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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及310嫗

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    ^Well察Dame Durden拭院said my Guardian察the post had brought 

him several letters察and he was writing。 ^You want money 院

    ^No察indeed察I have plenty in hand。 ̄ 

    ^There   never   was   such   a   Dame   Durden察院  said   my   Guardian察

^for making money last。 ̄ 

   He had laid down his pen察and leaned back in his chair looking 

at me。 I have often spoken of his bright face察but I thought I had 

never seen it look so bright and good。 There was a high happiness 

upon   it察  which   made   me   think察   he   has   been   doing   some   great 

kindness this morning。 ̄ 

    ^There   never   was察院  said   my   Guardian察  musing   as   he     smiled 

upon me察 such a Dame Durden for making money last。 ̄ 

   He had never yet altered his old manner。 I loved it察and him察so 

much察that when I now went up to him and took my usual chair察

which   was   always   put   at   his   side!for   sometimes   I   read   to   him察

and sometimes I talked to him察and sometimes I silently worked by 

him!I hardly liked to disturb it by laying my hand on his breast。 

But I found I did not disturb it at all。 

    ^Dear Guardian察院said I察 I want to speak to you。 Have   I   been 

remiss in anything拭院

    ^Remiss in anything察my dear 院

    ^Have I not been what I have meant to be察since!I brought the 

answer to your letter察Guardian拭院

    ^You have been everything I could desire察my love。 ̄ 

    ^I   am   very   glad   indeed   to   hear   that察院  I   returned。   ^You   know察

you said to me察was this the mistress of Bleak House拭And I said察

yes。 ̄ 

    ^Yes察院said my Guardian察nodding his head。 He had put his arm 

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about   me察  as   if   there   were   something   to   protect   me   from察  and 

looked into my face察smiling。 

    ^Since    then察院  said   I察   we  have   never   spoken   on     the  subject 

except once。 ̄ 

    ^And then I said察Bleak House was thinning fast察and so it was察

my dear。 ̄ 

    ^And    I   said察院   I  timidly    reminded      him察    but   its  mistress 

remained。 ̄ 

    He   still   held  me in   the   same protecting  manner察  and   with   the 

same bright goodness in his face。 

    ^Dear Guardian察院said I察 I know how you have felt all that has 

happened察and how considerate you have been。 As so much time 

has   passed察  and   as   you   spoke   only   this   morning   of   my   being   so 

well again察perhaps you expect me to renew the subject。 Perhaps I 

ought   to   do   so。   I   will   be   the   mistress   of   Bleak   House   when   you 

please。 ̄ 

    ^See 院   he   returned     gaily察  what    a  sympathy      there   must    be 

between   us   I   have   had   nothing   else察  poor   Rick   excepted!it¨s   a 

large exception!in my mind。 When you came in察I   was   full   of it。 

When shall we give Bleak House its mistress察little woman拭院

    ^When you please。 ̄ 

    ^Next month 院

    ^Next month察dear Guardian。 ̄ 

    ^The day on which I take the happiest and best step of my life! 

the    day   on   which    I  shall  be   a  man    more    exulting    and   more 

enviable than any other man in the world!the day on which I give 

Bleak   House   its   little   mistress!shall   be   next   month察  then察院  said 

my Guardian。 

    I put my arms round his neck and kissed him察just as I had done 

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on the day when I brought my answer。 

   A servant came to the door to announce Mr Bucket察which was 

quite unnecessary察for Mr Bucket was already looking in over the 

servant¨s shoulder。 ^Mr Jarndyce and Miss Summerson察院said he 

rather   out   of   breath察   with   all   apologies   for   intruding察 will   you 

allow me to order up a person that¨s on the stairs察and that objects 

to being left there in case of becoming the subject of observation in 

his absence拭Thank you。 Be so good as chair that there Member in 

this   direction察  will  you拭院   said  Mr    Bucket察   beckoning     over   the 


   This singular request produced an old man in a black skull´cap察

unable   to   walk察  who   was   carried   up   by   a   couple   of   bearers察  and 

deposited in the room near the door。 Mr Bucket immediately got 

rid of the bearers察mysteriously shut the door察and bolted it。 

    ^Now you see察Mr Jarndyce察院he then began察putting down his 

hat察   and    opening     his   subject    with   a   flourish    of  his   well´ 

remembered finger察 you know me察and Miss Summerson knows 

me。     This   gentleman      likewise     knows     me察  and    his   name     is 

Smallweed。   The   discounting   line   is   his   line   principally察  and   he¨s 

what you may call a dealer in bills。 That¨s about what you are察you 

know察ain¨t you拭院said Mr Bucket察stopping a little to address the 

gentleman in question察who was exceedingly suspicious of him。 

   He  seemed   about  to  dispute  this designation   of   himself察  when 

he was seized with a violent fit of coughing。 

    ^Now察    Moral察   you   know 院    said   Mr   Bucket察    improving     the 

accident。 ^Don¨t you contradict when there ain¨t no occasion察and 

you won¨t be took in that way。 Now察Mr Jarndyce察I address myself 

to you。 I¨ve been negotiating with this gentleman on behalf of Sir 

Leicester Dedlock察Baronet察and one way and another I¨ve been in 

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and    out   and   about    his   premises     a  deal。  His   premises     are   the 

premises      formerly   occupied   by      Krook察   Marine     Store   Dealer!a 

relation of this gentleman¨s察that you saw in his lifetime察if I don¨t 


    My Guardian replied ^Yes。 ̄ 

    ^Well    You    are   to  understand察院     said   Mr    Bucket察    that   this 

gentleman       he   come    into   Krook¨s   property察    and   a  good    deal  of 

magpie   property   there   was。   Vast   lots   of   waste   paper   among   the 

rest。 Lord bless you察of no use to nobody 院

    The   cunning  of   Mr  Bucket¨s   eye察  and   the   masterly   manner   in 

which   he   contrived察  without   a   look   or   a   word   against   which   his 

watchful   auditor  could   protest察  to   let   us   know   that   he   stated   the 

case according to previous agreement察and could say  much more 

of   Mr   Smallweed   if   he   thought   it   advisable察  deprived   us   of   any 

merit in quite understanding him。 His difficulty was increased by 

Mr Smallweed¨s being deaf as well as suspicious察and watching his 

face with the closest attention。 

    ^Among them odd heaps of old papers察this gentleman察when he 

comes into the property察  naturally  begins   to  rummage察don¨t  you 

see拭院said Mr Bucket。 

    ^To   which拭  Say   that   again察院  cried   Mr   Smallweed察  in   a   shrill 

sharp voice。 

    ^To   rummage察院  repeated   Mr   Bucket。   ^Being   a   prudent   man察

and being accustomed to take care of your own affairs察you begin 

to rummage among the papers as you have come into察don¨t you拭院

    ^Of course I do察院cried Mr Smallweed。 

    ^Of    course   you    do察院 said   Mr   Bucket察    conversationally察      and 

much to blame you would be if you didn¨t。 And so you chance to 

find察you know察院Mr Bucket went on察stooping over him with an air 

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