 

trooper察  swart   with   the   dust   of   the   coal   roads察  checks   his   horse察

and   asks   the   workman   does   he   know   the    name   of   Rouncewell 


   ^Why察    master察院   quoth    the  workman察      do   I  know    my   own 


   ^¨Tis so well known here察is it察comrade拭院asked the trooper。 

   ^Rouncewells拭Ah you¨re right。 ̄ 

   ^And where might he be now拭院asks the trooper察with a glance 

before him。 

Charles Dickens                                                 ElecBook Classics 

´ Page 1161´

                                    Bleak House                                    1161 

    ^The  bank察  the  factory察  or  the  house拭院  the  workman   wants   to 


    ^Hum       Rouncewells        is  so   great    apparently察院     mutters      the 

trooper察stroking his chin察 that I have as good as half a mind to go 

back   again。   Why   I   don¨t   know   which   I   want。   Should   I   find   Mr 

Rouncewell at the factory察do you think拭院

    ^¨Tain¨t  easy   to   say   where   you¨d   find   him!at   this   time   of   the 

day you might find either him or son there察if he¨s in town察but his 

contracts take him away。 ̄ 

    And   which   is   the   factory拭  Why察  he   sees   those   chimneys!the 

tallest ones Yes察he sees them。 Well let him keep his eye on those 

chimneys察going on as straight as ever he can察and presently he¨ll 

see ¨em down   a  turning  on   the   left察  shut  in   by a   great  brick   wall 

which forms one side of the street。 That¨s Rouncewells。 

    The trooper thanks his informant察and rides slowly on察looking 

about  him。  He   does not  turn   back察  but puts   up   his   horse   and   is 

much disposed to groom him too at a public house where some of 

Rouncewell¨s   hands   are   dining察  as   the   ostler   tells   him。   Some   of 

Rouncewell¨s   hands   have   just   knocked   off   for   dinner   time察  and 

seem   to   be   invading   the   whole   town。   They   are   very   sinewy   and 

strong察are Rouncewell¨s hands!a little sooty too。 

    He   comes   to   a   gateway   in   the   brick   wall察  looks   in察  and   sees   a 

great perplexity of iron lying  about察  in   every  stage察  and   in a   vast 

variety of shapes察in bars察in wedges察in sheets察in tanks察in boilers察

in   axles察   in  wheels察   in   cogs察  in   cranks察   in  rails察  twisted    and 

wrenched into eccentric and perverse forms察as separate parts   of 

machinery察mountains of it broken up察and rusty in its age察distant 

furnaces of it glowing and bubbling in its youth察bright fireworks 

of it showering about察under the blows of the steam hammer察red´ 

Charles Dickens                                                       ElecBook Classics 

´ Page 1162´

                                  Bleak House                                   1162 

hot   iron察  white´hot   iron察  cold´black   iron察  an   iron   taste察 an   iron 

smell察and a Babel of iron sounds。 

    ^This is a place to make a make a man¨s head ache察too 院says 

the trooper察looking about him for a counting´house。 ^Who comes 

here拭This is very like me before I was set up。 This ought to be my 

nephew察if likenesses run in families。 Your servant察sir。 ̄ 

    ^Yours察sir。 Are you looking for any one拭院

    ^Excuse me。 Young Mr Rouncewell察I believe拭院

    ^Yes。 ̄ 

    ^I was looking for your father察sir。 I wished to have a word with 

him。 ̄ 

    The   young   man察  telling   him   he   is   fortunate   in   his   choice   of   a 

time察for his father is there察leads the way to the office where he is 

to be found。 ^Very like me before I was set up!devilish like me 院

thinks the trooper察as   he   follows。   They  come  to  a   building in   the 

yard察with an office on an upper floor。 At sight of the gentleman in 

the office察Mr George turns very red。 

    ^What name shall I say to my father拭院asks the young man。 

    George full of the idea of iron察in desperation answers ^Steel察院

and   is   so   presented。   He   is   left   alone   with   the   gentleman   in   the 

office察who sits at a table with account´books before him察and some 

sheets    of  paper察   blotted   with   hosts   of  figures   and   drawings     of 

cunning shapes。 It is a bare office察with bare windows察looking on 

the   iron   view   below。    Tumbled      together    on   the  table   are  some 

pieces of iron察purposely broken to be tested察at various periods of 

their    service察   in   various     capacities。    There     is   iron´dust     on 

everything察 and   the   smoke   is   seen察  through   the   windows察  rolling 

heavily out of the tall chimneys察to mingle with the smoke from a 

vaporous Babylon of other chimneys。 

Charles Dickens                                                     ElecBook Classics 

´ Page 1163´

                                   Bleak House                                    1163 

    ^I am at your service察Mr Steel察院says the gentleman察when his 

visitor has taken a rustic chair。 

    ^Well察  Mr   Rouncewell察院  George   replies察  leaning   forward察  with 

his left arm on his knee察and his hat in his hand察and very chary of 

meeting his brother¨s eye察 I am not without my expectations察that 

in the present visit I may  prove   to  be more   free   than   welcome。   I 

have served as a dragoon in my day察and a comrade of mine that I 

was once rather partial to察was察if I don¨t deceive myself察a brother 

of   yours。   I   believe   you   had   a   brother   who   gave   his   family   some 

trouble察  and   ran   away察  and   never   did   any   good   but   in   keeping 


    ^Are    you   quite    sure察院  returns    the  ironmaster察     in  an   altered 

voice察 that your name is Steel拭院

    The trooper falters and looks at him。 His brother starts up察calls 

him by his name察and grasps him by both hands。 

    ^You   are   too   quick   for   me 院  cries   the   trooper察  with   the   tears 

springing  out  of  his   eyes。   ^How  do  you  do察my  dear   old   fellow。   I 

never could have thought you would have been half so glad to see 

me as all this。 How do you do察my dear old fellow察how do you do 院

    They     shake    hands察   and   embrace      each   other察  over    and   over 

again察the trooper still coupling his ^How do you do察my dear old 

fellow 院  with   his   protestation   that   he   never   thought   his   b

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